A letter that stood for everything I couldnt tell you

Words that my pen could never write

Dear Billie,
Its me again and I know that we've only been friends for a few years but it feels like I've known you all of my life. Even now Im still learning things about you. Like why no one could help you even if they tried.(I think I helped dont you?) The bad news is that Im moving to some small town in Ohio. I hate it why did my dad have to get a new job and move to Ohio. He could have gone without me. I want you to know that I'll come back to Cali and surprise you just like I used to do. Im gonna miss you so much billie.

When she finished the letter she laid it on Billie's front porch and prayed that someday they would meet again. If only she knew how different things would be a few years from now.

Adie's P.O.V.
I wiped my tears off of my face and walked by to my house. I wanted to stay and just carry on my life. I didnt want to move. I loved it in california and I loved billie. I still do. If only he knew that. He never will now. I had to hurry and get back to my house so I could pack the rest of my stuff and go to the airport. I hated that day so much.

Billies P.O.V.
I walked outside my front door and saw a letter with my name written on it. I knew that handwriting. I came back inside,went to my room and read the letter. It was from one of my best friends Adie. I loved that girl so much. But she'll never know now. My mom told me that Adie's mom was on the phone and wanted to talk to me.
"Hello?" I said trying to hold back tears.
"Billie this is Adie's mom Angel"
"Oh hi how have you been?" I said hoping that she wouldnt tell me something bad.
"Im good.Adie has been really depressed since she found out that we're moving to Ohio."
"Yeah she wrote me a letter and told me that."
"But I have good news for you."
I waited and prayed that Adie talked to her mom about moving in with me.
"What is the good news?" I said franticly
"Im gonna let her move in with you. I've already talked to your mom about it and she said that it was a great idea."
"Thank you so much!"
"I bring her over in an hour or whenever shes done packing. This girl has so much stuff. And she wants to bring ALL of it."
I started to laugh and so did she.
"Thanks again Angel."
"Your welcome billie."
I hung up the phone and ran to my room without even remembering that I shut the door when I came to answer the phone.
BAM! I hit that door like a ton of bricks. I've done that before but never that hard. I got a huge bruise on my forehead and a headache to go along with it.
I had to get ready, Because Adie was coming to move in with me and I wanted everything clean. Well, as clean as I could get it.