Curse of Curves


I grinned like a manic as I walked down the halls with my hands behind my hands. Ethan cared? He cared! At least…he had asked about yesterday. That pretty much means he cares, even if it’s just a little bit, right?

Actually to both my own and my mother’s surprise I didn’t skip yesterday. I was actually sick. I had a headache and a fever. I couldn’t keep my food down and I just felt like shit. I wasn’t sure if it was just from being “home sick” or if I caught a twenty-four hour bug. Who the hell knows, but I’m better now.

I was a little sad now though that Ethan wasn’t going to help me with my little plan. It’s not like I expected him to say yes though. After all the boy is “perfect” and no “perfect” child can steal frogs from the bio lab.

I shrugged it off though. Not like I care, I can do it by myself.

I stuffed my belongings into my locker before slamming it shut and heading towards the biology room. I knew the teacher wasn’t in there. He had a prep period this period and was hanging out in the teacher lounge, probably master bating to pictures of Oprah or something…

Ew, bad image.

I shook my head as I tip toed into the room. Quietly, I walked to the tank where they kept the live frogs. Grinning like a Cheshire cat, I put on gloves and open up the tank. I held in my snickers as I put the little guys into boxes and as swiftly as I went in I ran out.

The halls were silent as I crept through them. I had a plan and no one was going to detour me from it. Snickering, I place one of the boxes in the middle of the hall before getting a sticky note and writing, “Open me.” I went to the next hall and another before I hid in the boys’ bathroom and waited…

Not even five minutes later the bell rung and as expected the kids piled out of their classrooms. I grinned when one of the idiots actually walked up to the box. The boy picked it up and shook it before the top opened and out jumped the frogs!

I heard screaming from the other two hallways and I fell onto my ass laughing. The kids ran, panicked, and tried to avoid the little green creatures jumping about the halls while I simply rolled on the floor laughing until I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

Holy shit, I can’t believe they fell for that! What idiots…

Someone cleared their throat above me and slowly I turned so I was lying on my back. I stared up at the man standing before me with a scowl on his face and arms crossed over his chest.

I grinned at him before asking, “Can I help you?”

“My office. Now,” the principal hissed before walking away.

I sigh before pushing myself up onto my elbows. I scanned the halls once more before jumping onto my feet and following the man.


“Are you five years old?” My mother shouted at me from my side. “Taking frogs from a biology room and setting them lose in the halls? Damn it Arrow, you need to stop screwing up so much!”

“I’m willing to let it go this time,” the principal spoke, giving my mother a moment to catch her breath.

“Don’t worry,” she says to the man before shooting a glare at me. “It won’t. Happen. Again. Isn’t that right, Arrow?”

“I’d say yes, but you always taught me not to lie,” I said with a sickly grin. Both of them shot me glares as I pushed myself to stand, dusting the invisible dirt off me, I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder. “Now if you don’t mind it’s time for lunch and I’m starved. See you later mommy!”

I kissed her cheek sloppily for hopping away.


I stepped into the lunchroom and suddenly…all conversations stopped. I smirked as all eyes looked to me. Some were amused, frightened, and others annoyed. I honestly didn’t care though…I was just having fun and bringing life to this school and they can take it anyway they want.

Well, actually I did care about one person’s thoughts on this. I looked straight at the boy too, straight into his dark green eyes, which widened when he realized I was staring right at him.

I wasn’t sure what he thought about my little stunt, but I wish I did know. Did he think I was annoying? A freak? The Satan reincarnated? Did he feel the same way about me as everyone else?

I sighed before walking to the lunch line and getting my food. Whispers broke out as I walked past tables and I knew that they were all about me. I bet half of the kids were saying something bad about me, but I didn’t care.

They can think what they want. It’s not like their opinions will ever matter to me.

I jump up onto my lunch table and sit on it. For some odd reason I didn’t feel like sitting on the seat like I was supposed to. No one said anything to me either as I munched away on my chicken fingers.

I took a glance at Ethan again who sat with his friends. I guess I could say friends. He did sit with them at lunch; then again I didn’t see him talk to any of them outside of the cafeteria. Whatever, not like it matters.

I watched as the boy ate his lunch and occasionally spoke to the people around him. Every now and then I’d catch the boy look over at me and tense up when he realized that I was staring right at him. He’d quickly turn away and act like it didn’t even happen.

Suddenly the bell rang, breaking the tension in the lunchroom. People scurried out of the lunchroom, leaving me alone on the cafeteria table. I hadn’t finished eating and I decided that I’d just be late to my next class. I was held up in the office so it gave me an excuse.

Once I finished eating I threw my trash away and dragged my feet to the next class. When I got there I was scolded, but I ignored the teacher and scratched at my head aimlessly as I tried to remember what this class was. When I realized I had no idea I looked at the teacher and asked, “Dude, what class is this anyways?”

The man scoffed and looked at me as if I tried to stab him. He looked me from head to toe before shouting, “Out! Get out of my classroom you heathen!”

“Who the fuck says heathen?”

The man gasped, “Detention!”

I raised an eyebrow at him as if he was stupid before asking, “You must be losing your marbles if you think I’m attending a detention old man. Why don’t you just shut the fuck up before I stab you and watch the dust come out?”

I heard a few people gasps while some actually held back their laughter. After all it wasn’t everyday that someone cussed out their teacher in this school.

“Go to the principal’s office young man!” He shouts.

“Yeah, yeah, ok,” I wave him off. “Don’t get your reproductive organs in a bunch.”

I walked out of the room and decided I’d just skip this class. I walked down to Ethan’s locker where I pressed my back against it and slid to the floor. Aimlessly I began picking at my shoelaces, waiting for class to end so I could talk to Ethan.

It’s not like I had anything important to say. I just like making him blush.
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