Status: It's sad, I'm in love with this story. So frequent updates n__n

Sending My Love From...


September 16th, 2009. It was a Sunday, my best friends birthday back in California. I sighed, lying my head on its side looking at the gray sky threw the crack in my blinds. Once again, it was raining but I felt different. Deciding I should actually get up, I pulled the blankets off my body, shuddering as the chilly air hit against my skin.

I made my way to my box, it held some of my clothes inside of it. I dug threw it's contents, pulling out a black and white flowy skirt. I drapped on a pink tank top with my black hoodie, it was a safety blanket for me. If I didn't wear it I felt open, too exposed. Like the day before, I kept my hair down, it reached my shoulders.

Walking in to the kitchen, I realized my aunt wasn't awake yet, I wrote her a quick note telling her where I'd be. I held my Tom's shoes in my hand I didn't want to get them wet in the rain. I splashed from puddle to puddle, laughing as little drops of water hit my bare legs, leaving trains of goosebumps.

"What're you doing?!" Someone yelled. I jumped back, a soft screamed broke out of my mouth in to the air. The voice started laughing, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you Ash." I turned around to see Nick standing there, his tall legs wearing tight black jeans, a white v-neck clung to his frame.

"It's okay." I said taking my hand from my heart. "I'm just heading down to the convience store."

"It must be my lucky day, so am I. My shifts from 7 till 10 tonight." he shrugged taking the three more steps up to me. "Lets go. I don't wanna get stuck in the rain." we walked side-by-side down the cement walkway, splashing in the puddles on the way. As we approached the door, Nick pulled out a set of keys unlocking the door, letting me walk in before him.

"Thanks." I said continuing inside. "I just wanted to say sorry about my awkwardness yesterday." I dropped my Toms on to the floor, sliding them on as I walked threw the aisles in search of my breakfast.

"Nah, it's fine." Nick said as he took his place behind the counter, putting on a nametag.

Silence over took the small store as I picked up a box of fruit loops. I walked swiftly down the length of the store, heading towards Nick. "Just these." I said putting them down in front of him. He nodded, taking a five dollar bill from my hand. "So, I decided since this place is so close, I might as well ask, can I apply for a job?" he smiled, handing me a piece of paper.

"Fill this out, give it back to me and I'll put in a good word with my boss." for once I smiled, a real smile as I took the paper from his hands.

"See ya." I said pushing the door open, heading outside. The rain had picked up as I ran back towards my aunts home. I felt like I belonged, maybe this place wouldn't be so bad.
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but, i know exactly what's going to happen in this story
& thanks OnYourSide. for commenting(: