Status: Active

Beautiful Insanity

Zombie and a corpse.

When I woke up I was shocked to see that it was completely dark outside my window. ‘Did I just fucking miss dinner?’ I mentally slapped myself as I unlocked my door and looked outside. There was no one there. There was no one watching the TV…And not even a nurse in sight. Weird. I thought that there were always nurses on shifts at nights, maybe I was wrong. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water.

The room looked seriously creepy without the insane bright lights. Everything was completely dark, even the hallway. Suddenly I spotted someone walk towards the room from the hallway. I felt my heart skip a beat. Was it bad to find a patient awake at this time of night? Well I didn’t know. The figure opened the door slowly.

“Hey Frankie” Angelina’s voice said. Shit shit shit, I’m in deep shit. “Erm hi…” I whispered, not sure what to do. She smiled and opened the fridge next to me and took out a bottle of water.

“You missed dinner” She murmured and took a sip of her water. I nodded. “Fell asleep eh?” She laughed.

“Yeah” I sighed. Angelina’s expression was calm. It was the first time that I had seen her calm, maybe knowing that we were going on meds in a few hours calmed her down. Well I couldn’t blame here, if my mother had been here when Anton and Billie had their fights she would have lost her mind.

“You better go to bed Frankie, you gotta wake up early” She said and shot me a playful smile. Damn she was really looking forward to see us on meds. I muttered something in return and slumped back to my room. Better get some sleep before you get drugged up eh?


“Frank Anthony Iero? It’s time to wake up” I heard someone say. I sat up and saw that my room was empty, where the fuck did that voice come from? I stood up and opened the door. There stood in front of me an old woman that looked as if she was going to die in any second. Her hair was gray and so were her eyes and her face was covered in wrinkles but why the hell was she standing outside my door?

“Can I help you?” I asked rudely. I mean I was allowed being rude since she just called me my full name and woke me up for no obvious reason.

“Breakfast is ready” She informed me. What the fuck? Where was Angelina? I didn’t need to have some fucking corpse to tell me when my breakfast is ready.

“Where’s Ang?” I asked the corpse. She only smiled.

“She’s not in today son, but come now the boys are waiting for you” Then she grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of my room and in to the kitchen. “Ouch Ouch stop it! You’re hurting me!” I cried out and tried to pull myself lose but the corpse was too freaking strong! How the hell did she get that strength from?

“Now sit down here next to Mister Gerard here and don’t move until I get you your breakfast darling” She forced me down into a chair next to Gerard who flashed me a smile. “Morning Frankie” He murmured. I felt my cheeks burn suddenly from his gaze. Damn this boy, I wasn’t here to get my heart taken away from me.

“Here you are son” The corpse handed me a glass of orange juice, a toast with cheese and then 3 pills. Oh yes, the meds.

“Ugh” I let out and started at them with hatred. This was so unfair, why did every one that was put in a mental institute have to take fucking pills? Do pills solve every fucking mental problem? No.

“Eat while I got get the other two boys” The corpse said and walked away. Wait, where were Anton and Billie? She said that they were waiting for me but yet I hadn’t noticed that they were missing. Damn I’m mean.

“The doctors took Anton and Billie away at dinner. They started fighting and thinks got broken and then…Billie attacked Anton with a knife and all hell broke loose. All the doctors came running into the room and strapped Billie down and gave him a shot and Anton was just in shock” Gerard said as he stared at his food. What?! And I didn’t wake up? Fuck.

“And is Anton okay or?” I asked worried.

“Yeah don’t worry, he only got few cuts on his upper arm and shoulder, nothing deep”

“Damn I really hope that I won’t piss Billie off that much” I laughed and took a bite of my toast. I stared at the pills that lay next to my plate with disgust but then Gerard patted my back. “Don’t worry they’re not that bad, you’ll only have to be on them for a few weeks or months” His touch and words made me somehow feel more open to the pills, like they were going to fix me. What fucking bullshit. I shrugged his hand off and swallowed the pills, ignoring the disappointed expression on Gerard’s face. Why did he always look disappointed when I shrugged his hand off?

“LET GO OFF MY BITCH!” I heard Billie shout in the hallway. Both Gerard and I turned around and saw 3 doctors holding Billie down as they walked into the room. Billie’s face was redder than I had ever seen it, damn he looked insane. ‘Well he’s allowed to look insane right?’ I thought to myself.

“FUCK YOU ALL!” He screamed and tried desperately to wiggle himself free but the 3 doctor’s showed no sign of letting go as they placed him down on a chair on the other side of the table and held him still. I couldn’t help but send an apologizing look to Billie as the doctors jammed a huge needle into his arm.

“There you go Billie, there you go” The doctor next to him murmured. Both me and Gerard didn’t dare to move nor speak. Billie’s eyes had been wide open when he came into the room but now he was trying desperately keeping them open. Then the doctors hurried to feed him before he fell asleep.

“Don’t worry Anton, they gave him a shot, he won’t be able to hurt you now” I heard the corpse say. I turned around and saw the old woman bring the terrified Anton into the room. He was literally shaking from head to toe. His eyes were locked on the zombie-like Billie. She led him to the table and sat him down next to Gerard, the furthest away from Billie.

“Now, let me just go and get your pills sweetie” The corpse murmured and walked off to the kitchen. Anton’s eyes never left Billie, who was still surrounded by the doctors. Suddenly they stood up and carried the zombie to his room. I looked worried at Gerard who just shook his head in disgust.

“They do that too often to him” He whispered.

“Really?” I asked in shock.

“Yeah, he’s always doing things like last night…He can’t help it”

“Woah…” I gasped. Now I felt really bad for Billie, having had to get that shot so often. I remember how fucking scared out my mind I was when I got my first shot, just thinking about it made me want to throw up in horror.

“Comon let’s watch TV” Gerard suddenly said and dragged me from the table and to the ‘living room’. Well it wasn’t really a living room, just a space with couches and a TV. I slumped down onto the biggest couch that was placed in front of the TV as Gerard turned the TV on. Suddenly I felt some kind of drowsiness take over me. I felt completely numb. I didn’t even feel when Gerard accidentally sat on my hand.

“Sorry man” He muttered and pointed the remote at the TV.

“I didn’t even feel it, I think the pills have kicked in” I said. Everything felt so…slow and dull. Even the images on the TV screen seemed to move slower. “What the fuck is happening?”

“I know it’s weird” Gerard murmured worried and placed his hand once again on my shoulder but this time I didn’t even bother to shrug it off. The numbness made me feel that nothing mattered, he could have punched me in the face and I wouldn’t even care. Weird.

“Don’t worry you’ll get used to it” He said softly and sent me a reassuring smile. Damn he was a master of making me feel better.
♠ ♠ ♠
yay finally a decent chapter!
but totally lame I only got like 1 comment for my last update o_o
comments? hahah