Curse of Curves


I placed my bags into Hannah’s car where Arrow was sitting in the backseat, waiting for me.

Mom was standing on the side walk with my father as he had his arms wrapped around her as if he were comforting her. But that couldn’t be what he was doing because, well, I didn’t think Mom needed comfort. After all, I, her gay son, was going away so that I wouldn’t have to tarnish her reputation here.

“Ethan, wait,” Mom called out to me. I hope she wasn’t about to tell me I couldn’t go. After what happened to Arrow, I was fairly afraid to go to this school anymore. Either way, I turned to her, biting my lip. She slowly walked up to me and before I could ask what she wanted, she wrapped her arms around me. “Ethan… I… I still love you… okay? Be on your best behavior while you’re there. I love you, Honey.”

I smiled at that, tears pricking at my eyes. All this time I thought she really hated me. “I’m still not entirely okay with you being gay, but… I’ll try to get past it because you’re my son and I should still love you.”

“I love you, too, Mom,” I told her before kissing her cheek and giving my dad a hug and then climbing into the car next to Arrow.

“Ready, babe?” He asked, coiling an arm around my waist before kissing my cheek. “You’re gonna love my old town!”

“I bet everyone there is normal…,” I whispered, grinning, earning a laugh from Arrow.

“Oh, they’re normal, alright,” he said, instantly making me doubt what he said by the tone of voice he was using.

I arched an eyebrow at him suspiciously. “Well, at least they do stuff, unlike the drones at your school.”

“Sounds fun,” I said, before wrapping my arms around him and nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck and kissing the flesh there.


“I always wondered what your room would look like with some amazing posters on your walls!” Arrow said, looking around my new room (for the fifth time today) where his handiwork was evident as the posters were on the wall.

“I don’t know any of these bands!” I said, pouting.

He looked at me with a shocked face before he said, “Oh, right, you were living under a rock before you met me.”

There was a short silence before I realized he was smirking over at me. “Wh-what?”

“I must say, my corrupting you has worked out for the better,” he said, his grin getting wider.

“Right, right…,” I said, smiling up at him. I leaned up and pecked his lips.

“If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?” He asked, smirking. It took me a second to realize that it was a pick-up line.

There was a faint blush on my cheeks before he pulled me against his chest. “Too late.”

He pressed his lips to my cheek and then to my forehead in a sweet manner. As he pulled away from me I had to suppress my displeasure in him being separated from me.

“You two need to get to bed. You have school tomorrow,” Arrow’s mom said as she walked past the doorway.

“Aww… but Mommy!” Arrow whined.

“Don’t give me that,” Hannah said, arching her eyebrow at him.

“At least it’s not a Christian school…,” I suggested to him.

“That means I don’t have to worry about getting jumped!” He said it in a mildly sarcastic tone that made the whole incident sound light-hearted.

But I frowned at the memory of him getting beat up. I hated that that had happened to him. But right now, I’m just glad we were away from that place.

But Arrow sighed, knowing he’d have to go to bed whether he liked it or not. “Goodnight beautiful,” he said before pressing his lips against mine. I smiled against his lips, happy that we weren’t thereanymore; that we were starting over in a new town, together.

When we pulled away (grudgingly, I might add) I said, “Night…”

With that, I tucked myself into bed and fell into sleep, excited to meet Arrow’s friends the next day.


“Ethan… Ethan…” Someone’s voice called before escalating into a higher pitch. “Hey, Sexy! Wake up!”

I rolled over and out of bed, before Arrow held out clothes to me. “I found you some amazing clothes!”

“Uh… O-okay…” I eyed him before he got the message and left the room so I could get dressed.

I threw on the tight skinny jeans he’d given me along with the slim-fit band t-shirt and jacket.

Arrow opened the door without asking if it was ‘safe’ to come in. “Holy shit! You look fucking hot. With extra emphasis on ‘fucking’.”

I blushed before he led me out the door and to the school.


“Arrow? It is you! What are you doing back, man?” A boy screamed as we walked through the halls.

“Quinn! Oh pal of mine!” Arrow cried as he hugged the boy.

“Kasey! Look who it is!” Quinn yelled to a girl standing a few feet away from him.

“Arry!” She squealed before throwing herself into his open arms. Then the girl turned to me. “Who’s this cutie?”

I inched away from her gaze and tried to hide myself behind Arrow, all the while blushing. “This is my hottie of a boyfriend Ethan.”

“Oh… the boy you couldn’t stop talking about on IM? Is he sick of your ‘Satanic’ ways yet?” Quinn asked, chuckling.

“Shh! He doesn’t know about my evil ways yet!” He grinned, letting me know he was just kidding.

The rest of the day was filled with easy conversations between me, Arrow, Quinn, and Kasey. It was surprisingly easy to talk to them. And they were so open-minded, which made me regret all the days I spent in that idiotic Christianjail school.

When Arrow and I got home, his mom wasn’t there, which surprised me. I thought she’d be more of a stay-at-home mom.

“Where’s your mom?” I asked, glancing around.

“She works; how else do you think we have money?” He said, as if it were obvious. “So, what did you think of my friends?”

“They’re a lot better than the ones back home,” I told him, turning on the TV in my room. It was still weird because I’ve never had a TV in my room before. Actually, I never had anything in my room before.

Arrow was seated next to me on my bed as we watched TV. “It’s weird seeing you in normal clothes,” he said, smirking and tugging at the belt I had on, playfully. “But very hot at the same time.”
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I'm sorry for not updating in so long!
I was working on my poster; which is now finished!
Now I have four other people who want one XD
We had a lockdown at school for nearly an hour and while I thought there was a killer with a gun in the school, there was actually a drug bust and all kind of cops were there searching lockers and cars and such. XD
And I was texting people trying to find out what was going on because my teacher didn't know what was going on and he was like, "put your cell phone away." What a dick.
Did I mention that Alien now wants to write a slash with me because 'everyone else is'?