So Vindictive.

'Cause I've been Going Crazy;

I shot up from the couch once I let it all sink it. Jack winced. I was fuming. He knew how I felt about Jamie. He knew that I loved her. He knew that I was going to kill him.

"Dude, she came onto me, I swear!" Jack exclaimed.
"BUT YOU WENT ALONG WITH IT!" I shouted, balling my fists up. "YOU FUCKED HER. Y-YOU FUCKING BACKSTABBED ME!" I yelled. I was more angry than I had been in a long time.

"What was I suppose to do! She was undressed before I even had a chance to think!" Jack screamed.

I pounced on Jack without a second thought, throwing a punch at his face. He got me into a headlock, which I easily broke out of.

"She's just a girl!" Jack exclaimed, flipping me over.

I threw a punch at his face and tackled him onto the ground, sliding into a wall. A picture fell down, landing with a crash.

"Just a girl?" I repeated.
"Just a girl." Jack nodded.
"She's not just any girl! I love her!" I shouted.

Jack threw a punch at my face, knocking me over. I laid there, defeated. I let out a groan and covered my face with my hands.

"You don't love her, if you did love her, you wouldn't have slept with those girls. You're manipulating her! Trying to get her to think that you actually really care about her, when you don't! You just want to sleep with her! She deserves someone far better than you." Jack spat, leaving the house.

He returned in a couple of seconds.

"This is my house, get out." Jack told me.

I stood up and walked out of the house, avoiding eye contact with Jack. I was still fuming. Rian and the guys pulled into the driveway as I slipped into my car.

"Alex, why are you bleeding?" Matt asked, running over to me.
"Ask that fucker in there." I said dryly, pointing to Jack's house.

I closed the car door and sped out of the driveway and down the street. I had no where to go. If I went back to the apartment, I'd be tempted to throw Jamie out of the three story window. If I went to my mom's house, Jamie and I would be put in marriage counseling.

So, I went to the best place I could think of. The Bar. Get smashed, escape reality, find someone new, fresh, and better than Jamie.

I pulled into the parking lot of the bar and hopped out. It was daytime, but there was still quite a few people here. Enough to fill a bar. Probably regulars.

I walked inside and took a seat at the bar, resting my elbows on the table. I pulled out my wallet, giving the bartender my I.D.

"Give me three shots of your preferred choice. Make them strong." I ordered, slapping a twenty onto the counter top.

"Rough day?" She asked, smiling at me.
"If that's what you want to call it." I shrugged.
"Well, I'll get you something that will make you feel better." She winked, turning around.

I looked around the bar, taking in the faces of the people around me. Most were big burly men, others were women who looked in their forties. Smoking a cigarette, drinking a beer and gossiping.Women. I rolled my eyes.

"Here you go." I heard and snapped my head around. There were three, two shot glasses, laying in front of me. A dark, burning substance that looked at me, longing to be swallowed.

"Can I know, or is a surprise?" I smirked.
"Surprise." She smiled.

I took the first shot, my face contorting. I slammed the glass down.

"Can I know your name?" I asked, looking at her.
"Harper. Yours?" She winked.
"Alex." I nodded.

I finished my three shots, technically six shots. Harper talked to me and made me feel better. She didn't want to know what was wrong, she just tried to lighten the mood. Her smile gave me a comforting reassurance.

"I'm getting off work soon, would you like to go to dinner?" She asked confidently.
"Pleasure's all mine." I smirked.
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check out that oneshot. (: