Can I Love Someone Older?

Unexpected Accorance...

“Don’t play smart with me, you little bitch” his voice a monotone, and I was about to walk away, when he back handed me again.
So Kat had tattled on me eh...well I think it was time I let her little secret go...karma seemed to be my friend, and pay back, was a bitch...

I stood there, deciding my plan of action…ok maybe not as exciting as it sounds, but you get the picture. I was contemplating, whether or not to tell Mr. Bastard, that his oh so innocent daughter, was actually not as innocent as she led to believe.

He was getting his hand ready to backhand me again, and I really didn’t want to kill him, (actually I do, but I won’), I waited until he was completely ready to hit, and made sure that I was ready to counter and then tell him, but my plan changed. I caught his wrist as he tried to make contact with my cheek, and I saw Kat standing behind him, her eyes wide, and confused.

I looked between them both and weighted my options, either tell him, that his daughter sold herself, or wait and see what happens. I was about to choose the first, when I saw Kat move, and try to hit me. I was ready for any attack, and I caught her wrist in mid-strike, and squeezed it hard. She swarmed, and whimpered in pain, but I didn’t let go, there was something I wanted to finish.

“Mr. Bastard” I said, my voice revealing nothing, but anger and hatred, and from the look on his face he was terrified of me. “You do realize that you daughter, Kat, is no longer a virgin” I stretched out the word virgin, and watched as emotions flickered through his eyes, and shown on his face. I didn’t feel bad, and I didn’t really care, so I let them both go. Arguing started, the school basically stopped moving, and everyone was paying attention the, the argument between father and daughter.

I walked away, and left without a word, but didn’t realize that I was being followed, until to late. I was slammed into the bike shed wall, the tin, rattling and shaking as I hit it hard. My hands were pinned above me head, and I couldn’t really move. I tried to see who the attacker was, and only sighed in relief, when I saw that it was Jason.

“Jason, let…let me go” I said struggling to get out of his grasp. “NO” he yelled, I flinched, but otherwise cessed struggling. “What did you do?” his eyes flickered in the direction of the bastard and his daughter. “Told the truth” with my last bit of strength, I got him to let go and I walked away, but he grabbed my wrist.

I twisted his arm, and slammed him face first into the shed. “Why do you care?” when I was answered with silence, I tightened my hold.

“Answer me Jason, or should I call you...coward” I said the last word into his ear, and I felt him shiver. I quickly let go, I didn’t want to touch him anymore; it burned me. “I care because, I thought you had gotten hurt” I could tell the concern in his voice was real, but it didn’t matter, I didn’t care. I soon felt his hand on my, now bruised cheek, and unconsciously leaned into the touch. Jason’s voice brought me back to reality, I hadn’t noticed that my thoughts had taken control, but it didn’t matter now. “Sarah, your my friend, I’ll always care” the comment struck home, my heart ached, and I felt wobbly on my knees. Jason wasn’t the one I loved, I loved Brendan...right? I mean I loved him, but Jason, what was going on. I couldn’t take it.

I sprinted, and the next thing I know, is I’ve bumped into someone’s chest, and my world turns black.
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Sorry it's short...again

hehehe cliff hanger people...enjoy ^^