Can I Love Someone Older?

Please God Please End The Day Soon...

People o shall warn you, the voice you are about to hear belongs to Bernadette Mayhem; you might want to cover your ears. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t, little misses emo” I look up, as I hear the high pitched, squawk of Bernadette’s, horrible voice. “O, hi seagull how’s the voice box...?” I mumble under my breath a small unnoticeable fuck, at my short height. Looking up at her, I tried my best to stop myself from laughing, but I failed...miserably.

I burst out in a fit of hysterical laughter, and soon everyone is looking at me as if I have three heads, seven hands, and I was going to die. Seagull (a.k.a Bernadette) was looking at me like I was the plague, and that didn’t help either. I almost fell over, only to be caught by...*cough*ex*cough...Jason Kendal. My laughter stopped, but I was still snickering as he carried me away from the seagull and her faggot crew.

I was placed on the ground, behind the sports office, and I completely stop snickering, and glare at Jason. He was tall; don’t ask me how tall, but his tall. Short black hair, dark green eyes, dark voice that makes your knees weak, yep I really know how to pick them. “What do you think you’re doing?” just hearing his voice made me want to date him again, but he’s dating my friend, so yer, I don’t date cheaters. Anyway back to reality, “I was laughing, until you showed up, can’t I have some fun?” I say while mentally cursing my small height. “You disappeared for five weeks Sarah, do you know how worried I was” “You worried, ‘n’ I didn’t disappear, I just went to my dad’s” saying the word dad, was tough, I felt like I was going to choke. O yes you don’t know about my father. Would you like me to explain...? Well I’m going to anyway.

You see, my father walked out on my mother and I, when I was six. Told my mother to go, fuck some random guy off the street, and that he didn’t want to put up with her anymore. I would have gone with him...but my mother slept with the judge, so when he filed to get custody of me, she won hands down. Now rewind and we shall continue with the story.

So after telling Jason I went to my father’s place, all conversations stopped, and I walked away. I hated talking about my life...basically because I hated it. So I headed to my locker, got my books and headed for my first class of the day, which just so happened to be the easiest class of the year, information technology. My favourite class because it involved...computers. Now to me computers meant internet, internet meant chat, chat meant Brendan Wayland here I come.

So as I make my usual route to class, I don’t really pay attention to people going past. I usually don’t anyway, they would just call me emo or some random name, not that I haven’t heard them all before. Entering class unnoticed was easy, everyone was talking about what they did for the weekend, while others...well let’s just say details weren’t needed.

Sitting at the computer I log-in and wait for the system to boot up. I look around my class, and find that all my friends had transferred to a different class, ‘bunch of snobs’ I whispered, and almost squealed when I saw, Brendan was on-line. Yep I was totally love struck, and I’d fallen into his trap, (not that he has one), but you get the picture.

So me being me, I started a random conversation with him, and to say I was happy that he replied was a massive understatement. If I could, I would have jumped from wall to wall. So yes we shall continue. Our random conversation started with names, then ages, then some random info’ from both of us, really it was so funny, just talking about complete random things is really fun, and hilarious.

The conversation soon ended, and I became that usual, passive me, you know, like head down, music up loud, not paying attention, yep same old me. So as class continued, and the people became blurs, the day was close to ending…or so I hoped. It was only lunch, and I was already in the worst fight of the day. Yes people Bernadette, had come back, this time with her dickhead of a boyfriend, Sam Capperman, and his group of imbeciles.

I was surrounded and she was yabbering, about me laughing at her this morning. I mean come on, you would have laughed to, if you had soon the size of the planet on her forehead, it was so funny. O yes back to the point at hand, I’m surrounded by a group of complete dumb asses, and one of them is talking, which I’m not really listening to, until I hear someone throw a punch. Now I’m not the one to start a fight but I will finish one in self-defence. So they throw one, I block and throw one, dodge one, throw one, it was a blur of movement.

The fight was soon ended, with me victorious, (when am I not), and the bitch running away crying. It was funny, so yes I did laugh, but I was told on. People don’t really like me, so they change things and make me the bad guy…err girl, whatever you want to call me. So after a really, really boring lecture from the principle, I was stuck at school listening to some random talk about who knows what and so on.

I was starting to wonder if my sanity would hold out, but of course it would, I mean, it was only some random talking, but my mood only got worse as I saw my mother walk in. yep today was totally my day. She walks in; give me a look and sets off on her mission to flirt with the random guy. I look out the window and soon I’m hearing…stuff…I’m not going into detail, since I don’t want to damage your precious innocent minds with what my mother was doing. The only thing that could make me feel any better was if god world hurry up and end the god damn day.