It all ends.


Adoette stood frozen in her place as she heard the words coming out of her mother's own mouth.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but the doctor says that..." Her mother couldn't help but feel saddened about this.

Her little brother, Benjie, tugged the sleeve at her shirt.

"What's going to happen to you?" The small boy asked, feeling sad, and confused about the things happening around them.

She bent down to look at her brother. "I don't know Benjie, but, I hope everything's going to be okay."

The Wallaces have just arrived from the hospital, in which they have found out about the tragic news that have struck them. Adoette's parents didn't exactly want to tell her what was going on, they were reluctant to tell anyone at all, but they had to say it. They had to tell her.

They sat down in their living room to discuss about the results to the tests that doctors have taken on Adoette. Her mother couldn't stand telling her, so it was up to her father to tell her.

"Adoette," Her father begins, as he tries to hold back the tears that were forming in his eyes. "The doctors...have..."

"Dad, just spit it out, besides, we're all going to have to face the truth sooner or later." Adoette knew what was going to happen. She knew that things were going to end. But instead of moping around, she just kept her head up high, and expected, that things were going to turn out okay.

"Well, the doctor that we brought you to, said, that you did have Leukemia, and that you're going to die in six months."

Adoette decided to look at this in a positive way instead of something bad. She knew that her parents didn't have enough money to support her into getting Chemotherapy, or even the medications, so, what was the use, of trying to sulk.

She stood up, and said, "It's okay, dad, we'll get over it sometime." And left the room.

She headed towards her room and lay on her bed.

I'm going to miss this. She tells herself. I'm going to miss Gigi, our dog. She takes a glance at Gigi, her pet Chihuahua. It all started to sink in. All the things she would miss. And all the things she wanted to do, but couldn't do.

She placed the pillow on top of her head, and she screamed. She dropped the pillow onto the floor, as a tear fell from her face. Gigi noticed her crying, and so she picked up the old Snickers bar she hid from Adoette and gave it to her. Adoette smiled at Gigi's act of kindness.

"You know what Gigi?" She said to the dog, who was not really aware of what she was talking about. "I'm going to miss you." Gigi jumped on top of the bed, and Adoette hugged her dog tightly.

She took a bite of the cookie, and she let Gigi take a bite too. "I really wish that I am dreaming."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's a pretty short chapter. D: And, it's a pretty sad one for the first chapter.

I'll be posting up the next chapter soon!

First, I'd love to hear what you guys think about it! :D

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