Curse of Curves


“Maybe…maybe we should get away from here…”

“Yeah…maybe we should,” I whispered, too out of it right now to really comprehend what I had just said.

Ethan tensed in my arms when my head fell onto his shoulder. My eyes felt so extremely heavy although I was just asleep. Ethan was speaking to me, but his voice sounded blurred and without my say in it, I blacked out.

When I woke up I felt cold. My arms searched for Ethan next to me, but all I felt was the stiffness of the hospital sheets. Groaning, I push myself up onto my elbows and force my crusted eyes to open.

Things were blurry at first, but eventually my eyes adjusted. As expected I was still in the hospital room, but it was much darker then I remember it being when I fell asleep.

Tiredly, I rub at my eyes and look to my right to see my mother asleep in a plastic chair. I frowned, why would she sleep there?

I grabbed an extra blanket from my bed and threw it on her. Honestly, if she was going to stay here the least she could do is cover herself up. I don’t want her getting sick-oh great, now I sound like a mother!

I smacked my head, but immediately regretted it when it began to pound.

“Fuck,” I whined, dragging out the ‘u’ to make it more dramatic. “That hurt.”

My mother stirred so I quickly shut up. I didn’t want her waking up then getting her cooties all over me by hugging me and shit. Ew.

I couldn’t help but wonder where Ethan was though. Did he go home? Is he safe at home? Those fuckers won’t try to get a hold of him too…right?

My fists clenched at the thought, but thankfully all worries were thrown out the window when I heard an all too familiar voice ask, “You’re awake?”

My head shot to the side and I grinned when I saw Ethan standing in the doorway to my room. His hands were cupped around a steaming cup of coffee or maybe it was hot chocolate, it doesn’t really matter.

“Hey beautiful, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”

Ethan blushed before mumbling, “I swear you practice things like that in the mirror everyday.”

“You bet your sweet ass I do.” I winked at him, which only darkened the color on his cheeks.

Ethan walked over to me; he placed his cup of whatever on the nightstand, before putting himself in my lap and open arms. I wrapped my arms around him before bringing him closer allowing our chests to touch.

“The doctors say y-you’ll probably be out b-by tomorrow,” Ethan spoke softly.

“Really? Aw man, I like being waited on.”

Ethan rolls his eyes at me but smiles anyways. I couldn’t help but lean in to capture his lips. As if it came naturally his arms came up to wrap around my neck to deepen the kiss. Our lips moved in sync with one another and when I felt something run across my bottom lip I smirked.

I was happy to say that Ethan was the one who pried my mouth open to push his tongue past my lips so he could explore my mouth. I brought my hands down to cup his ass. His fingers curled in my hair while his tongue ran over my own, coaxing a moan from me.

When we both pulled away for air I noticed his cheeks were ablaze but he had on a triumphant smirk. It wasn’t a smile, a smirk as in something that I would do. I couldn’t help but chuckle, “Maybe I am corrupting you?”

He laughed softly before resting his head on my chest. “Maybe…”

The both of us jumped when someone cleared their throat. Looking to the side we both see that my mother was wide-awake and smiling.

“Sorry to interrupt boys,” she giggled and Ethan couldn’t seem to look at her because he had his face hidden in my hospital gown. “But I need to talk to you both.”

“About?” Ethan mumbles, his voice muffled by the shirt. I laughed at him, he’s so cute.

“About what happened,” she answered, taking a look at me. “Um…Carol and I talked about this and we’ve…we’ve both come to a decision.”

“And what’s that?” I ask, my grip suddenly tightening around Ethan. If she said anything about us breaking up I’ll snap her in half.

She looked between us as if she was debating on saying it or not before answering, “I think sweetie that you and I should move, and that Ethan should tag along.”

“Really?” Ethan and I question in unison.

She nods. “What happened was bad and…neither of us want it to happen again. Carol is still…unsure…about you, Ethan.”

Ethan frowned at that, but I quickly kissed his forehead to show that it was all right. He cuddled closer into my chest before saying, “Go on.”

“Well…it isn’t safe for you two to be here. Carol has agreed that you can live with us, but you have to keep your grades up and not get in trouble just like back here. She also wants you to call whenever you can.”

I laughed while Ethan rolled his eyes grumbling, “I’m not a child.”

My mother laughed before saying, “But she is your mom so she will be worried…so boys, what do you think?”

“Sounds great! This place was giving me the creeps any who’s,” I said with a huge grin.

The two of us looked back down at Ethan. He simply smiled before nodding. “A-All right…sounds good.”
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I suck at explaining plans
I'm sorry x.x

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