Can I Love Someone Older?

You Are Who Again...

My head hurt and my ass was being a pain. I was now sitting in the hospital bed, listening to my mother and father make a fuss over me…again. You see, the people that knocked me onto the floor, (reason why my ass was being a pain), was my parents, they entered in sure a hurry that they didn’t see me until I kicked them both, and then went to sit on the bed. The guy that I had told you about, earlier had gone to use the phone, and tell his wife…I think…that I was fine, so yer, here I am, stuck with my parents saying who knows what, and all I can do is…well nothing.

I turn my head and look out the window, watching the sun set, it was beautiful. I hadn’t been doing what I loved most lately and I missed doing it, seeing the sun set, the colours fading from yellows, pinks and reds, to blues, purples, and light greens, it was magnificent, it was what I would do, until things changed.

I hear someone walk in, but I don’t turn to see, I was lost in my own dream, of flying, nothing special, but when I hear my name, I turn only for my eyes to widen. “Sarah, Sarah are you alright?” my mouth moved, and my head nodded, but nothing came out, standing in front of me, was the man, I had been dreaming about for weeks, (months even), the same, fiery red black tipped hair, the same, tall dark and handsome, man I’ve been love sick with was now standing in front of me, with the funniest look I’ve ever seen, I break out in a fit of hysterical laughter. I grip my stomach, as I fall to the ground only to roll around. I was laughing so hard I forgot what I was laughing about.

I soon stop laughing, and I sit back on the bed, Brendan now smiling, and sitting on the chair he was sleeping in, and my parents had gone to get a coffee, (or something else), but I wasn’t really complaining. I slowly turn to face Brendan, only to blush as I see him staring at me. I smile and wave, stupidly, and I soon hear him laughing at me. I blush harder, and listen to the laugh, I had imagined hearing so many times, and to be quite honest, it sounded exactly the same. Brendan soon stops laughing and looks at me, a gentle smile on his face. “How are you Sarah?” I giggle softly “I’m fine, and yourself?” I smile softly, waiting for an answer, (I think my cheeks will hurt from smiling so much). “I am well, thank you, but I must ask...why were those girls chasing you, last week?”

My head began to spin, (not literally spin), it span with memories, of what had happened, not all of it was clear, but I remembered enough to know that I was going to die if I went back to school. I shook my head, and smiled softly, “I got caught with my friends boyfriend, we were hanging out, nothing wrong, he scared me, hugged me, then all of a sudden, I was going to die for doing so” my breathe held, waiting for a response. “I see” he looked away from me, but I could still see the concern in his eyes, whether or not he knew it.

I soon hear footsteps, and my mother enters the room, her clothes half hanging off her, but other was, she looked the same as every other time I see her. She walked over to me, and hugged me, I smelt, alcohol on her breath, but otherwise, she was more sober than usual. She moved away and smiled, “How are you dear?” my eyes widened, and I looked around, hoping my real mother would yell out surprise. “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?” I moved of the bed and pushed myself against the wall, my mother looking shocked, and out of sorts. “What do you mean, Sarah it’s me, your mother” she moved around the bed, closer to me, I freaked and sat on the floor, only to look up and see my father walk in. “Charlene, please stop scaring her, she’ll go into shock” my father moved towards my mother and stood behind her, his hand on her shoulder.

My eyes flickered between the two, I felt so alone, I wanted to see what would haven’t if I jumped out a window, I stood, my eyes downcast, and ran out the door, past my parents, past Brendan, past everyone, I couldn’t take it anymore, something was terribly wrong, and I sure as hell wasn’t sticking around to find out what it was. I turned left, I turned right, only to end up in the same corridor as the one with my room linked to it. I was about to turn and go another way, when someone caught my arm, and pulled me into an embrace. My eyes widened and I struggled until I heard the voice I had been longing to hear since I first saw the person, which it belonged to.

“Shhh, it’s alright, nothing’s going to hurt you, and everything is alright” I hear Brendan repeat over and over again. I lean into his touch, and my arms wrap around him, a small smile on my face. I didn’t need to look up to see him smile, but I did anyway, just to see him smile, was enough for me. As I look up I feel my eyes slowly close, but I whisper a small ‘thank you’ before I fall asleep in his arms.