Curse of Curves


That guy’s seriously messed up. Suggesting a hand job? Seriously? I mean, I know he was kidding, but it shouldn’t have bothered me so much. Was he kidding…? Why was this bothering me so much?

I couldn’t possibly want anything he was suggesting then why did I blush and get flustered like that? Besides suggesting sex with another man is… it’s…

Wrong? An abomination? Why does that sound stupid…? It’s says so in the bible. But it sounds idiotic when I think about it. Why?

But then I was cut from my train of thought by my bedroom door being opened. “Ethan, dear, are you going to sleep any time soon? You wouldn’t want bags under those beautiful eyes or yours.”

“…” I stayed silent, feeling myself becoming, well, angry at her for worrying about something as minuscule as that when I had a big test to study for in Calculus. “Yes, Mom. I’ll go to sleep soon.” I told her, reminding myself that I had to answer her or suffer the consequences o not being perfect.

I was lying though. I knew I needed to stay up until at least midnight to finish my homework and run over my notes so I got an A on my test tomorrow.

After I finished with my homework, I rolled over in bed and forced myself asleep.


“You stayed up late last night.” Mom stated as she inspected my eyes which now had black bags under them.

“I have a test in Calculus. I was studying for it.” I said, trying to make up for my imperfection.

She just sighed disappointedly and pointed to the bathroom, where I knew I needed to apply the concealer.

She smiled at me when I showed my now-flawless face and urged me on to school.


Something was off when I got to school. There was no disturbance, no menacing presence, no Arrow.

That should be a good thing, I thought, but then bit my lip as I realized that maybe it wasn’t. The school seemed dull and lifeless without his vulgar drawings and his… ‘home decorating’.

Was it always like this?

Instantly, I released the flesh that I realized was between my teeth. That was a bad habit, my mom always told me. It could make your lips red and swollen if you bit too hard; it could make you imperfect – give you a defect in your appearance.

But, yes, it always was like this, boring, white, bland. Teachers and students alike seemed to be incredibly relieved that he was gone though.

I sat through my classes, nearly falling asleep in each of them due to the sleep deprivation from last night and the fact that there was no Arrow making mischief everywhere so that I’d be forced to stay wide awake.

Trust me, a few minutes of discomfort when he winks at me or using terrible… pick-up lines was worth it to stay awake, that way I wouldn’t miss out on my classes. And that’s the only reason I wished that he was here. No, really… it is.

“Seems like the Devil isn’t here today.” Megan piped up, smiling widely.

“I heard he had to attend an exorcism.” Kaylyn said. Of course she had to be the gossip queen of the group.

“Listen you two, the kid may be off, but he’s not possessed.” I stated in the businesslike tone that sounded so mature that they had to listen to me. “Look at the facts a little more carefully and then accuse people or possession.” I told them before picking up my tray and dumping the uneaten contents into the trash before exiting the cafeteria and heading to my next class.


However, that thinking completely turned around when he was there the next day, giving me one of his smirks.

I turned back to my locker, ignoring him, hoping and praying he’d leave me alone today. Why did I wish he was here yesterday? Right… because he makes this place… exciting? Because he’d keep me awake with the trouble he causes.

I grabbed my books and sped off to child development. Of course, he took that as his cue to follow right behind me, close enough that I could feel his menacing presence tailing me. I tried my best to block it out as I took my seat in the classroom and nearly groaned out loud when he took his seat behind me.

“I think you still owe me a hand job in the boy’s restroom.” He said, nearly making me squeak and succeeding in making me blush.

Knowing he wasn’t going to let up on me, I decided to attempt to change the topic. “Were you skipping school yesterday?” I asked cautiously, not entirely sure I wanted to know.

“What?” He piped up, obviously surprised I’d replied to him. “Ethan cares!” He squealed before wrapping me into a hug from behind making me freeze to the spot. “Mrs. H!” He called to the teacher, gaining her attention. “Did you know Ethan cares!?”

She just laughed at the display. No! You evil woman! You aren’t supposed to laugh! You’re supposed to save me from sudden doom via Arrow!

It took me several minutes to calm down and get my muscles to relax after that and even more time to regulate my breathing.

“Hey, I was thinking of stealing the frogs from the biology room.”

I turned to him, a look of shock on my face.

“You wanna help me?” He grinned

It took me a few minutes to respond. “Why?”

He rolled his eyes at me. “Why not?” He replied as if it would answer my question.

“That doesn’t answer my question.” I respond to his vague reply.

“Because it’s fun. So? Are you in?”

I shook my head rapidly. No way was I going to be a part of that. “I’m not getting into trouble.”

“C’mon Ethan!” He whined, tugging on my sleeve. “Pwease…?” He asked childishly, giving another tug on my sleeve.

I pulled my arm sharply back. “No, I can’t.” I stated, trying to keep my voice calm just as the bell rang. I sped out of the classroom and tried to hide myself in the crowd of students.
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