Sorry I Stole Your Girl

Chapter Three.

“Your totally thinking about Alex right know, aren’t you?” Kara laughed. I scowled at her but nodded my head sighing.

“What am I going to do, Kara?”

“Do you like him?” I nodded, “As in, like like?” I nodded, “As in you totally fancy him?”

“Your acting like we’re in high school here!” I groaned throwing myself back onto my bed, “I like him, a lot. I just don’t want to walk up to him and go ‘Hey Alex, I like you. Let’s date.’”

“Sounds like a plan,” Kara shrugged. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“Seriously Kara, what do I do?”

“I don’t know? Dress in some sexy underwear and go visit him in the middle of the night.” She joked, typing away on her laptop. She turned to me and stared at me as a smirk went across my face, “Your not actually thinking about that, are you?”

“Well, I mean.. why not?”

“And how on earth do you plan on doing it?!”

“You could go stay over with Rian, let me in and hey presto.” I grinned.

“Hell no, I am not staying with Rian whilst you bang Alex in the next room. Rian can come stay with me and he can leave you the spare key somewhere. Okay?”

I chuckled and nodded.

“I cannot believe your going to do this..” Kara shook her head looking back at her laptop and typing away at the keys on it.


“I cannot believe I’m doing this,” I shook my head closing the front door behind me and taking my jacket off, hanging it up before taking my shoes off, “I must be mad..” I whispered to myself.

It was pretty hard to see in the pitch black but slowly I made my way to the top of the staircase before looking at the end of the hallway seeing Alex’s bedroom in perfect view. I took a deep breath before walking to the end of the hallway and slipping into his bedroom.

I wanted to laugh slightly at his slight snoring but instead, I ignored it and walked over to the end of his bed. I still couldn’t believe I had snuck into Alex’s house in the middle of the night, to basically have sex with him and then tell him, I wanted to be with him. This was not something I’d ever do, or so I thought.

I held in my laughter as I pulled Alex’s covers off of him. He sat up immediately in shock before staring at me.

“Jade?!” He asked, his voice groggy, “Is that you.”

“Yeah.” I replied, climbing up the bed towards him. I pressed my lips to his and his hands grabbed my hips pulling me down towards him.

“What are you doing here?” He asked, breathless.

“I want you, Alex. And I don’t mean, I just want your body, I want you, I want you to be mine.” I replied pressing my lips to his again, he pulled back.


“I’ve never been more honest about anything in my life.” I replied, he grinned taking my face in his hands and pressed his lips to mine, more forceful than I had done it. He flipped me over, hovering above my body.

“Does this mean we’re together?” He asked, I mumbled a ‘yes’ as his lips trailed down my neck. I grinned before he pulled away, “Do you mind if we finish this tomorrow night?” He asked looking down at me.

“And why would that be?”

“Because I’m really tired and my dogs are asleep in the other side of the room.”

“Your turning down sex because your tired?” I chuckled. He nodded sheepishly, “Your such a baby,” I smiled pressing my lips to his and leaning back down, “You don’t expect me to go home do you..?”

“What? No!” He laughed, “Here,” He said, sitting up and taking his shirt off before putting it over my body. He lay down pulling me into his side and soon enough we were both asleep.

“Awe, don’t you two look cute!” Rian cooed walking into the living room, and grinning at me and Alex who were laying on the couch watching the television, “So your dating now?”

“Mmhm,” Alex replied, engrossed in the show that was on.

“Nice.” He replied leaving the room.

“Alex?” I asked.


“Oh my god, you need to get a grip,” I laughed, “Your too into this cartoon. I think I’ll turn it off.”

“Like hell you will!” I shouted lunging over me for the remote as I went for it. I chuckled when it got into my grasped and he groaned before he began to wrestle with me for it, “Give me it and I won’t hurt you.”

“You wouldn’t hurt me.” I grinned.

“I will!” He pouted like a five year old as he began to wrestle again, “Just gimme it.” He groaned.


“Please, just give me it!”

“No. I’m changing the channel now,” I said, changing it over to the history channel.

“I hate you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi hello.
They are a couple.
I'm going to Reading Festival.
I'm also following the next UK ATL tour in a campervan.
My friends are weird, but that idea was genius ^

Comment and I'll get Alex Gaskarth to love you forever.
(Although I'd much prefer B-Kat's love, but he's mine, you can't have him. Rar.)
