Status: Writers Block

Remembering Sunday


"Alex gas-kar-th?" I said trying to pronounce the name of the boy to whom I had been partnered with as a lab partner. It was the first day of my senior year at a brand new high school. Last year was a rough year for my family, so my dad packed us up and left. I had already gotten lost, and sneered at every which way I turned.
I picked away at the silver nail polish that I had applied last night, waiting for the second bell to ring and to find out where I was sitting.
"Who the hell is Maria Daniel?" I heard someone say. I turned around looking for the person who had called out my name.
"Uh that would be me" I said sticking my hand out like a dork. The boy who had called out my name was staring at the partner list, let me guess who this is. He was skinny, but still bigger then me. He had his hair styled in a side sweep bang, and he was wearing a beanie. He had on a pair of skinny jeans, a purple tee shirt, and a baggy hoddie. Damn he's hot. As I looked him up and down, I noticed he was doing the same to me. Fortunately I had found my lucky sevens jeans (no pun intended) and my favorite taking back sunday reel to reel tee shirt.
"Oh well I'm Alex," the boy said.
"Never would've guessed," I muttered under my breath.
"So are you new or something? I mean I've never seen you around before," He asked as he located the lab station that had our names on it.
"Uh yeah, I moved with my dad this summer,"
"Oh yeah? where from? how come?"
"You sure like to question, Burk Virginia, and um some family issues" This was my clean slate, and I could already see it slipping out of my grasps and into the mud puddle that was my life.
"Oh...yeah I used to have a question limit," He told me proudly, like this was an accomplishment.
"Are your parents devoriced?" He asked.
"Uh, no, my mom left my dad with me and my sister when I was three,"
"Oh that's cool, does your sister go to school here too?"
"No... she's gone..." I said quietly. I think that he picked up on the fact that i didn't want to talk about it. He turned around and started talking to the boy at the lab station behind us.
"I don't know what she was thinking putting Jack and Alex so close to each other..." I heard from across the room. Huh, maybe I should be dreading this semester.
Just as the conversation behind me started to get interesting the teacher walked in.
"Hello Seniors, well your six eighths through with this place..." she was saying as my phone started to vibrate in my pocket. There was a text from my best friend in from home.
'How's the first day?' she asked
'Alright, the only good thing is that my lab partner is a hottie, what about you? how's your first day?'
'normal first day, boring as shit'
As I read this I felt a tap on my shoulder, making me jump into the air.
"Hand it over please" I turned in my seat to see my teacher, Mrs. Drumling, with her hand out, palm up, "you can get it back after class"
Great, now what do i do? I thought as i sighed and propped my head down on my arm.
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first chapter! hope you like it! comment? subscribe? pretty pretty please?