Sorry I Stole Your Girl

Chapter Two.

Unless when I was away the guys had got sex changes this girls night had turned into just a normal night out. I wasn’t complaining apart from the fact everyone was paired off. Lisa had a new boyfriend that she‘d met when she had moved away and now obviously he had moved home with her and Alex seemed happy that she was happy now. Kara and Rian were obviously together along with Danny and his new girlfriend that I had just met tonight. Alex and I were sitting at the table alone as everyone was up dancing.

“Thanks for last night, by the way.”

“Your welcome,” He chuckled, “He said he doesn’t like speaking to girls.”

“He’s annoying, I love him but when he doesn’t speak I want to kick him in the gullet.” I groaned, downing another drink.

“In the gullet?” He chuckled, “You have problems.” I nodded and grinned at him.

“Suck my dick, Gaskarth.”

“Whoa, I noticed you’d changed since you were away but a dick?!” I sent him a fake glare and we both laughed, “Do not turn around.”

“Why?” I asked, doing the opposite of what he said. My smile turned into a sulk and I swallowed my saliva, “I, uh, I think I’m going to go.” I nodded to myself standing up, “Yeah.. I’ll text you later?”

“Jay, don’t leave. Please.” He pleaded, I sighed and sat back down, “He’s an idiot.”

“I’m the idiot, I thought I could have trusted him. I thought that, not to quote from a song but, that I would be the girl to stop him, stop him fooling around. But I was wrong, so..”

“Forget about him, come dance?” Alex held his hand out and I shyly nodded taking a hold of it. You could say either luckily or unluckily a fast song came on meaning that everyone was grinding, and of course me and Alex joined in.

Everyone was with everyone dancing, laughing, drinking and it all made me forget that Jack was in the same place as me with some stupid blonde bimbo. Until I heard his laugh, the laugh that I had become accustomed too.

“Alex! Bro!” His voice boomed and I froze. Hopefully he wouldn’t recognize me? My black hair had been dyed a light brown, and my short hair now had extensions in it. I looked different but I was still Jade. Still me.

“Heeeey,” Alex smiled at him, I turned around and Alex held me close to his body, as if we were a couple. Which we were not.

“Who is thi-- J-Jade..?”

“Hey Jack,” I mumbled.

“Whoa, you look different. Really different,” He chuckled, examining me. I rolled my eyes and sighed, “I don’t suppose you’ve met, Lexie.” He smiled, introducing the dog-faced blonde beside him. I scoffed and shook my head.

“No, I don’t suppose I have. Hi,” I smiled at her, batting my eyelashes, “I’m Jack’s ex-girlfriend, who he cheated on, just so you know.” I growled pushing Alex off of me and walking towards the table. I sat down and downed the drink that was at it before grabbing my bag.

Alex came up to me and took my hand, leading me outside.

“I’m so fucking stupid.” I growled as a tear ran down my cheek, “Why did I come back home?! I’m not ready. I’m not ready to face him, I’m not ready to face anything, the fact my relationship is over, the fact I don’t know if that was the first time, the fact that if I didn’t catch him.. Would he have just kept doing it to me? I just..”

“Do you want me to take you home?” Alex whispered, using the hand that wasn’t holding his jacket to wipe away the tears that were streaming down my face. I nodded and he sighed holding my hand before walking up the street to find a taxi.


“You look like shit,” Alex chuckled as I stood at the end of the stairs and yawned. I rolled my eyes at him and walked over sitting on his sofa.

“I cannot remember what happened once we left that club last night.”

“We came back here and honestly from that it’s a blur to me.” He smiled before Rian entered the room holding a cup of coffee in his right hand and a slice of toast in the other.

“I had to carry you both up to bed, you were passed out on a twister mat. I don’t even want to know why you guys were playing twister in the middle of the night intoxicated.” He shook his head, flicking through the television channels.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned leaning my head on Alex’s shoulder, “I feel like death.”

“You look like it too,” Alex stated.

“Bro! You do not tell girls they look like death,” Rian groaned, shaking his head again. Alex chuckled.

“It’s fine, I do look like death. I need to go home and shower.”

“You can use my shower,” Alex offered.

I shook my head, “That wouldn’t make sense, I don’t have any clean clothes here. You idiot.” I laughed standing up, “I’m going to change out of .. Which ever one of you guys’ top this is and get going.”

“I’ll drive you!” Rian called as I ran up the stairs. I never replied to him, I’m sure he knew I would have just shouted back okay.

Quickly I changed back into my dress from the night before and grabbed my heels before walking down the stairs. Rian was putting on his hoodie and Alex was laying down on the couch facing the interior. I think he was sleeping actually, I smiled at him before following Rian out to his car.

It was a silent journey until Rian turned down the radio.

“All he ever done was speak about you.”

“Who?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

“Alex.” He replied, in a harsh tone. The frown stayed on my face as I went to speak, “What happened with you two?”

I shrugged.

“Come on, Jay. Talk to me here! Why the fuck did Alex speak about you every second you were away, when we were in Glasgow all he wanted to do was find you. It’s as if you put a spell on him. What happened on Warped?”

“W-we kissed, I guess..”

“You guess?”

“Well, yeah, we did I suppose, and well, we.. Uh.”

“You slept with him didn’t you?!”

“I didn’t mean to! I was just so fucking pissed off at Jack for kissing another girl and well, I was talking to Alex and then I kissed him and it was good, you know? And we just carried on. Soon I was underneath him with no clothes on.” I sighed, “I didn’t plan it, and I didn’t think it would have happened.. But it did.”

“And now he’s fallen for you.” He sighed, “Do you even think about him that way?”

“Well, I never really thought about it till now I suppose, but when you put it that way. I guess, I’ve fallen for him too.”

“How so?” Rian asked, as we approached my street. His eyes never left the road and I sunk in my seat.

“The whole time I was away, no offence, I just wanted to speak to him. I know I didn’t make much of an effort but everything reminded me of Jack and I was too emotional at that time to think about anything else. I mean, maybe Alex is just what I need to move on.”

“Maybe he is.”

I gotta find my place, I wanna hear my sound. Don’t care about all the pain in front of me, ‘Cause I’m just trying to be happy, ya.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is LONG overdue.
I was at Cobra on Sunday. W-O-W <3.
And I've been planning my summer.
I'm going ro Reading Fest with my fellow Hustlers<3;
I was going to go to Vienna on Saturday to see ATL but my father said no, so now I've fallen out with him, and I shant be speaking to him for a month or so.. he deserves punishment.