Can I Love Someone Older?

That’s It I Give Up...

Getting home and calling my father was the easy part, the hard part had yet to being. Now my mother was due home any minute now, and I could already tell that she was with another guy. I had already packed my stuff, and right now I was talking to Brendan. I told him that I was going to my father’s and apparently he knew about my family background...his father was a cop, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he got to help out with the case’s, but what worried me the most was him finding out everything. You see, I don’t hand out my trust on a silver platter like some people, it takes time to earn it.

Talking to Brendan really upped my mood, and I needed that, especially after what happened today, and I told him that, he seemed to miss me, which really surprised me, not a lot of people do. Sitting there talking and thinking was all I needed, and I almost changed my mind on staying home, but I needed to see my father, he sounded...strange on the phone, and me being the curious type, just made me want to know more.

I heard the front door slam, and that was my queue to see if my mother was home. I peeked around the corner of my door, and saw my mother with another guy. He was making his way down...her body...and I felt ready to puke, I didn’t want to see what they would do, but I knew that my mother would lead him into her bedroom to continue with their activities, (not that I really wanted to hear or know about), so making my way back to the conversation with Brendan, I told him I would be leaving soon, ‘n’ that I might not be online for a while, but he was ok with it, he was more worried about my mental and physical health then me, which shocked me even more. I said my goodbye and goodnight, with some kisses and hugs, (I know I shouldn’t have but I swear my heart took control), and grabbed my stuff while sneaking out to the front door.

I heard my father’s car, and I could see it through the small opening through the curtains. I heard my mother’s bedroom door open, and my eyes widened in shock. I slowly started walking faster, not wanting to get caught by my mother, but my life really hated me right now and my mother caught me. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going young lady?” I froze and tormentingly slowly I turned to look at her. From where I was standing I could tell she had been drinking, and that she was high on something, but I wasn’t really worried about that, what I was more concerned with was thinking of a good enough lie, and I think I just thought of a pretty good one, (if I do say so myself), “I’m going out” I said my voice hiding all traces of the lie I was telling, “I might not be back for a while, I’m Jason’s for a few” I almost gave myself away when I said I was staying at Jason’s but the look on my mother’s face, told me she fell for it. “ok, have fun” she winked and went back to her room.

I ran out the door, and pulled out my cell phone as I got into my father’s car. He says hi, and asked what took so long, all I did was point to my mother’s car, and the question dropped, while I was on the phone, we drove off, towards my father’s private estate. Now my father, after he left my mother, he became a big, well-known actor, and thanks to his career he is really rich. So he owns a lot of things and has a really big house and expensive things, his still your average Joe, working for a living.

My phone rang, and rang...then there was an answer. “Hello, I know it’ you Sarah, what do you want?” his voice sounded husky, you know the kind of voice that you’d hear after or during sex. “Jason I need...*sigh* I need a favour” I sounded so vulnerable; I was slightly pissed wit myself. “A favour hey, give me a sec, I’ve got finish something” he disconnected the call and I waited for him to call me back. “I thought you and Jason broke it off?” my father’s voice brought me back to reality, “we did, age’s ago, I just told mum a…little lie” I was really edgy; I wasn’t in the mood for putting up with trivial things. “Sarah what have I told you about lying, especially to your mother” his voice was stern, but I could tell he was agreeing with my decision. “Well you try getting out of’s got a guy, she drunk and doped up, what do you fuckin’ want me to do? What the fuck could I have done, all I did was say I was staying at Jason’s for a while, geez” I ran a hand through my hair; frustrated with my father was a bad thing, having a fight...was worse, “alright, just make sure he agrees to help you, I don’t want to have to go to court to cover my ass, again” my dad said, his voice laced with relief and concern.

I look out the window, and lean my head against the glass, eyes now closed. My mind started thinking of Brendan. His red hair spiked like it was last nite, his eyes, clouded, like full of so much emotion and thinks to say, but won’t tell you, his smile, now that was something I knew I wouldn’t see often, but for some reason, I thought other whys. My mind started twisting the image, adding and removing things. My cheeks became a bright red, as an image of Brendan appeared. It wasn’t the usual picture, with clothes on, smile, and the sexy god look, but it was of him, just remove the top.

Not that I was complaining, but I mean, I didn’t expect my stupid and perverted imagination to d that to me, my cheeks were so red. Even if it was a fantasy, he looked sexy, I couldn’t look away. His abbs were toned, really nicely (drool) and he had a slight tan, but it was really unnoticeably, so he was still the same pail colour, but golden. “Sarah, can you please stop drooling on the window please” my father’s voice was containing laughter, and I blushed harder as I realized he was right, I had been drooling, and what he said next, really freaked me out. “So who is this Brenda fellow hmm?” my eyes widen and I seen see my phone vibrating in my lap, (yes saved by the vibration, no matter how bad that sounds), I quickly answer it.

“hello” my voice sounded small, and slightly husky” “oh, did I interrupt something, Sarah” my jaw dropped as I hear Jason’s voice on the other end, “about time, and no, I was talking to” “oh, sorry, I didn’t realize” “it’s...ok” I didn’t want to admit it, but I was relieved, that Jason had called back, I really needed someone to cover for me. “ok, so what favour do you need, ‘n’ you do realize that you owe me something in return” “yer, I know, I need you to cover my ass in school, and if my mum asks how I’m going, tell her I’m fine, I sort of lied so I could get away” “what do you mean?...wait you told her you were staying here again, didn’t you” I nodded though he couldn’t see me, and I heard him sigh, “Sarah, I can’t keep telling her that we are still dating” “I’m not asking you to, I just need you to cover my ass, just until I get something’s sorted, I need to cool off” “ she did hurt you” he sounded disappointed, and I knew what was coming next. “Sarah, you need to stop, why won’t you let me help you?” “hmm, I wonder why...after all it was you that broke something, that won’t or can’t be fixed” my voice sounded so angry and hurt, I could tell if I didn’t end the conversation soon, I would snap. “Sarah I’m sorry, I didn’t know what was..” “I don’t care anymore, just tell me what you want in return” there was a long pause, and I was almost ready to hang up until I got an answer, “I want another chance, just one date, please” I paused and weighed my options, should I let the date happen, or forget about it altogether. “fine, but only one date, and Kat can’t know” “deal, goodbye Sarah, don’t get hurt” he hung up before I could say I already was.

I looked out the window, out to the passing town, and trees, and so on, “everything sorted?” my father asked curiously, I nodded my head, and my father sped off, while I sat there thinking, about my upcoming, date with Jason. I soon fell asleep, with both Brendan and Jason, stuck in my head, while a blush was plastered across my face. My life had become more complicated, and it was all thanks to me.