Can I Love Someone Older?

My Biggest Mistake...

“Sarah, get here now” I sighed, and walked towards my boss. I was working, on my day off…and I wasn’t really in the mood for it right now. I stood in front of him, standing, with a bored expression on my face, and looking at him lazily. He started talking about who knows what, and all I did was blocking him out. My boss was a stumpy man, short, wide and bald. His face was chubby, and his eyes were hidden by all his fat. His lips were fat and puffy, and stood out with there bright red colour.

“Sarah, you have a phone call” I turned, and walked away from the chubby man, and walked towards the person who was holding the phone. I went to the phone, and grabbed it, getting a small smile from the woman holding the phone.

“Hello” “Sarah, I need you to come home” my eyes widened, at hearing my father on the other end. “Dad, what’s…what’s wrong?” I was shaking slightly, I didn’t know what to do, or what was wrong with my father. “It’s your mother” that was all I needed to hear. I dropped the phone, and quickly told my boss I was leaving. He didn’t ask questions, but I knew I was in for it the next time I went into work. I ran, got my stuff and left. It wasn’t a far run from my mother’s house, and I was able to keep a steady pace to my mother’s house anyway.

I made it home in no time, and I walked inside...after walking into the door, and hurting my poor little nose...and stood near the entrance of the kitchen, only to see my father and mother at the table, drinking...COFFEE! I laughed, and being out of breathed, made it hard…but I managed…some how.

I was soon, sitting in a chair, in between my parents, while they sipped on their cups of glorious coffee. Though they wouldn’t give me any, the smell was enough. I looked between the two; they looked like they were having a mental breakdown from the inside out. To be honest it was funny to watch the faciale expressions, come across their faces. I held back a snicker, and waited for them to talk…but of course me being me, remembered why I came back. “So, what is wrong with, mother dearest?” I sounded so…posh n sarcastic, I couldn’t hold back the snicker anymore, so I laughed, until I was hit over the head.

“First, stop acting like a stuck up little bitch, second, nothing is wrong with your mother dearest, minus the fact that she’s gone and got herself pregnant, but apart from that, alls good” I stopped rubbing my head, and my eyes went wide. “Can you repeat that last part, you lost me at pregnant” I looked up and smiled sweetly, and waited for them to start saying ‘we’re only joking’ and ‘we totally got you’ but they didn’t, my father just repeated himself, while my mother kept drinking her coffee.

I looked at my mother, and glared. I didn’t want same random persons, kid running around here, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to stick around to see it. I glared harder, and I saw my mother tense, and freak, but she said nothing. “Is there anything else that I should be aware of?” I asked as I turned my glare onto my father, “yes, you’re living with me…permanently” my father smiled, and my glare melted away, as I smiled in return. Living with my father, would be the best thing ever. “We move your stuff in to your room, tomorrow Sarah, so you might want to get things ready” I nodded and gave my father a quick hug, then run to my room.

I logged onto my computer, then onto the chat log. I was ecstatic, I really didn’t give or care if my father found out I talked to Brendan…that was if he was online. While I waited, I started to pack my writing and drawing materials into their special box, which I made for them. I was smiling and whistling the tone of ‘this is who I am’ by Vanessa Amorosi, I was just so happy.

I finished packing them, and went back to the computer, starting random conversations with people. I was bored, but hyper…and that’s a bad combination. Bored plus hyper equals…PERVTED ME!!! (Laughs evilly), told you it was bad. So the conversations started, first off really innocent, then one person said something...and I thought dirty, turning it into a full on feral fest. It was so funny, even talking to Brendan, I mean come on, who wouldn’t wanna talk to a hottie bout who knows what, but the thoughts were a little over board, but they were good. (Licks lips)

After a while of feral talking, and unnatural responses, I logged off and sat on my bed. I grabbed my phone n MP, and started listening to ‘anywhere but here’ by sick puppies, (good song), and closed my eyes. I started lip singing to the music, and didn’t realise when the door had opened, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked to see my father, and I turned my music down, and looked at him, waiting for him to speak. He smiles, and gives me a cup of coffee, (don’t ask cause I have no idea where it came from), and I took it, smiling happily.

I took a few sips, before placing it onto my bed side table, and looking at my father again, waiting for him to speak. I waited, and waited, and waited...and waited, “Sigh, yes father, what is it?” I glared playfully, but still meant it. “Um...Sarah, there is someone here to see you” I looked confused, but I nodded, and took a larger gulp of the hot coffee, and turned my MP off, stopping the music, and creating silence. I hated the silence so I got off my bed, and smiled as it creaked under the pressure, and lose of weight on it. I walked beside my father, and smiled, before going out my room door, and out near the front door. My eyes widen, and I soon come face to face with.

Mia Karmadi (dun dun dunnnn)
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hehe heres the next chapter peoples
and please comment

or else no more chapters

chapters=happy readers
happy readers=happy me

heheh ^^ enjoy