Can I Love Someone Older?

Um…Chapter Title…?...

I had made it to my destination, the park. I sighed, and started to make my way to my little hiding spot, over behind the trees, through the bushes and to the back, where a little unknown spot was. I walked through it all, and stood, near the place I loved being at. A smile graced my lips as I started to see old memories of this place when I was younger, and soon I was walking towards the old swing set that was there.

I sat on the rusty old thing, and slowly swang back and forth, not thinking about anything, or anyone. Listening to the sounds around me…yes I realise this sounds very corny, but its how it was, until I was startled by a mysterious sound, and was caught off guard by someone, standing near. “Whose there” I was shaking in the swing, and you could hear the faint rattling of the chains. I got no answer, and I was starting to freak out, I mean, I may be a little unordinary, and act like a different person, but here I was free to be me, but I think that was about to change.

I moved away from the swing, and walked towards the place I heard the noise come from, (bad idea idiot), and looked around. I soon felt something touch my shoulder, and I turned while getting my fist ready, but stopped short at seeing a familiar face. There wasn’t enough light to figure out who they were exactly, but I knew that I knew them. I pushed the person into some light, and my eyes widened, at seeing the face of Brendan.

“What are you doing?” I had stopped acting like a chicken, and was back to my usual self. “Sarah, were you scared?” he was smirking, and I was tempted to hit him, though I knew I wouldn’t. “I wasn’t scared, just tell me why you’re here” I huffed and crossed my arms while pouting, a childish move, but hey I was mad, and acting weird. “I’m here because I saw you come this way; I wanted to talk to you” I looked at him, like he had grown a second head, and several arms, (wild imagination, remember that), but I nodded and waited for him to continue, but before he could say anything, I remembered what I had found out from Mia. “I already know that you’re no longer dating anyone, but single” I said, almost happily, and I uncrossed my arms, as I smirked, at my smartness.

He frowned, and my smirk dropped, and I looked down ashamed. “I’m sorry, Mia told me” I was sad, and I couldn’t look at him. I remember, the punch Mia delivered to my arm, and instantly grabbed it, earning a wince and a pained expression across my face. “What did she do?” I looked up surprised, and slightly frightened, he was scaring me...not that I would admit it openly. I shake my head, and tighten my grip, holding back a whine of pain. “It’s nothing, just a bruise” I laugh nervously, in hopes that he’d drop the subject...looks like karma wasn’t on my side anymore. “Show me” his voice was stern, and it sent shivers down my spine... (Not the best of places or time). I hesitantly pushed my sleeve up, revealing the bruise.

He poked, and touched it, I was happy to know he cared, but he didn’t need to touch hurt you know. I winced, and groaned in pain, and soon he stopped examining it. “You do realize that everything you just did hurt me” I was pissed, but not that pissed. He looked sorry, and I heard him mumble an apology, before hugging me. I’m not really a big fan of hugs, but this one...I’ll give it an exception.

After a while, of hugging, (yes we were hugging for a long time), I had to ask, “What did you want to talk about?” I looked at him curiously, as I made my way back to the swing. “Well, you already know part of it” he laughed nervously, and I joined in, as I sat on the swing and swang back and forth slowly. “Um...Sarah...would you...” there was a pause, and my mind was already sorting through multiple possibilities, such as
*well you date me *well you marry me *can I kiss you again
*wanna go out well you have sex with me
Now the last one, I had no idea where it come from, but I wasn’t really complaining...I’m good at being a perv, and I really had no disagreements with that one...or any of the others as a matter of fact.

I giggled, and I looked at Brendan, as he continued. “Sarah, will you go out with me?” getting straight to the point, I was shocked surprised, and ecstatic. I mean it’s not every day you get asked out by your crush...oh wait now...that just happens with me. (Laughs), anyway, I jumped off the swing and ran at Brendan, tackling him to the ground, in a tackle hug. I smiled, as I looked at him, and giggled. “Yep” that was all I needed to say, before Brendan captured my lips, in a sweet innocent kiss. One I had been missing and wanting for a while.
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Sorry about the wait
lots of homework ^^

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