Curse of Curves


“Wake up, Beautiful,” I heard the familiar voice call to me. I opened my eyes to see Arrow smiling over at me from the side of the bed he was on.

Any other day I’d have been completely unembarrassed and would’ve met his smile with my own, but the memory of the night before burned through my mind. At that, I hid my face under the covers as it heated up with inevitable awkwardness.

So many things had happened just the night before. We made love, he told me he loved me and I returned those feelings, the unavoidable truth that they were.

“Don’t act so shy,” he said, chuckling lightly before pulling my bare body into his chest, making me squeak. He laughed at that and my cheeks became even redder.

But then he stopped, like he’d thought of something and held me at a short distance before asking, “You… aren’t regretting it, are you?”

“What?” I asked, my voice cracking. “N-no I just… ” I bit down on my lip.

But he seemed satisfied with just that answer and pulled me back into his chest. I flinched when I felt the familiar jolt of pain run up my spine from last night. I winced and then let my teeth clamp down over my lip.

“Oww…!” I whined, pouting. “I think I’m regretting it now,” I joked, wrinkling my nose.

“I’m sorry…,” he whispered into my shoulder as his head rested there.

“Does this mean I g-get to b-be top next time?” I stuttered slightly, grinning in a shy manner. I giggled before he could answer and said, “K-Kidding. I’m f-fine with being b-bottom.”

And I was; he made it feel good. Besides that, he was careful with me, but I guess that didn’t make the pain next morning go away.

“Mhmm… as long as you’re okay,” he said, kissing my lips before ruffling my hair. “Now, let’s go get some bites to eat.”

He got out of bed, his hair a mess and his body completely exposed. Seriously, did he want me to jump him?

However, I ignored those urges and started to roll out of bed. I pulled on a shirt, my boxers, and pajama pants (it was the weekend and I was determined to wear pajamas all day because they’re comfortable). All of my movements were pained though thanks to a certain boy in the room that wasn’t me.

Suddenly though, I was being lifted into the air, making me squeak in surprise.

“Think of me as your personal taxi service,” he said, grinning. “At least until it doesn’t hurt you to walk.”

I giggled shyly and then nuzzled into his neck. “I love you,” I whispered into the skin there.

I felt him smile and then he said, “I love you, too,” before squeezing me tighter to him.


I think that from the beginning I was captivated by Arrow’s sense of freedom and individuality. That’s what attracted me to him. Not only that, but he was nice, he cared about me and not about the fact that I was a ‘perfect’ child. He didn’t have any outrageous expectations of me.

He was realistic and down-to-earth and he didn’t buy into any of the ‘perfect’ shit in our old town.

And that’s what I loved about him. And I’m pretty sure I’ll love him for a long time to come.

Of course, I still lied to him about not being able to walk awhile after it stopped hurting so he’d carry me longer.
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wahhh XD
It's the end.