Can I Love Someone Older?

I’m a loner…

OK, to say I was in a bad mood was an understatement. Apparently, (if I had only listened to the lecture), I was suspended for the next three days of school. Now that doesn’t sound so bad, but living with my mother, things never looked good. I mean, my mother is a complete nut job, wanna know why? I’ll tell you...
*she drinks *sleeps anywhere and with anyone *Takes drug
*Says completely random things *drives like a maniac *does nothing
*eats like a pig *swears continuously *tries to break unbreakable things
Yep my mother was a total kook, well not that bad, but she still needs to go to a mental institute. So at home, for the next three day’s would be hell, o’s already started. Yep people, I’m stuck mother’s bathroom (shivers). If you could see the stuff in here you would shiver to, I mean who wants to clean a bathroom of condoms, strange coloured marks and weird objects, and I was really scared of some of the stuff.

My mood, had plummeted down the drain like...hours ago, I think it was four this morning that I started, and it’s three in the afternoon, and I’m still stuck in the god forsaken bathroom. So to try and...up my mood I think of Brendan. His handsome face, his fiery red ‘n’ black tipped hair, his mysterious eyes, yep my mood went through the roof. I worked faster, and harder, (don’t ask me how, because I don’t know either), but anyway I finished cleaning the bathroom and quickly made my way to my room. Even though my mother wasn’t home, doesn’t mean she won’t just pop up out of nowhere. (she does that a lot).

I check the time and see that its only three thirty, plenty of time to go get something to eat from my stash of sugar, (my mother doesn’t approve of sugar she says ‘it will make you fat like some hobo’), I walk over to my small cardboard box, that was made to look think a dried up pumpkin, (what? I was three OK, leave me alone), I look through all the...items of sugar, and pick out a lolly-pop. I unwrap it and pop it into my mouth, it was the sugar rush I needed, and I knew I was set for the rest of the day, (yes, I say completely random things).

So as I make my way to the computer, the first thing to catch my eye, was a picture of my father. He was a lot like me. Multi-coloured hair, which was now slightly grey, his eyes were a brighter blue then my own, and he was tall and had big muscles. My father, has a big heart, but even he has his limits for loving someone, but I’ll always be the only girl in his life, and we’re both happy with that.

After a quick trip down memory lane, I go to my computer and look to see who’s on-line, but to my disappointment Brendan’s not on-line. I really felt like crying, I mean I was really looking forward to talking to him. To be completely honest, I actually missed him I, mean after a long day of slaving around in my mother’s...playroom of a bathroom, I was hoping a could get just one thing I wanted, but I never usually did, so yer, but at least the hope was there.

So I logged off, turned my computer off, and went to lie on my bed, grabbing my MP, on the way. Laying down I put ‘Last to know’ by three days grace on and just listened to the music. I started to think of my newest story I was writing, the fourth chapter had me stumped, I called it ‘butterflies disappear’, yet I couldn’t come up with a good enough idea, so I stopped writing until I could get an idea. I grabbed my pen and note pad and started writing.

By the time I had written seven pages full of writing, my mother was home and talking to herself, while trying to get a piece of paper that was glued to her hand off. How’d I know, I could hear her, she’s really loud, and I’m not kidding, the neighbours had filed many complaint’s until the police just gave up on trying to calm her down, and tell her to lower her voice, really it was pointless, she was louder than a V8 engine...or whatever was the loudest thing on earth, she could beat it hands down.

OK back to the ,main story, Brendan wasn’t on-line, I had nobody to talk to, and I didn’t feel like talking to completely random people, so I settled with lying there and letting my imagination run wild, (seriously, it was like a wild animal). Colours formed, shapes appeared, faces became real, and yep I was really happy, though soon a giant blush appeared on my face. I sit up and hide my face in my hands, and I laugh slightly. Great my day just got slightly worse, first the cleaning, then me being a loner, then I find out I’m already fantasizing about Brendan, yep my life was totally screwed yep and all I could do was laugh, smile and blush like crazy.