Can I Love Someone Older?


“Brendan is there something you haven’t told me” I turned as I heard the stern voice, aimed in my direction. Mr. Thomas was looking at me, and he looked almost confused, and angry, but the way he was standing I could tell he was tense, and ready for the worse. “Mr. Thomas, I can explain” I was about to start explaining, but he beat me and told me to sit on the couch, as he started to ask questions.

“Brendan, who is this Mia person?” I watched him as he paced, back and fourth in front of me. I sighed and got ready to talk. “Mia Karmadi, she’s sixteen, turning seventeen in three days” I waited for a reply, but he just stood there, looking at me like waiting for me to finish. “Mia, is my girlfriend”

He looked ready to explode. His face was red, and he was clenching and unclenching his fists. “What do you mean your…girlfriend” he spat the last word out, not really wanting to say it. He was ridged and tense, meaning he wasn’t happy and was thinking into it to hard, or there was something he wanted to say.

“Mia and I have been dating for a year, but…” I was lost, I wasn’t sure how or if I should tell him, that I loved his daughter more than I loved a girl I’ve been seeing for a whole year now. I kept the last [art of my sentence to myself, and was about to speak when he started talking again. “Brendan, I asked you something, and you probably heard things to, but…but I can’t let you see Sarah, if your going to do all this behind your girlfriends back” he sighed and slumped down beside me, “Sarah’ is to fragile for this, and I trust you enough to make the right decision, but right now…you have someone else, and because of that, I can’t let you see Sarah any more” he sounded disappointed, and to be quite honest, I was disappointed to.

I heard Mr. Thomas stand, and I followed him towards the door. “I’m so sorry Brendan for doing this, but…if you keep dating Mia, and you come and see Sarah, I’m calling the cops” I nodded, not looking at him, but contemplating the information. Today was a bad day, I for now, I really didn’t want my time with Sarah to end, but after hearing Mr. Thomas threat, or warning, I wasn’t going to go against him.

He opens the door, and looks at me, a saddened expression on his face, “I’m so sorry Brendan, but you have to leave” he patted my shoulder, and I walked out, as soon as I was far enough away, Mr. Thomas, closed the door. I looked for Sarah’s bedroom window, but I didn’t need to look hard, because she was standing there, watching me, as tears slowly went down her face. I wanted to comfort her, but I wasn’t going to go against a threat that could get me arrested.

With one last look and a small wave, I started walking, in the direction of my own home.
I start to think, but more like remember, the first time I meet Sarah in person, the first time I talked to her. To be honest, I was obsessed with her, and from the way I looked at it, it was probably the same for her, but because she didn’t have a boyfriend, she really didn’t need to hide it that well.
I was soon home. I stood in front of our small but huge, two-story house. It was nothing fancy, not like the one’s you saw on television, it was more, classic and undated. The garden was, full of blooming flowers, and small bush like plants, as well as the usual lavender bush here and there. I smiled at my handy work, our house’s front garden was my pride and joy, and it gave the house that homely feeling.

Apart from the garden and the house looking old, it was a stable house, which I loved to live in. I slowly made my way towards the house, and inside the wooden, old door. Walking past my mother and father, watching commercials and the television, I made my way up the stairs begin careful not to step on any of my brother’s toys, lying around. I get to my bedroom door, open it and walk inside, throwing my shirt, into the hamper, full of dirty clothes that needs to be washed.
I lay on my bed, and soon realisation hits me, for the second time that day, Mia’s birthday was in three days, and I won’t see her till the second day. Meaning I only had tomorrow to make my decision, and then I’d have to break the news to both Sarah, and Mia. Who should I choose? The girl I just can’t seem to get enough of, or the girl who I’ve been seeing for the last year?
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sorry it took so long
this have been really hectic
n...i've had somethings happen...that hasnt help me much *sob*
i'm sorry

but enjoy ^.^
and please comment