Sorry I Stole Your Girl

Chapter Four.

"Babe," I whispered in Alex's ear as he typed away on his laptop.

"Yeah?" He asked closing over his laptop and sitting it on the floor, pulling me up onto his lap, "What's up?"

"Do you think, that well, it's going to be awkward with Jack here today?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck, he shrugged.

"I don't really know, we'll just have to try and make it seem like all of the usual Christmas dinner. Everything will be different, what with Kara not being here, and Zack's new girlfriend. Having Lisa there with another guy, and Cassadee being here too. It‘s all changed, and mostly for the better!"

"I don't like change very much," I sighed.

"Do you like that we're together?"

"I love that we're together," I smiled pressing my lips to his as he pulled me further into his body.

"Get a room," Rian groaned walking past the sofa and into the kitchen. Alex scoffed and pulled me into his body as I lay my head on his shoulder and watched the television infront of us.

"Jay, I have a question to ask you."


"You know like we're going to the UK and then Europe in a few weeks.."

"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, like, everyone apart from Rian was going to ask their girlfriends to come along, so do you wanna?"

"Do I want to come to the UK with you? Of course!" I grinned up to him, he smiled and kissed me once more as Rian then called on Alex to go wherever he was.

I sat up on the sofa and rubbed my eyes looking at the clock on the wall. In two hours I would be having dinner with some of my best friends, just a pity I couldn’t stick one of them.

I stood up and rubbed my eyes before stretching and walking into the kitchen were Rian and Alex were sitting.

“Jade, help me with my problems, as soon as I ask Alex something he comes back with a stupid joke.”

“Alex!” I scolded him, but he just grinned and pulled me onto his lap, “Sup?” I asked, turning to Rian who stood up and groaned.

“Kara text me, she wants to meet up, and, as much as I want us to be friends after everything. I just can’t do it. I’m worried I’ll see her and cheat on Cass with her, and I don’t want to do that, yano? I don’t know if I should meet up with her or not.”

“Do you want my honest answer here?”

He nodded.

“I wouldn’t meet up with her, you’ll probably see her again and want to kiss her, or something, yano?”

“But you saw Jack and didn’t kiss him.” Rian stated.

“That’s because when I saw Jack I wanted to rip his balls off and shove them down his throat,” I smiled sweetly, “Anyway, just think about it, I need to go have a shower.” I stated, trying to stand up but Alex’s arms held me close to him, I groaned trying to pull away but he was too strong so I gave up and put on a fake cry, “Let me go?”

“No,” I smirked, “I don’t want you to go home.”

“Well, I need to go shower and get dressed for tonight,” I stated.

“Can I come with you?” He pouted like a five-year-old that was begging his mom for money for ice-cream. I nodded and laughed, pressing my lips to his.


“How come we are going out this year, usually it’s cooked at your house.. Or someone’s.”

“Because, if we are in a place with people we won’t all argue and fight.” Alex explained stopping at a red light, I scrunched up my eyebrows and turned to him.

“No one will fight!” I groaned, turning back around and crossing my arms over my body, Alex scoffed pulling away and driving towards our destination, “Well, not physically! Look, I said I promise I’ll try and be nice, but, just put me at the opposite end of the table from Jack and everything will be okay!”

“Wouldn’t it be hilarious if you had to sit beside him?!” Alex burst into laughter, “Oh my.. Actually, you might stab him. Never mind, the band needs him, so you have to stay away from him.”

I sighed and glared at Alex before he turned into the restaurant.

A group was standing out the front, faces I knew. As soon as Alex had parked the car I climbed out, closing the door and waiting for him to lock the car because he took my hand and walked up to the group.

“Whoa, you two?!” Lisa asked, with a grin on her face. Me and Alex looked at each other and nodded.

“You two are together?!” Jack screeched. I turned to him and nodded, glaring at him.

“So, we should go in.” Rian suggested coughing, everyone nodded and entered the restaurant, Alex pulling me to the front and giving his name over. The girl nodded and showed us all to our table. I sat at an end, making Alex sit beside me as Lisa and her new beau sat across from us, Jack beside them with his.. Girlfriend, and Rian and Cassadee beside us.

“So, you two. How long as this been happening?” Lisa asked, a soft smile on her face.

I was honestly happy she wasn’t upset by it.

“Well, we kissed a while back, but then Jay went back to the UK, I guess we’ve had feelings for a while but didn’t act upon them till last week.” Alex explained.

“And, may I ask, who is this?” I asked, looking between them both.

“This is James,” Lisa smiled, “I met him at my job, James, this is Jade and Alex.”

“Nice to meet you guys, Lisa has done nothing but speak about everyone.” He smiled.

“Good things I hope!” Rian laughed.

“Guys.. Where is Zack?”

“His plane got delayed, they should be here by this evening, in time for a party.” Alex smirked.

“When did a party get decided?!”

“Just now.” Alex replied, smiling at Jack, who smirked back. I sighed and rolled my eyes at them before the waitress came over to take the drinks order.


“No, mom! I’ll come over like, on Christmas eve.” I groaned into my phone sitting down at the edge of the bed, “Because, I have plans tonight, tomorrow and the day after!”

Alex turned around and raised an eyebrow at me.

“I’m sorry!” I sighed, “I need to go, I’ll see you soon. Bye!”

“You have plans?! Why haven’t I been informed.” Alex pouted coming over and standing in front of me.

“I don’t have plans, you fool. I just don’t want to go see my family.” I shrugged.

“More like you don’t want to get made to babysit and sit with Rachel for hours.” He chuckled sitting down beside me.

“Yeah, more like that.” I laughed, turning around and pressing my lips to his cheek, “I should go get some clothes, I am staying over tonight aren’t I?”

“Of course,” Alex laughed, pressing his lips to mine, “You know you could just borrow some of my clothes though. To sleep in.”

I shrugged and climbed off the bed, “Maybe I won’t need anything to sleep in,” I winked before leaving the bedroom.

“Hey! You cannot say that and then leave the bedroom!” Alex called running towards the bedroom door, he poked his head out seeing me stand at the wall and scowled, “Meanie.”

“You love it,” I smirked, walking towards him and pressing my lips to his, “How long do we have before everyone arrives?”

“An hour.. Give or take a few people coming early.”

“Good, plenty of time.”

“For what?” Alex smirked, placing his rough hands on my hips.

“Don’t play dumb, just get onto the bed.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I think this is alot better <3? I hope.
Drop me a comment ;).

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