Status: Active

Beautiful Insanity


Just as the taxi pulled up in front of the mall, Billie and Anton sprinted towards the main door. The male nurse and Ang hurried after them, leaving me and Gerard walking awkwardly behind them. I saw him biting his lip nervously, clearly trying to find something to break the ice. But sadly, he wasn’t the ice-breaking kind of person. So I went for it.

“So Gee, I really don’t know much about you…” I started. “Tell me something interesting!” I said and I saw him smile nervously.

“Well there’s nothing interesting to tell actually…” He mumbled. His cheeks burned as he was trying to look nonchalant, aka failing miserably but I thought it was cute.

“Oh common, there must be something to tell because I think you’re interesting” I nearly gasped in shock. Those words fucking slipped out of my mouth! ‘Fucking hustler’ I scolded myself but my little flirtatious note clearly gave him some courage to say something.

“Well, as you know I draw. I like making my own superheroes and make my own comic books, I have some ideas in the oven at the moment but…” He sighed. “Nothing really good though, yet” he grinned, showing his little teeth yet again which always made my heart melt just a little bit.

“Awesome! So do you read comics as well or?” I asked curious, I was a huge comic book freak.

“Oh yeah! It’s like my life or something” He laughed. “I read The Watchmen and Wolfverine and-” Angelina suddenly came running towards us and jacked us forward, into the mall.

“What the fuck?”

“You guys took ages! Billie and Anton have already bought things!”

“Oh” We let out and followed her inside.

For an hour we walked around the mall, doing nothing in mine and Gerard’s opinions because we hadn’t bought anything well at least not as much as Billie and Anton had bought. Billie had bought like 4 full bags of just clothes and then filled a bag of CD’s and other stuff and Anton the same but a lot more of makeup. All that me and Gerard had bought were a couple of CD’s. But as we were about to walk out of Starbucks a girl with bleached hair and pink hair extensions stopped right in front me.

“Oh my god! Frank! Where have you been!?” At first I didn’t recognize her but just as soon I looked into her eyes I knew who it was. It was Amanda. And just in case you guys have forgotten who that was then newsflash, it’s my ex girlfriend.

“Oh hi Amanda” I mumbled nervously and a bit embarrassed. There was no way I was going to tell her that I was now locked up in some crazy house in the middle of nowhere.

“It’s been like ages darling! How have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages!” She kept on going as I did my best to answer her politely like I always did, before all of this shit happened. And thank god, she didn’t see any chance in me, she just looked at me as the old Frank…Yes Frank, I allowed people to call my Frank in the old days, You would have thought that I had snapped at her for calling me that but no I didn’t. It’s because I loved her and maybe I still do, I don’t know, but it made me feel secure when she called me Frank…like I had a purpose here or something.

As our conversation started to pick up to speed I found out that she had ditched school and started working at Burger King, what a good idea! …Not. Anyway, and she had been dating my ex best friend, Kyle but now was single and was in a girl rock band and what not. I also noticed that she had changed on the outside as well, she had a nose ring, snake bites and a star tattoo on her shoulder. When we were dating she had cute, short brown hair, no piercings or tattoos and always wore cute hoodies and cool jeans but now, she looked like a scene whore but only a bit too old for that crap but that didn’t bother her, clearly.

"You like the change Frank? I know I've changed!" She laughed and placed her hand softly on my shoulder.

"Of course, I love the hair" I faked a smile, just to make her happy and it worked.

"Aww, thank you Frank, you've changed aswell, gotten more sexier!" She grinned, waiting for me to flirt back but sorry, I wasn't bothered.

I also noticed Gerard getting nervous and annoyed as she started talking about our relationship, how much she missed me and when I said I missed her too I saw him bite his lip quite a bit. I didn’t know how to feel about it actually, should I say ‘aww what a cutie, he should know that I like him not her’ or say ‘dude what the fuck? I’m not yours!’But I ignored it.

“Well I’ve gotta go Frank, we’ll have to go on a date or something soon!” She joked, hugging me close to her but I could see Gerard’s expression harden quite a bit from her words. But I knew that was only her sick humor coming out. And of course, as soon she left Gerard bombed me with questions.

“Let me guess, an ex?”

“Yub” I answered dryly.

“She’s hot” He mumbled as he tried his best to sound nonchalant.

“Well she was a lot hotter” I answered and Gerard finally got the point; I didn’t want to talk about it. If there was something I hated, well there’s a lot of things but anyway, then it was talking about my love life…It’s just something that’s really really private to me.

After a painfully quiet 10 minutes with Gerard, Angelina and the male nurse found us and brought us outside where we found Billie and Anton waiting for a cab.

“Oh this was the best day ever! I bought everything that I’ve been missing for months so now…my life’s complete!” Anton said dramatically, leaning on Billie pretending that he was about to pass out from happiness. I couldn’t help but laugh, even though I had only known these guys for a few days I felt like I’ve known them my whole life…Like they were my family and I guess now…They really are.
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I know it's short but hey!
it's an update!
so comments?