Status: Active

Beautiful Insanity

Billie's rage

Me and Anton tiptoed through the empty isle and into our living room. It was also empty but we could hear Angelina’s and the doctor’s voices coming from the corridor but we didn’t care, we kept on walking towards Billie’s room. We suddenly heard someone cough behind us and we both turned around in a flash, hoping that it wouldn’t be Angelina, but it was Gerard. He stood behind us with his arms crossed over his chest and with a grin on his face.

“You guys gonna bother Billie?” He whispered with excitement in his voice. Anton nodded and pulled Gerard along with us but instead of following he walked to the kitchen. Me and Anton looked at him puzzled as he opened the shelf next to the fridge but then he came back with a bag of flower. Anton nearly jumped his height from joy, he sure liked his revenge.
Then we continued tiptoeing towards Billie’s door, none of us daring to make a sound. If someone had walked into the room it might have looked like we were on some very dangerous mission but common we were! We were going to attack Billie and we knew that he was going to be out-of-his-mind pissed off.

Anton placed his hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly and the door opened. Soon we saw Billie lying on his back on the bed, clearly fast asleep. Thank god. The three of us walked into the room quietly and Gerard handed Anton the bag. Anton opened it slowly and placed himself next to Billie who was still fast asleep. Then quickly he poured the flower all over Billie, who suddenly sat up in a hurry and an earsplitting scream filled the room. His eyes darted to Anton who stood over him with the most evil smirk glued on his face. Billie’s hands reached for him but he ran away from his grip and out of the room, then Billie looked at Gerard and me with pure rage in his eyes. Shit. We both sprinted out of the room with Billie on our heels.

“WHERE TO FUCKING GO?!” Gerard yelled at me as we were close to the end of the hallway. I looked around and suddenly spotted a familiar door. ‘Thank you fucking god’ I thought to myself and pulled Gerard with me into my room and slammed the door and locked it just before Billie started throwing punches. I turned around and saw Gerard desperately trying to catch his breath as he sat down on my bed.

“God that was close!” I breathed out and sat down next to him. He looked at me puzzled.

“Why did you do that?” He asked me. “Do what?” I replied.

“That! Save me!”

“Well I don’t know if allowing you to hide with me in my own room means saving you” I laughed. Gerard shook his head and let out a small laugh.

“Whenever Anton and me did this, he always ran into his room…Leaving me alone with Billie to kill me” He said through his teeth. That shocked me, I couldn’t think of Anton doing bad things to people…Ever since I met him he has only been really friendly. I shrugged. Suddenly we heard someone else than Billie scream outside. Angelina.

“EVERYONE INTO THE KITCHEN!” She yelled. I looked at Gerard frightened but he just smiled.

“Oh she’s maaaad” He laughed and stood up from the bed and walked out, I followed him. And there stood Angelina in the kitchen with her hand locked around Billie’s wrist. He was covered in flower but you could clearly see that he was bursting with rage cause of the redness on his face. I spotted Anton coming out of his room with no hint of guilt in his face, just like when Billie had ruined his clothes earlier today. When all of us were standing in front of the kitchen Angelina let go off Billie and slumped down onto a chair, burying her face in her hands.

“Dr. Helmshy is putting you all on meds tomorrow. ‘Your behavior is not acceptable’ is what he said.” She looked up. Her eyes were red her hair was a mess. Had we really been that terrible? I mean me and Gerard hadn’t done anything plus I had only been here for two days and right away they’re putting me on drugs!

“I’m sorry guys but tomorrow all of the fun will stop” She sighed and looked at me with pity in her eyes. “And I’m sorry Frank, I know you’ve only been here for a couple of days but it’s the doctor’s orders.”

Billie looked as if he was going to kill Anton where he stood but instead he settled for slapping him. Anton didn’t even dare to hit him back because he knew he deserved it. If he had just decided to behave then we wouldn’t have to eat some fucking pills.

“Thank you Antwooon” Gerard sighed annoyed and walked slowly back towards his room but before he closed the door he hinted me to come. I didn’t dare to stay there longer so I nearly ran into his room.

When he closed the door I saw that his room was the same size as mine but it looked smaller, it was because his walls were covered in posters…Posters of bands such as Iron Maiden, The Misfits, Smashing Pumpkins and Queen. And above his bed were drawings that he had clearly drawn himself, pictures of superheroes and mystical creatures.

“You like my room?” Gerard asked in a teasing way. I couldn’t help but laugh, I fucking loved his room.

“Yeah it’s awesome” I gasped and walked towards a huge poster that hung above his desk. It was a poster of Freddie Mercury doing his signature move with his microphone in Wembley Stadium in 1986, I remembered it because when I was a kid I used to watch that concert constantly with my dad and we both watched in awe of his talent.

“Freddie was the best” Gerard suddenly said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked at the hand shocked. He removed it instantly.

“Sorry” He mumbled and sat down on the bed, looking a bit disappointed. ‘Why?’ I decided not to think about it.

“You’re room is awesome, much better than mine…Mine’s…white” Gerard laughed as I sat down next to him. He turned around to face me and for the first time I took the time to study his face. He had shimmering brown/green eyes and his hair was raven brown and short, he had a little red spot just below his right eye and he had seriously small teeth…Weird that I hadn’t notice that before, but it made just made him cuter.

“You’re cute” I suddenly said out loud. I gasped in shock. ‘What the fuck? Did I just say that out loud? You fucking idiot Frank!’ But Gerard didn’t look mad at my comment, he looked rather pleased.

“Well thank you” He whispered as his cheeks turned a bit red. Aw.

“Well, I think I gotta go and…erm…Change! Before…erm…dinner…Yes! So…I’ll see you then!” I said awkwardly and stood up and walked to the door. Gerard stood up was well and smiled widely. Damn, he must think I was hitting on him or something! Was I? I don’t fucking know, it just slipped out of my fucking mouth!

“So erm I’ll be in my room…erm yeah see you later! Bye!” I said in a hurry and didn’t dare to look at Gerard before I closed the door. When I walked out I saw that the room was completely empty, I suspected that Billie and Anton had gone to their rooms. Thank god, I was not in the mood for their insaneness. I walked quickly to my room and locked the door.

“Fucking weird day” I said to myself and slumped down onto my bed. “Too much flower’s gone to waste today” I laughed bitterly. “Why do I keep talking to myself?” “Well I don’t know Frankie, but you don’t have to worry about having an excuse for that” Damn I was just too funny for my own good wasn’t I? Sure.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter sucks
I just had to write something
but I know I this chapter is really badly written
but as I said, I had to write something so forgive me D:
seriously badly written.. ugh
but *sigh*
comments sweeties? :]