Status: Complete.

Ghost of You

38 : The Basement Part 1

His black hair wrapped around his cheekbones as it fell past his shoulders. His face was pale. His eyes looked tired. His mouth was pressed into a fine line.

My legs shook underneath me as I pressed into the desk, breathing in heavy breaths. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Where have you been?” I snapped, the feeling of abandonment washing over me.

Bill nodded his head, looking down at his nails. “I understand now,” he whispered, looking up again to meet my eyes. He nodded his head some more. “I couldn't figure it out at first, but now I do.”

“You understand what? Bill, where were you? You disappeared and never came back.”

“He's making a horrible choice. And if you listen to him, so are you.”

“Bill?” I reached out for him, but he jerked away. “Don't leave,” I whispered.

I jumped as a pop sounded behind me. I spun around, watching as black smoke rose from the computer monitor, its screen dancing black and white.

I turned back, Bill's eyes seeming hollow. I reached out for him, grabbing his hand, but he disappeared. He felt like flour sliding between my fingers as he went.

Pain tore through my skull. I clenched my teeth, tears forcing from my eyes. Everything was black. There was a speck of brown in front of me. The image swam, forming a door. I watched as it opened before me. I felt as if I was floating down the pair of wooden stairs underneath me. Turning to the left. Everything began to grow blurry. Pushing over some boxes, finding one underneath. Writing on the top. Open the box. Grab something. Something plastic.

Something from the basement.