Can I Love Someone Older?

Were To Start...

OK, Hello people, my names Sarah Thomas, I’m a fourteen and nine month year old teenage girl, who just so happens to be in love with a seventeen year old guy from another school, that I hardly even know, and haven’t meet before. I know it’s stupid and completely inappropriate, but I really, really like him, OK scratch that, I love him.

I go to a normal school; full of...Not so normal and annoying people. I’m a straight A, average student. I have many friends, though I don’t really hang out with them, and I hide so far deep, that nobody (not even myself) knows when I am the real me. I’m not real keen on meeting other people, but otherwise, I’m your basic average human being, with a few too many faults, in my system. I sound like so much fun...right...?

OK, so back to the point at hand. I’m in love with a seventeen year old, and there is so many things wrong with that. Why...? Well let me start...
1. He's seventeen, and I’m only fourteen, big difference
2. He has a girlfriend, and I’m totally jealous of her
3. He goes to a different school than me
4. I’ve never met him, nor him met me
See so many things, that is bad for me to like him, OK maybe not a lot of things at the moment, but it’s still a lot of things that could get us, mainly him, into so much trouble, but it doesn’t seem to stop, my stupid heart from saying I have a chance.

As you can tell I’m in a very bad, and troubling position, and it doesn’t help that I can’t stop thinking or talking to or about him either. What have I gotten myself into...?