Status: Complete.

Ghost of You

52 : Out

There was no viewing. No funeral. His body was simply put into the ground. No one went.

It had been a week since the police came and told us that Gordon was dead – although I already knew.

The body had been mutilated horribly, half covered in dirt in the woods somewhere along the highway. They were looking for a killer, he couldn't have done that to himself – although I already knew. It had been Carnie.

Who, for the record, had not tried to contact me at all. Same as Bill. They were both gone. Which was convenient, seeing as I needed Bill the most. I had horrible nightmares of Thanatos, and his sisters, and I would wake up in the middle of the night crying and screaming and sweating, sometimes I called out Bill's name. It would always be Mr. Listing that came, though.

He wanted me to see a counselor, him and Mrs. Listing. I refused.

Sarah was confused as ever – just as confused as me, it seems. She asked questions no one would, or could, answer. She cried. She was terrified.

Georg avoids me even more, although there's a slight hesitation when he goes to turn away any time I enter the same room as him, like he wants to ask me something.

A knock on the door brought me back to reality and I jumped. Quickly, I hurried over to the door and squinted out through the peephole. It was Miss Stephan. I could hear Mr. Listing's footsteps coming from the kitchen towards the door as I pulled it open.

Miss Stephan smiled at me as I let her by and into the living room. Mrs. Listing stood next to Mr. Listing now, both of them smiling.

“Miss Stephan,” said Mr. Listing. “And to what do we owe the pleasure?”

“I just thought I'd stop by and see how everyone was doing, seeing as...” Miss Stephan trailed off and glanced at me. I stood in front of the door, staring at the carpet, shifting from foot-to-foot. Miss Stephan flailed her hand around. “Never mind, never mind. I brought some peach cobbler, homemade of course, because I know it's Tom's favorite.” I hadn't even realized the dish in her hand.

Mrs. Listing smiled as she took the covered desert from Miss Stephan. “Please,” she said, “won't you join us in the kitchen for some tea?”

Mrs. Listing turned, her knee-length blue skirt swishing behind her as she walked.

I trailed along behind and leaned against the door frame, watching as Mr. Listing pulled out a chair for Miss Stephan, her back facing me. Mr. Listing pointed to the chair to her left, sitting down across from her. Slowly I shuffled to the table and sat down.

“Tom,” Miss Stephan said, placing her hand on top of mine on the table, a small frown on her lips, “how have you been? I know this must all be quite disturbing for you, for you all.”

I shrugged my shoulders. Everyone kept asking how I was. I wasn't anything. I couldn't identify any feelings. I just... wanted Bill back.

“Oh, dear, I understand this is difficult for you. You probably feel so many emotions, asking won't help you choose which one is the worst.”

“Something like that,” I muttered.

Miss Stephan patted my hand. “Now then, I just came to simply offer my services in this tough time, if they are ever needed. However, I did want to talk to you both about a private matter.”

Mr. Listing nodded.

“Tom,” Mrs. Listing said, “why don't you go join Sarah and Georg in the game room, okay?” She smiled sweetly.

I pursed my lips and quickly pulled my hand away from Miss Stephan. “Tom,” Mr. Listing warned quietly.

I pushed my chair away from the table and started up the stairs, opening and closing my door for good effect. Waiting about a minute, I trotted over to the top stair and quietly sat down, crossing my arms in my lap.

“Poor thing,” Miss Stephan said. A clink. Tea cups being set on the table.

“He's barely spoken all week,” Mrs. Listing said.

“Understandable, given the circumstances. Who could have done such a thing though? You would think at least there would be marks, fingerprints, something on the body to give a hint as to what happened to Gordon,” said Miss Stephan.

“You don't think he deserved it?” Mrs. Listing asked.

The house was tense. “I didn't say that,” said Miss Stephan quietly. “I can agree I'm not terribly sad the man's dead, look at all the trouble he's put our community through, but there's still a killer on the loose. I'd prefer he'd be behind bars as much as I prefer Gordon dead.”

“Makes sense,” came Mrs. Listing. A chair being slid across the kitchen floor.

“Has there any word on Simone? Her whereabouts?”

“None,” said Mr. Listing.

“So you'll continue to take care of Tom then?” questioned Miss Stephan.

Quiet again, tense.

“Well of course! Why wouldn't we?” came Mrs. Listing.

“Well, I said I was here to offer my services. I think a change of scenery might be good for Tom-”

Excuse me?” Mrs. Listing hissed. “And what makes you think him staying here isn't best?”

“He's obviously not happy here.”

“His mother is missing, his step-father attacked him and was murdered, why should he have anything to be happy about?”

“He should at least look a bit less suicidal, don't you think?”

“Miss Stephan,” said Mr. Listing calmly.

“I BEG YOUR PARDON?!” screamed Mrs. Listing.

“Now please don't take this to heart, but...”

A crash, something being thrown in the sink.

“If you'll excuse me,” hissed Mrs. Listing, headed for the stairs.

Quickly I hopped up and pulled away from the stairs as Mrs. Listing came barging up. She stopped at the top of the stairs, her face flaming red as she stared at me, then she hurried off into her bedroom, slamming shut the door.

I passed by Mr. Listing on my way down the stairs. He paused to look at me as I passed, then continued towards his room. I heard him knock on the door and quietly call “Anna?” before he entered.

I glared at Miss Stephan as I reached the kitchen, fists balled at my sides. She sat at the table still, her hand covering her mouth. She shut her eyes and sighed, shaking her head.

“Get out,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Tom,” she said before she opened her eyes.

“GET! OUT!” I bellowed. “You have no right to come here and... and... and insult my family like that!”

“What family?!” she cried, pushing the chair across the floor as she hastily stood up. “Like she said, your mom is gone and Gordon is dead! Did you happen to forget all the times I've taken care of you? I was like a second mother to you before she ever was!”

“OUT!” I screamed again, storming over to the front door and pulling it open. “OUT!”

“You could invite me in first, before you kick me out.”