Status: Active.

Good Girls Go Bad

She's a Lady.

“Lesbo,” I heard someone whisper as I walked into school. I would usually pound them, right then and there, but I promised Hayley I wouldn’t embarrass her like that. Again.

I cared about that girl. A lot. Although, I haven’t always. There was once a time where I wished she would just drop dead. I remembered when we first met. Man, was she a goody-two-shoes. I was heading to the beach to play volleyball with the guys, like I did every sunny day.

Jonathon Marina, my best friend, wraped his arm around me as we walked down to the net. I knew exactly what he was doing.

“Katy!” he smiled. I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t be a kissass,” I grinned. We both knew he was only acting this way to get first serve.

“Katy!” Jonathon gasped. “I can’t be nice to my own little sister without being prosecuted?” Jonathon was truly the big brother I never had.

“No, you can’t.”

“Well then. I’m truly hurt, Kate.”

I stuck out my tongue and skipped down to the net. Our friends Kent and Eric were already waiting on us. Naturally, I was on Kent’s team. I couldn’t play on the same team as Jonathon. We were both too competitive.

By the end of the second match, my team had already won twice. Jonathon wasn’t too happy about that.

“We’re letting you win,” he smiled as we switched sides of the net.

“Sure,” I said sarcastically, shoving him aside.

“Let’s make this interesting,” Kent grinned. “If we win this match, you buy us sodas. If y’all win, we buy your sodas.”

Jonathon smirked. “As if y’all are going to win this one.” He always liked to make fun of Kent’s Southern accent. I thought it was adorable.

The two shook hands and the match began. When it was Jonathon’s turn to serve, I was on my guard. He loved to put me under pressure, so he’d probably serve it right to me.
There was a loud slapping noise when he served the ball. It was coming right to me, or so I thought. The ball sailed over my head, and out of bounds. I heard Jonathon groan as I ran to retrieve the lost ball. Quickly climbing the sand dune was when I saw her.

Another one of those preppy girls that I went to school with. I think she was our school president, but I couldn’t be sure. She seemed to be ignoring the fact that there was a volleyball right beside her foot.

“Could you hand me that?” I asked rather politely. I was proud of myself.

The girl kept gathering her things, completely ignoring me. I asked her again. Yet again, she didn’t even acknowledge my presence. This was exactly why I didn’t like preps.

Apparently the guys were wondering what was holding up their important “soda match,” because before too long, Eric and Jonathon were making their way over the dune.

“What is taking so damn long?” Eric asked, one hand on his hip. He was inevitably the gay best friend. Even if he did have a girlfriend.

“This girl must be deaf or something. She won’t give me the dang ball,” I replied, heading to go get the ball myself. Jonathon followed reluctantly behind.

I was halfway down the dune when I just got fed up with the thought of getting the ball myself. Why should I have to go out of my way to get a stupid ball when she could just hand it to me? I knew it sounded lazy, but it was the concept of the thing that really made me mad. She, and all her little prep friends for that matter, all thought they were too good to do anything for the rest of us. I sure as hell didn’t vote for this character to be in Student Council.

My anger got the best of me. “Hey! Girl!” I yelled. With a flash of her vibrant red hair, she turned around.

“I have a name,” she said snobbishly. Why didn’t I just keep my mouth shut? I was going to end up getting in a fight with this girl before the day was out.

I turned back to the guys, seeing them comforted me. Eric and Jonathon were pretty strong. They could hold me back. I snickered at the thought of Eric in his Gucci swim trunks holding me back before I almost ripped the girl’s head off. I decided, finally, I was going to try and be nice. That wouldn’t last long, I could already tell.

“I have better things to do that remembering your name, dearie,” I slipped up and said. I hadn’t realized it, but all the while talking to this little brat, I had been inching towards her. I was now directly in front of her.

Snatching the ball from her hands, I had the urge to spit in her face. Eric called my name, wanting the ball, probably. I threw it to him, took one look at the red-haired urchin, and went back to the guys.
♠ ♠ ♠
Slow update, I know. I lost the paper I was writing this story on in math, and OCD as I am, I couldn't write it anywhere else. Hope this chapter makes up for it.
Oh, and also:
comments = zombie brain cookies:D