Status: I love you, kulta.

Home Sweet Finland, Bitch.


Frankito hated his parents after hearing about them. They didn't love him, not one bit, so he hated them more than anything he ever had. He also hated them for bringing them into this world. It was so unfair, and not just because they had him to abandon him, but because the world was turning into a horrible place. He didn't need Anja to explain that to him, because all he had to do was watch t.v. or be outisde.

Still, he loved Anja. Even if he knew now that she wasn't exactly his grandmother. He still felt like she was though, and she was the only family he had. He was going to be okay as long as he had her, and a place to stay.

Even if Anja wasn't exactly the role-model type, she was an idol in his eyes. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have had the smarts she gave him. He never would have seen the world for what it was, and he would have given into all the stupid things regular kids did. Like school.

He hated the thought of it, even if he never went. There was no need if he had Anja to teach him things he'd actually need to know, rather than things school supposedly taught. Frankito didn't need to learn about history or how to write perfectly. He was with how he was, and he liked how it was going.

It had it's few rough times though, like when he found out Anja had stopped paying for the house. He didn't get why she didn't, but he didn't ask why. He figured she just didn't care, and was beign rebellious like she always was.

He also thought that she didn't have money to do it. He never saw her working, and she was always buying food for Frankito, or other things he wanted, like concert tickets to bands he liked.

She was always willing too, because Anja wanted Frankito happy. She made him clothes with his favorite band logos, and she made sure he got to see them every-so-often. Anja wanted to make sure Frankito would have the childhood he deserved, after his parents left him stranded. She especially wanted him to get the most out of her before she died.

What she didn't tell Frankito, was that for years she had been slowly getting sick from a cancer she had. She didn't have long to live, even if she didn't know how long exactly. She didn't care about her life until Frankito, so she wanted to keep seeing that smile on her face as long as she was alive.

It became aparent to Frankito that Anja was getting sick though. He didn't know why, but he always tried to hide the things he thought might have been the cause. Like her cigarettes. He hid them every time she bought a new pack, because he knew they couldn't have been helping. Same thing with her alcohol she drank. He poured it down the sink every chance he got, even if he knew she'd find out it was him. He didn't care. She was old, getting older, and she was getting sick.

Because of this, he stopped begging to go see his favorite band in concert, just so he could be with her. He didn't take his walking stick outside to have adventures at parks, or around town. Instead he layed in bed with her during the days, watching t.v. while she smoked her cigarettes and various things. He didn't even care if she drank anymore, because he knew it made her happy.

The days were starting to get very slow, and boring though...