Can I Love Someone Older?

And The Day Begins With...

I wake up that morning, after finally having a good sleep, and I seem happy and everything, you know like it’s a new day, birds singing, people smiling, OK maybe not that good of a morning, but what really put my mood down the drain was remembering I had school. I know everyone, well…maybe some people anyway, hate school but I hate it with a passion. I even hate the word…school (shivers).

Getting up out of my, comforting domain, I slowly get dressed in my dreaded school uniform. The uniform was nothing special, (seriously it was just a plain old uniform), a plain black button up shirt, and a grey skirt to match. A grey blazer, with the school logo in silver sticking, well the girls could were the skirt and top, a dress, which is just plain grey with silver sticking running down it, or long black pants. The boys had black pants, black button up top, same grey blazer with the school logo, and they could were dark grey shorts. Everyone had to wear black shoes, but because I like causing some trouble for the school, I wear what I want.

You’re probably thinking that my school is for Goths, ‘n’ emo’s but your totally wrong. My school is the highest rated school for producing smart people. Your president couldn’t even beat our academic scores, which is really humiliating. The only reason our uniform is black, grey and silver, is because the public got sick of seeing green and white, or blue and white, or yellow and black, and whatever else there is, so our school made itself unique and we became the black and grey school. O I forgot to tell you the name of my school huh…? Its Lithium high, school for great minds, (yawn) doesn’t it just make you wonder what this world is coming too…?

Once I had, finally got my uniform on (unfortunately), I went to the bathroom to do my hair and add my favourite thing in the world…my eyeliner. Yes people I do were eyeliner, and it’s black too, no I’m not Goth, I just like wearing it. Looking in the mirror, I look over myself. Dark, clouded blue-green-black eyes, dead straight multi-coloured hair, which really didn’t do much, ten piercings in each ear, silver coloured braces. Yep I’m a totally hottie (laugh).

Finishing in the bathroom, I make my way to the kitchen. Now I must warn you, some crazy things happen in the kitchen, such as...
*exploding chickens *people randomly popping up *things flying
*people collapsing *super fast people running past *toast stealer's
Yep the kitchen is a totally random place...OK not that random but you get the picture...right...? Cores you do, who wouldn’t. OK, little off topic, so we shall rewind just a little, OK.

As I was saying, the kitchen is a really kooky place to be, (as you can tell from above), and to say I wasn’t surprised to see my mother, passed out on the floor, and a guy sitting next to her, was a BIG understatement. If you’re wondering what you mean? Then I shall explain. My mother is a hard partier, a drunk, a paid slut and the worse mother in the world, (well to me anyway), and I’ll leave it at that, but due to the paid slut part, there’s a new guy here every night, so yer, nothing new.

Back to where we left off, to explain about my mother, the guy was naked, (as you could probably tell), and he was looking at my mother like she was something to eat. So me being...well me, I went to him and hit him, hard. “Get out” if you could see the words, you could have seen the venom dripping of them. He looked utterly terrified, and grabbed his clothes to dress. Not the best of images of the morning, but it was still funny, watching him trying to put his pants on right, while looking and waiting for me to do something. When he had...finally managed to get his pants on, and slip his top on, with one final look at me, he left. “’N’ good riddance” I said and grabbed the bag in the fridge, and headed for school.

I only lived a few hundred km’s from school, but sometimes I just couldn’t be bothered with putting up with my sister, and other people on the bus. I mean, come on who wants to have to hear, sex this sex that, boyfriend this boyfriend that, girlfriend this girlfriend that, and so on and so on. It gets really annoying after a few years. No offence to those that do, talk about that stuff.

So yes, as I make my way to school, (shivers), I listen to my music, while thinking. I bet you a twenty that you know who...yes you’re correct I’m thinking about Brendan Wayland, the hottest seventeen year old I know...well to me anyway.

So, during the...exhausting walk to school, I had a grin plastered on my face, and my dark eyes shined; only I little bit anyway, but they were still shining. The only thing that could bring me, down from my high was... (Dramatic music)...see the bitch of all bitches Bernadette Mayhems... (I know her last name is so weird), but then again nothing ever goes my way, so as I enter the school grounds, smile now gone and eyes back to their original dark color, the first person I see is...Bernadette Mayhems, and her little group of faggots.

Yep this was totally how I wanted my day to start. Ladies and gentlemen, the fight of the day was about to start, and you can all blame Bernadette, not me.