Can I Love Someone Older?

The Date...

A few weeks had pasted, sorry to those that want to know more about what happens had my father’s place, but it’s nothing special, he goes to work, I muck around, we eat we sleep, see nothing special, but I did have to leave early, because of a meeting and my father’s boss, said I had to go. So I went and stayed at Jason’s for a while, it was probably a good thing to, my mother called when I got there, and she wanted to know all the details on what we had done. I mean come on, is sex on her mind twenty-four seven? Ok, so we have got that out of the way, and now I’m on the stupid date with Jason. Let us begin...

“Sarah, Sarah, wait up, geez it’s not a walking contest” Jason yelled from behind me, you see, I sort of up and left as soon as I saw Kat. She was shopping with her mum, and to say that they were on a shopping spree was an understatement. They love shopping, and they will go into EVERY shop, if they have to, to get what they want. So seeing her, alarm bells went off and I ran off, with Jason wondering what was happening, while following.

“I said, we do this without her knowing, that was the deal” my voice was angry and held disappointment, “I know, I just didn’t know she was there” Jason had caught up to me, and I could soon feel myself be turned around. “Sarah Jasmin Thomas, look at me right now” I didn’t want to look at him, the anger in his voice, I didn’t need to see it in his eyes. “Don’t you dare disobey me” my eyes widened at the voice just now, I knew it was Jason, yet it sounded so much like one of the men my mother dated, he used to yell at me a lot, hit me to. I look at Jason, eyes clouded with fear., “Sarah, I’m sorry I didn’t...*sigh*...I didn’t mean to scare you” his voice had softened and as I searched his eyes, for some sign of a liar, I found no trace. I felt arms wrap around me, and I closed my eyes, while unconsciously leaning into the warmth.

I keep hearing Jason whisper I’m sorry over and over again, it was annoying, but he knew I needed it. Soon I moved out and away from him my eyes now open, and soon they become wide and frantic. I see Kat, she has a group of girls, most of the girls from school. The look pissed, and to say that I wasn’t the target was totally wrong. “WHAT THE FUCK? Jason what the fuck are you hugging...that...that slut for” it hurt to hear those words come from my only friend, (more like my once, only friend), I look around, not wanting to get into a fright, especially after the ones I had with my mother on the phone.

I look around, and something catches my eye, but before I know it someone throws a punch at me. It was too late and I was hit in the stomach, and I started coughing up blood. I hadn’t eaten, or slept, so I was at a disadvantage. I clutched my stomach, it hurt so much, I hadn’t been hit this hard, since Gabby left. She was a bitch, and the only one who would ever try and fight me without restraint. I looked up, trying to see through the black spots in my vision, and see that the one who had hit me was one of Kat’s followers. I growled, and moved, ignoring the pain n hit them back, twice as hard, and before they had a chance, I ran.

I stumbled, plenty of times, but I just wanted to get away. I could hear them behind me, yelling names, and throwing stuff at me. I focused really hard, not wanting to blackout before I got somewhere safe, well safe enough anyway. I soon see a cafe and run in, hoping it’s full of people. I move around people until I accidentally run into one. I look up and I can’t really make out their face, but I ask nicely, hoping that they will take pity and help me. “excuse me, um sir, would you mind helping me” my voice sounded so small and fragile, but I wasn’t going to complain. I slightly see him crouch to see me, and I can just see that his hair is red. “sure, what can I help you with?” his voice sounded so much like someone, but I could tell, and I didn’t have the time to either. “a gang of kids...are trying to hurt me......I need...somewhere to hide...can me” I could feel his eyes look over me, but I wasn’t sure if he was doing it for good measure, or he was checking out some of injures. “get behind me and don’t move, got it?” his voice was deep and stern, but I listened to him none the less.

“where is that fucking slut?” I knew that voice belonged to Kat, but the rest I didn’t. “she probably did a split” “yer leave it alone, we’ll get her at school” “fine, but we better, nobody gets away with what she fuckin’ did” I heard them leave and sighed, one problem down, fifty million to go. I slowly move, only to stumble and be caught by the guy that made sure I was safe, “you look terrible” his voice sounded so full of concern, but I couldn’t really tell, I looked up but I couldn’t really see much though the black spots in my vision. “thanks, I make a habit of getting into fights” I tried to stand, but I only fell back into him again. “hey are you alright?” I couldn’t tell who had said what, but all I knew was that everything was going black, and I really couldn’t do much to stop it.