Status: Active

Beautiful Insanity

Isle 402

When I opened my eyes all I could see was white. Everything was white, the walls were white, the windows were white, my fucking bed was white and even my stinking clothes were fucking white. I sat up and found myself in a small white room that looked more than a little white box to be honest. I looked down at my aching arm and saw a little red dot on my arm which was surrounded by a fucking huge bruise. “Fucking witch” I cursed under my breath. Suddenly I heard someone knock and in came the old doctor from last night.

“Good morning Frank, I’m sorry that you’re not in your real room but newcomers always stay here their first night.” The doctor informed me in a polite manor. Frank…Ah yes, that’s my name. I was used to be called Frankie when I had a life.

“I’m doctor Helmshy, and this is Angelina, she will lead you to your room.” A young woman suddenly appeared behind him. Angelina had her long brown hair tied up in a ponytail and was stressed up in the same dress as the nurse last night but she looked a lot nicer than that fucking witch.

“Let’s go Frank” She said as that doctor left. I stood up and followed her out of that horrifying room. She took me through a lot of small white corridors, everything here was fucking white! “Here we have isle 506, that’s for the girls” Angelina pointed at another corridor that I couldn’t even bother to look at. Girls didn’t interest me one fucking bit.

After fucking 15 minutes of walking through this fucking mental castle Angelina finally stopped by a isle that was marked ‘402’ and under it was a pirate skull. I chuckled. “Here’s where you are staying” She forced a smile and opened the door. Inside there was a huge living room and 4 bedrooms and 1 bathroom and there were 3 guys sitting on the biggest couch fighting for some reason.

“Get the fuck away from me Antwooon!” A guy with multicolor hair yelled at a guy with pearly white hair. The guy with the white hair or ‘Antwon’ like the guy with the multicolor hair called him, slapped the other guy in the face.

“That’s not my name bitch! You know it’s Anton! Learn English Billie!” Anton, the white haired guy, said, shutting Billie up. The third guy just sat there staring at the TV with blank eyes. “Calm down boys! We’ve got a new guy on our block” Angelina interrupted and shoved me in front of her. The three of them looked at me with big eyes. “Ang! We didn’t know we were going to get a new friend!” Anton said and jumped up from the sofa. I felt my shyness come up to the surface and making me blush.

“Hi! I’m Anton!” He said with a very cute high pitch voice as he waved at me. Then Billie stood up from the couch and walked towards me.
“You don’t look that bad” He said more to himself than me. “I’m Billie, nice to meet you” He smiled and waved at me.

“I’m Frank but please call me Frankie…”I mumbled as I bit my lip. I hated meeting new people, it always made me super unsure about myself.

“Welcome to the family then Frankie! And oh that’s Gerard, don’t mind him at the moment…he’s having his bad day now.” Anton explained and I darted my eyes to Gerard who was still staring emptily at the TV screen. I let out a ‘ah’ and allowed Angelina to show me my room. It was bigger and better looking than the one I woke up in. It wasn’t as white as the room I woke up in, I had a black desk and wooden wardrobe and a big comfy looking bed and next to it spotted I my belongings; my books, ipod, guitar and clothes.

“And remember, if you need anything then there’s a button above your bed and I’ll come right away” She smiled and closed the door behind her. I sighed annoyed. This was going to be hell, being stuck at this place with some freaks…great. ‘Well I guess it’s better being here than being stuck with the freaks at home’ I thought to myself as I started unpacking my things. Yes that was right, those fuckers at home sold me out. It’s not my fault that I had an nervous breakdown after realizing that I wasn’t as perfect as my parents had brought me up to think. I think after that discovery, something clicked in my brain and I haven’t been the same since and I’m not complaining. It’s better being a freak than being perfect.

When everything was in order in my room I plunged myself on the bed and yes it was 100% better than the one I had at home. “See! This is not that bad!” I said out loud and chuckled at the fact I just talked to myself for the first time. No wonder I’ve started to talk to myself, I’m at a fucking mental institution for fuck shakes! I’m allowed to talk to myself.

“Hey Frankie, can I come in?” Anton’s voice suddenly broke the silence in my room. I sat up and opened the door. “Thanks man” He said and stepped inside; he was wearing pink pajamas and black t-shirt that said ‘The Used’ on it. He had neon green eyes that for some reason matched him perfectly. He had a small nose and high cheek bones, he looked absolutely a model.

“So erm, how are you?” He asked nervous and sat down on my bed. I sat down beside him and looked at him curious. Why did he want to get to know me?

“I’m great…Or can anyone be great after they’ve been thrown into a mental institute?” Anton laughed at my sarcasm and ran his fingers though his hair, I noticed that he had black nail polish on his fingers. It looked awesome.

“You’re right” He smiled. “But since you’re new here I decided to tell you how things work here so you wouldn’t end up being killed.

“Okay let’s start with Billie. He’s from Oakland and he was brought here because he tried to strangle 4 people in his class with his guitar strings and then also throwing several knifes at the teachers in the middle of class. I actually find it quite hilarious but that’s how he ended here anyway. His room is marked with a big poster of a guitar. Anyway, tips on how to get on his good side; not make a scene and be funny. That’s it.

“Now Gerard, he’s all the way from New Jersey and was brought here because his parents found him nearly bleeding to death and holding a gun to his head and laughing like a fucking lunatic. Well he has his good and bad days. Today was one of his bad days, where he just sits around doing nothing but on his good days he’s really awesome actually. He’s making jokes, singing and just plain fun. So, tips on how to get on his good side; have a good taste in music, be a nerd, not piss him off when he’s having his bad days.

“And moi!” He waved his hand dramatically at himself, causing me to giggle. “I’m from LA and I’m here because I broke into a shop when I was 10, I ran through Mall of America naked, I used to spend my nights watching the same movie again and again. Plus some more stuff that doesn’t matter… And if you don’t want to piss me off then you can just be funny and nice!” He patted my back and stood up.

“What movie?” I suddenly asked, curious to know what movie is that fun that someone can watch again and again. Anton laughed loudly.

“The most saddest movie ever, Titanic. I loved how it made me cry” He said as it made the most sense in the world. I just nodded slowly.

“Anyway, It’s nearly eleven and we’re supposed to go to bed now. You’ll tell me about yourself tomorrow eh?” He placed his hand on my doorknob.


“Okay great, see you tomorrow then Frankie!” Anton waved and walked out the door, leaving me alone to the silence in my room again. I sighed and started to undress and found my pajamas. Then I crawled under the covers and turned off the light. “The first day wasn’t that bad was it eh?” I asked myself. “No it wasn’t, now go to bed freak” I laughed at the fact that I just insulted myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay I decided to post another chapter so people could get an idea how this story is going to be.
Now subsribe and comment ! ^^ <33
and just so you know, Billie in the story in inspired of Billie Joe :]