Status: I love you, kulta.

Home Sweet Finland, Bitch.


Supposedly, two people were in love. Their names were Esko and Kirsi. They lived in a place called Helsinki, Finland. There wasn't anything too special about them, they were just two teenagers in love, but they were also mildly into drugs. Because of drugs, their relationship was going stale. The only thing they had in common anymore was dope and other sorts of drugs they took.

It didn't help the relationship any when Kirsi got pregnant. It was Esko's kid, but they didn't want it. They couldn't afford to have a baby. They needed their money for drugs, alcohol, and other things they took. Although, there was no way that they were going to have an abortion. They were strongly against it, yet they were willing to leave the baby somewhere without knowing it'd be safe. Which, maybe it might be okay if they knew someone was for sure going to find and take of this baby, or if it weren't so chilly; Finland is not the warmest country.

When all was said and done, they decided on adoption of sorts. Either Kirsi would have the child with someone, or she would leave it somewhere in the open for someone else to find. She didn't want it to be her problem.

Nine months later, in the middle of May, she gave birth in an alley-way between two buildings, all because they didn't want to spend a dime of their drug money on Hospital bills. She gave birth to a son, who they later named Frankito. Frankito Joseph Danger.

It wasn't a normal name, but it's what they'd chosen. Kirsi insisted on his first name, while Esko pushed for his middle name to be the same as his. It's not like it mattered though;They weren't going to keep him for very long anyway, but they still felt compassion for the baby. After all, they had conceived him when they were still in love. It was at the fading time of their love, and that's all they had to remember. Even if they didn't want him, they knew they'd have a child out there somewhere; their love child.

Their plan was to leave Frankito on a doorstep somewhere; somewhere they knew he would be taken care of. Kirsi would stand alongside streets to watch homes and the people who lived in them to find where she'd leave her baby. It was only a day later when she began watching over an old woman's house not too far from where Kirsi and Esko had been sleeping, which was supposedly somewhere in an alleyway.

It was a day when Esko was 'working' (doing whatever it is that gets him money somehow) that Kirsi stoof outside the old woman's house, across the other side of the street, and debated on actually approaching the lady. She knew there was a chance that someone would see her leave the baby on the step, and she could dodge them in alleyways, but it didn't ease her mind. She wanted to make sure this baby would be taken care of. So, with that, she decided to go up to the door and speak with the woman.

It wasn't long until Kirsi was at the woman's door and they were speaking to one another. Kirsi had summed up, for the most part, of what was going on and asked the lady of her help. She was more than willing and welcomed Kirsi into the house with her child.

They hadn't spoke long, but Kirsi shared her story to this woman, who she later found out her name to be Anja. Anja lived alone in her house. She was around the age of 57 then and she was unmarried, due to a tragic death of her husband, but she found it hard to talk about his death, so it remained unspoken of.

Anja agreed to keeping and taking care of the child, and she thought it was a miracle that she was given a child to watch over. She had always wanted children, but she could never have them. Then, there was the most perfect baby before her, and he was all hers for the taking. She said it was the most beautiful thing she'd set eyes on, and that's what let her know that it was finally her time. She now had everything she'd ever want. Frankito.
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For the record, Frankito was the one sharing the stories of how Anja had told him what happened.
She had said she talked to his mother and came to know how it all went down.
That's how we know this.
Frankito's great memory.