Where the Wild Things Are


"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." Mr. Adier read, acting the whole line out to the class. He often did this, getting lost in his acting and forgetting we, the students, were there.

Now was one of those times.

"That beauty. The beauty that got away. Oh, Mrs. Heller." Mr. Adier sighed, holding the book to his chest, giving forced breaths, as if it were a struggle to breathe.

"Hey, Mr. Adier, not that we don't all love this trip down memory lane, can we just finish the damn play?" I spoke up from my seat in the back, waving the old book we were reading around. "Kay, thanks." The look on his face made me smirk in satisfaction. He was incredibly embarrassed.

"Hayley Winters, do not make me send you to the principal's office." He threatened, his nostrils flaring like they did when he was furious.

"Oh no!" I gasped. "Not the principal's office." I chuckled, nudging the girl next to me, receiving a disgusted look in return. "You wanna talk about a trip down memory lane..." Mr. Adier opened his mouth to speak, but I merely held up a hand to cut him off.

"Say no more." I stood with my bags, stopping when I reached the door. "I'll tell Principal Gather hello for you."
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rewrite cuz the original version sucked. and I can't spell to save my life. Thank god for spell check. XD

comment pleeeeeaaaase!

--Sinderella Plague