Status: I love you, kulta.

Home Sweet Finland, Bitch.


It had been a few years since Frankito's parents split, and he was yet to know, but he was completely happy with where he was. He was a 5 year old little kid in a 'big' house full of nifty things.

His favorite thing to play with was a cane that had belonged to Anja's husband. She had seen how happy he was and how much fun he had playing with it, she decided to give it to him for Christmas one year. It was then that he never let the thing out of his sight. It was his favorite 'toy', yet he knew something was special about it, so he knew better than to cause it any damage. He especially didn't want anything to happen to the handle; it was his favorite part. It was a dragon wrapped within and around a skull. Then, towards the bottom coming upwards, were flames twisted all the way around the cane. He felt safe when he had in his hands; like he could defeat any monsters in his closet and any 'bad man' that could come and 'rob their house'. Watching Frankito play 'pretend' like that had Anja in constant laughter.

Anja had always been the type that parents wanted to keep their children away from. She was old, she loved alone, she was rumored to be crazy, and she was a Satanist. Even though Frankito didn't understand until he got older, he knew something was strange about the things she did, yet he took a deep interest into it.

He always wondered why this woman was always dressed in black and wore jewelry with strange designs. He also didn't understand why they didn't go to church on Sundays and why there was no talking about Jesus and God. Of course, there was no need; at the age of four and a half, Anja had told Frankito about how there was no God, but there was a Satan and there was a Jesus. He was too young to understand then, but as he grew older, his understanding grew along with it.

It wasn't until Frankito was 8 that he, himself, had fallen into the Satanic ways, like Anja. It was no longer abnormal to him, but he still could not understand why he had no friends because of it. So, that was how Frankito grew accustomed; he had no friends, and he never wanted any. If no one could accept him for who he and his 'grandmother' were, then who needs 'em? He was perfectly fine living with Anja, helping her out occasionally, and learning so many new things each day.

Because Anja didn't feel it necessary, or believe in it, she didn't make Frankito go to school. She gave him a choice, and he declined. He'd rather spend his days outside, adventuring, or inside with Anja.

Another big moment for Frankito, when he was 8, was finding out about his parents and the truth about Anja and how he came to live with her.
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She sounds cool :]