Status: RIP Jimmy. You'll never be forgotten! - Updates are kind of slow...

Girls & Guns.

Chapter Two

Johnny's POV:
"Oh God, Jimmy! Faster! Push! Push! Come on, Jimbo, I know you can do better than that!"

"I'm going, Johnny! I can't go any faster! Ahhhhh! I can't do this anymore! I'm letting go!" And with that, the shopping cart I was in goes flying down the canned foods aisle.


"Dude, abandon ship! Abandon ship!" Jimmy was standing a few yards back watching as the cart swerves unexpectedly and goes flying into a display of beans. The cans fell onto the floor and rolled all over. I ducked as some of them landed on me and in the cart. After the commotion had settled down some, I looked around. Jimmy was trying to hide from an angry looking man. The man looked like he was in his sixties and was balding, badly. His name was Mr. Carson and he had been their geometry teacher in high school. He was retired now though.

"Sullivan! Seward!" I hope he wasn't going to have an aneurysm... "Clean these up or I'll call your mothers!"

Jimmy looked over then and saw me trying not to laugh. He army crawled over and drig me back to his hiding place under a nearby fruit stand. He grinned at Mr. Carson then whispered to me, "Shh, he won't find us here!" Then while he was giggling, he hit his head on the fruit stand and caused four of the pineapples to drop to the floor with four separate thuds.

Everything in the store went quiet. Even the local moms and babies barely made a sound. Then the only sound was Mr. Carson's footsteps as he slowly walked down aisle 6; through the produce section and towards the fruit stand we were currently hiding under.

I swear I couldn't breathe. I don't know if it was because I was trying not to laugh or because I was afraid for my life... My guess is a little of both, considering Jimmy's face was scrunched up and he was holding his head because of the pain, which looked kind of funny, and because, to be honest, Mr. Carson had always scared me a little. Something about the way he glares at me all the time just gets to me! Plus, he's red and sweaty... He kind of reminds me of Mr. Krabs off of Spongebob! Only, he's not a crab... And he's scarier!

By now Mr. Carson was stopped in front of the fruit stand. It was still fairly quiet in the store, but most of the mothers had gone back to their shopping. "I told you two last week was your last chance. Get. Out."

Jimmy and I froze at his voice with wide eyes and slowly peeked out. His face was almost purple and I swear that vein on his neck was pulsing! I swear, I could see it!

We slowly got up from under the fruit stand, cautious and ready to run if he made a move. When we got out all the way, I let out a snicker. I couldn't help it. He looked hilarious standing there pointing toward the door. I guess he heard me.. Either that or we weren't leaving fast enough.

"GET OUT!" he roared, and we mad a run toward the door.

We were both laughing our asses off when we got in the car. We were still laughing when we got back to Matt's house and walked in the door. We snickered all the way through the house and into the backyard where all the rest of the guys were hanging out. That was when I shut up though, because I suddenly remembered why we had been at the store in the first place... "Shit, Jimmy!"

"What?" He was still laughing some, though not nearly as much as before.

"Aren't we forgetting something?" I hinted. A look came across his face; one I've seen many times before and that made me smile, even though we were currently in deep shit.

"Johnny! ... We forgot the alcohol!" he yelled. I tried to shush him but it was too late, the others had heard. You know, we could have just snuck back out and got it, but nooo... Jimmy just couldn't keep his mouth shut. Before I knew it, we were being tackled by Matt, Brian, and Zacky.

Syn was on top of me, grabbing my head in a headlock. "You dumbasses! You were gone for two fucking hours and you still forgot the beer!"

"I'm sorry!" I yelled, while trying to make them stop. "It's Jimmy's fault; he started it! He wanted me to push him in the cart!" You know what's unfair? Two of the three guys attacking us were on top of me. Know why? It's 'cause nobody wants to tackle the tall guy, except for the big guy.

I started trying to fight Zack and Brian off while Jimmy was trying to roll Matt off of him. It was a futile effort on both our parts, as it turns out. Matt stood up and threw Jimmy over his shoulder; how, I don't know. Then he walked with him towards the house. Brian and Zacky watched them and then they picked me up and carried me into the house behind Matt and Jimmy.

Next thing I know, I was being thrown onto the front lawn beside Jimmy. Matt yelled, "Don't come back 'til you've got the beer!" and slammed the door. Jimmy and I looked at each other.

"Got any money on you?" he asked.

"No, I don't."

"Well, I guess it's finally come down to this... We're gonna have to sell our bodies, there's no other way..."

"Oh, Hell no!"

"How else are we supposed to get the beer then? They're not just gonna give it to us at the liquor store, especially not since you dropped the 40!"

"Will you shut up about that already?! Besides, I'm pretty sure Brian has an account. He can pay for the fucking beer!" Jimmy looked at me like I was a genius.

"Yeah! Brian can pay for the fucking beer!" he echoed. "Hi ho! Hi ho! Off to the liquor store we go!"

I shook my head. "That didn't even go with the rhythm, numb nuts!"

But he shrugged and struck a pose, pointing toward his car. "To the Bat-mobile!"

As we were driving to the store, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a truck. I could've sworn I'd seen that truck a few different times that day. It gave me a weird feeling that something was going to happen.
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I know, it took forever to update. I'm sorry!