Status: It's sad, I'm in love with this story. So frequent updates n__n

Sending My Love From...


The darkness behind my eyes started to fade, the sound of a beeping alarm drew me back to reality. My ears strained, drowning out the alarm, searching for the pattering of rain, but it could not be found. Nicks arms around me tightened as I sat up, reaching to clicked the ringing off. I laid myself back down, facing him, I sighed as I buried against his tee shirt clad chest. "Good morning." he said, I smiled, looking up at him.

"Thank you." I whispered, a small smile spread across his face. He shook his head, pressing his face in to my hair, crushing me to him. I groaned as he rolled us over back and forth. "You're crushing me fat ass!" I laughed.

"I'm sorry." he said, letting me go. We laid there smiling, until I remembered the rain had stopped.

"Nick!" I said jumping from the bed. He gave me a strange look.

"What!?" he asked, he too jumped up, looking back at the bed, checking himself.

"The rain stopped!" I cheered, ripping open the blinds revealing the backyard, and sure enough the sun was out, shining down on this forgotten town.

"So?" he asked, walking over to stand beside me.

"It's rained everyday since I arrived." I said bluntly, and just like that the room closed up and you could tell he felt bad.

"Oh..." Together we stood in front of the window, staring outside. His hand reached out, taking mine but I didn't look up, I didn't take my eyes away from the sky. I was happy, and so was Andrew. He was happy that I was finding some happiness. A smile grew across my face as I looked down at the floor. Nick squeezed my hand softly, I almost didn't feel it.

"We have school." I mumbled, the smile on my face disappeared as I walked away from him and the window.

At school Nick and I had to seperate, and I felt like the entire world knew. Everyone knew that I had run, I'd decided to run from my past life, leaving Andrew, the dead boyfriend in the past. They all believed I'd given up and couldn't handle it. Everyone who looked my way wanted to know the story, how'd he die? Was I there? I could feel it, there was a thick fog clouding the school, towering overhead waiting to jump out at me. But, inside I knew it was a sickening paranoia setting in. I'd been waiting for this.

Now I'm on my downfall, crusin' for my crash and burn. And as everything seemed to blur together as that cloud fell upon me, my feet kept walking. Searching in the clouded I had to find a light, something to hold me down. And I saw a small light. it was dim but burning and it grew, the further I went the larger it grew till the fog I was in broke and there stood Nick.

Back in the hallway the two of us stood, him looking down as I looked back up. He touched my arm, giving me a sympathetic smile. I don't need your sympathy, I seethed in my mind. It hurt, hurting Nick, like a wave smacking you down when out at sea. The way you'd tumble beneath the waves, gasping and stretching, trying to reach the surface. "Thank you." I whispered. And I was above, I broke from the oceans tight hold, gasping, sobbing for air. And as it filled my lung, as I stood, I was safe, being held up by a friend. Nicks hand took mine and we walked, ignoring the stares and whispers. I was fine, breathing, walking, just living.
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