Year 2013


elainabelaina;; : abbie pick up your phone right now. i've been trying to call you for the past
bajillion hours.

abbsmyabs...: jesus christ didnt i tell you that my phone got taken away from the me? i blame the parents.

elainabelaina;; : damn it sorry dude i forgot. i can't wait for june. school is over and i'm in Paris again

abbsmyabs...: fuck you you get to go to paris. i hate you. and seriously...i can't wait for tomorrow. hello? i get to go see mr. mcdreamy again.

elainabelaina;; : good lord are you talking about chip again? he's not all that hot. Jerome Lewins from the slayers is way hotter.

abbsmyabs...: ok dude youre never gonna meet lewins so give it up. and chip is hot. i can't wait to see if i have fitness with him.

elainabelaina;; : oh so now you want him to see you all sweaty and gross looking?

abbsmyabs...: ok never mind. i wouldn't mind having him as my lab partner... :)

elainabelaina;; : good lord.

abbsmyabs...: this year is gonna be great. i can feel it.

elainabelaina;; : way to stay on the same topic... think this year is gonna suck. university applications, exams, resumes, and more exams. plus my parents want me to go to harvard.

abbsmyabs... : HARVARD? how about the state college like me?

elainabelaina;; : my parents have high expectations for me. and the state college isn't gonna cut it.

abbsmyabs...: that sucks. well i gotta go...cya tomorrow in homeroom. later, bitch.

elainabelaina;; : hhahaha later :)
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*i'm gonna think of names for the chapters after i finish the story...makes more sense to me.*