Can I Love Someone Older?

I Hate My Life...

After a sleepless night, and an agonizing few hours, my head and heart really hurt. I was now sitting in class, my head on my desk, listening to music. My head was imagination was betraying me and was replaying the dream about Brendan and me. The reason why my heart hurt was because I had just recently fallen love with a really, really hot guy, who just so happens to have a girlfriend, and I have never met him. It really suck’s because no matter what I tell my fragile heart, it still says there is a chance of something happening, something more than just being friends. So as I said here I am, in my English class, (I know I didn’t menchin it before), my head on my desk, eyes closed and music draining out all noise.

Time passes quickly when you don’t pay attention, so class was over before I knew it. Bernadette wouldn’t come near me, and was still sporting a black eye and broken collar bone, (we had a fight that morning),and I laughed lightly then made my way over to Kat. Kat is a tall girl but not as tall as Jason. She had, dark brown hair, with an orangey ting to it. She has bright brown eyes, that just makes you want to stop and talk to her, but be warned, she really knows have to talk, she isn’t the schools chatter-box for nothing. She was sitting next to Jason, her boyfriend and my ex. They had been dating for...I think it was five months, but I can’t really remember. “hey virgin lips, how’s life?” her voice was really mellow, but I could tell she was trying to hold back a moan, as Jason kissed along her neck. “Jason, just stop, please, it’s really sick to have to watch my mother, but you and Kat, that’s on a whole level on its own” my voice was angry, and I knew why too.

Jason had dumped me because of rumours around that school. What rumours? I shall tell you...
*That I cheat *That I cut *That I’ve killed someone
*That I was easy *That I’m a payed slut
Yer that bout it, unless I’ve forgotten some, but yer that bout it, So Jason being Jason, believed them and bumped me. I didn’t really care, but what pissed me off the most was that he just said ‘I don’t want to date a slut’ and because of that he ended up in hospital for a month or to, only to come back and date my friend.

Now where was I...ah yes right here. Jason looked up from kissing Kat, and looked at me. I turned my head, not wanting to see the lust swirling in his eyes, “What? Did I do something wrong?” his voice sounded innocent but smug at the same time, yet it still had the same effect. “Jason, baby, just leave virgin lips alone, after all she did dump you” said Kat as she moved to look innocently at Jason. “Hah, don’t make me laugh, the dickhead your dating, dumped me, I was the one who sent him to the hospital” I said proudly, but my mood hit rock bottom as my ‘so called friend’ said something that broke my heart into tiny little pieces, “well at least I treat him right, unlike you, I bet you were just going out with him to get laid, not because you love him” her voice was so cruel, and tormenting. I wanted to hit her so bad, but I didn’t want to get suspended again, so I just walked off and left her and Jason to continue their...earlier activities.

I could hear people and I didn’t want to put up with it anymore, so I ran to my locker, grabbed my bag and ran. I ran through everyone. Past people, bumping into people, stumbling and repeating the pattern, I didn’t want to put up with life right now, but my life sure as hell didn’t care.

I soon found myself out near where my mum would sell herself. I’ve been here plenty of times to know what was happening around every corner. I turned and started walking in the direction of home, and made a decision, I was going to spend a few more weeks at my dad’s. Hopefully rebuild my heart, and convince it that nothing would happen between Brendan and me, but I knew no matter how hard I tried, my heart would always betray me and still love him, as long as there was hope.