Can I Love Someone Older?

Mislead Fairy Tale...

Ladies and gentleman, reading this story, I must tell you that what you have read is a total fake. Would you like me to tell you the truth, of what really happened when Brendan, asked Me, Sarah, out...well to bad for those that don’t want to know, I’m going to tell you anyway.

After a while, of hugging, (yes we were hugging for a long time), I had to ask, “What did you want to talk about?” I looked at him curiously
“Well, you already know part of it” he laughed nervously, and I joined in, as I sat on the swing and swang back and forth slowly. “Um...Sarah...would you...”
“Sarah, will you go out with me?”

I looked at Brendan, and moved away from him not meeting his gaze, but glaring sadly at my feet. What should I do, I stupid fragile, misleading heart wants me to say yes, brain, the thing I relied on, for everything in my life, was saying no. I thought it over, going through everything wrong, or right, looking for any loop holes, but came up with nothing, but a simple yes or no. I felt tears gather as I knew what I was going to answer.

I hugged myself, and started to sniffle, before speaking. “Brendan, I’m sorry...but I can’t” I could hardly hear myself, but I knew Brendan heard me. I looked at him once, then with one quick kiss on the lips, I ran away. I didn’t run in the direction of my home, I didn’t run in the direction of my father’s home, I ran, away this no sign of turning back.

I don’t know how long I ran for, but when I looked up, I saw a house familiar to me. It wasn’t one I lived in, but one I used to visit often, when I was young. I looked at the door as it opened, and an old lady walked out. I took a few steps towards her, and I heard her gasp. Straining my ears to hear her, I just caught I few words of what she was actually saying. “Sarah....that you.........why.....” I couldn’t answer back; it was either because I was too tired to talk or because I was blacking out...I recon both.

The last thing I heard and felt was someone, yelling my name as they shook me to wake up. The world was black, before becoming white, and that was when I would see Brendan’s face again, when I was dreaming and I could do nothing but think.
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