Can I Love Someone Older?

Karma Is My Friend...

I had woken my eyes dull, clouded, and back to their originality. I was soon discharged from the hospital, and I was taken to a small, place that other kids, that couldn’t live at home anymore, went to. I really didn’t pay attention, and to tell you the truth, I really didn’t care. They gave me back my MP, my phone, and other things that I came to the hospital with, but I just sat in a corner, watching other kids try to have fun. I was bored, and having no internet access, really pissed me I wasn’t in the best of moods, and I think it was a good thing that they ended up sedating mood was pretty feral.

I dreamt of Brendan, again, that night, I just missed him too much, and my fantasies thought it their job, to make a deep n dark wish come true, in my head. The dream was hot, and steamy. I woke halfway through the night, face flushed, and overheated, (well you would to after you dreamt about sex, geez). I stayed up the rest of the night, I couldn’t really sleep, and I couldn’t be bothered anyway.

Day break soon came, and it was a dreaded school day, the day I have been dreading since I left the hospital, (which was only a few hours ago). The ladies that looked after me gave me a spear uniform, for my school and then sent me on my way. I blared, ‘I will not bow’ by Breaking Benjamin, the whole way to school, and what I was meet with, was quite shocking. Walking into the main entrance, people were putting up, coloured decorations, and cleaning, not that our school is a mess or anything, but come on, what school , in their right mind, would go on a cleaning frenzy?

People walked, ran, and stumbled pasted me, and nobody noticed I was there, well not until the principle stood in front of me, and started talking...really loudly. “Where have you been Thomas?” me being the smart ass I am, I looked around, and started calling out ‘Thomas’. “I’m sorry sir, but I don’t think Thomas is here today” I finished with a cheeky smirk on my face, which only led me to get a back hand, across the face...did I ever tell you, that my principle doesn’t like smart asses, and doesn’t take it lightly...but I mean, come on, he deserved it. Rubbing my cheek, I glared at him, and waited for the bastard to continue talking.

“Don’t play smart with me, you little bitch” his voice a monotone, and I was about to walk away, when he back handed me again. “You little bitch, stealing from your own friend, have you know consideration for other people, have you no honour?” I stood there shocked. So Kat had tattled on me eh...well I think it was time I let her little secret go...karma seemed to be my friend, and pay back, was a bitch...
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i'm sorry that its short but im a little stuck for idea's

oh and the next few chapter will be in Brendans point of view

k...thankyou for reading hope you enjoyed it