The Fate of a King

The Third Victim

Niveus smirked as he ran, along with his soldiers. He glanced to one. "...Sir?" one questioned as they ran. Niveus smirked as he reached the farm, staring at Rhine. "If either Rhine or Glint question our actions...kill them." he ordered. Both the soldiers stopped also and nodded.

Talon looked down the scared Glint and laughed, landing on a branch just about Niveus. "Rhine." he whispered, his voice seemed to travel over the wind just like a ghost, and as he perched on the branch, in such a crooked, stiff manor, it resembled that of a vulture, waiting for its prey.

The little girl popped up in Glint's carriage. "Let me drive" she said in almost a threatening manner as she stared at him with evil eyes.

Glint stifled back a scream when the little girl popped up, "N- no! You think I would let some little girl drive a carriage while I am in it?" She just smiled again and grabbed the reigns, "Don't worry, I won't kill you." She said with a sadistic giggle, "Lord Niveus says you are to be alive when we arrive."

That did nothing to assure Glint especially when he could detect a sign of disappointment in her voice. "What exactly does this Niveus," he spat out the name, "want with me?"

The girl made a little cute laugh as she dodged a couple of trees, then a slight almost evil smirk came across her soft, delicate lips. "It is not my lord that wants is the bird man" she whispered, stopping quickly outside the farm, beside Niveus, his soldiers and Talon.

"Get out" she said, skipping out of the carriage and jumping next to Niveus. Niveus smirked as the carriage arrived, seeing his slave jump out he waited for Glint. "Kaoru, Twilit, make sure he stays away from her." he whispered to his soldiers then looked down to the girl, he didn't want his most precious and dangerous weapon to be harmed.

The soldiers straightened at this and nodded in unison while the girl just giggled. Talon crossed his arms, observing the carriage with nothing except grim feeling in his eyes. "Get out you pathetic soul!" he shouted, folding his wings as he dropped down from the branch, not in a mood to be patient as he stared at Rhine.

"Niveus, go and get him" he ordered. Niveus smirked. "As you wish." he whispered, dashing towards the poor human on the farm.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rhine is introduced in the next chapter. I think that it gets more interesting from here on. Constructive criticism? No, yes? Thanks, no thanks? haa

Listening to: Strobe by Friendly Fires