She's 18 and a Beauty Queen

Hollywood Living

Talia looked at the small suitcase, packed to the brim with her possessions. They were all she could take, some clothes, her iPod, and a teddy bear she'd had since childhood.

9 years in L.A, and this was all she got out of it in the end.

Talia ran a hand through her straight blond hair, and took a deep breath in. The night was dark outside, illuminated by streetlights decorating the street. Her 3 story mansion, tall, white and pristine was one of many on the posh, Hollywood street, with sports cars poking out of the garages. She glanced out the window, too used to the view to find anything interesting in the splendor she lived in.

Instead, she shuffled around her room, rustling through her things. On her desk were piles of magazines for Vogue, Elle, Glamor, Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire. Talia remembered vaguely the articles she had been searching for in them, and what photo's she herself had modeled for. She picked up one issue of Vogue, and saw her face staring back at her, smiling secretively. Talia scoffed at the advanced copy that had been mailed directly to her manager, and threw it back onto the desk.

She was sick of her life right now. She was sick of being treated special for nothing but her beauty. She was sick of admiring looks, followed by confused ones when they realized she actually had a shred of intelligence in her.

Grumbling slightly, Talia picked up her suitcase, and pulled her arms through a coat. The taxi would be there soon, and she told it to be waiting a block away from her house. She had hundreds of dollars in cash in her pockets. She had canceled the bank accounts and credit cards taken out in her pseudo name. She had come up with a clever cover story to her sudden disappearance, and cut all ties in Hollywood.

Well, all but the connection with her family. Her mother and father, sleeping peacefully in the room on the other side of the house had no idea to their daughters plans. They didn't know where she was going, or what she was going to do there. And that suited Talia just fine; she never wanted to see them again in person.

A single tear slipped out of her eye, and she wiped it away quickly. She was leaving all she ever knew to find a better life for herself. This was a time to be strong. She nodded quickly to herself, and she popped her window open and set her suitcase onto the roof right under the sill. She then followed the case and slipped out of the window. She climbed down the wall covered with vines, and landed on the lush, green grass with a small thump. She brushed off herself, and pushed her hair out of her eyes. Talia picked up the case, and rushed to the road. Just as she got off her property, she turned back to the house she called home for half of her life.

"Bye mom." Talia whispered, "bye dad."

Holding back tears, the girl turned away, and half-ran down the dark street.
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First chapter. c:
I've had this story stuck in my head for a looong time.
Maybe I'll actually follow through this one. ;)