She's 18 and a Beauty Queen


Talia stood awkwardly in the doorway of the kitchen and the hall, Gerard gaping at her, Quinn staring at him, a glint of anger in her eyes. Talia remembered her telling her about Gerard, Gerard, Gerard, her kind and loving boyfriend. About how they had been dating for a year, or so. About how they were goo-goo for each other. And now, Talia was ruining this for both of them.

"Uhh," Talia said, scratching the back of her head, "I'm going to go and rummage through your cupboards for some food." She stood there for a moment more, to see if either of them would answer, but Gerard just kept staring, and Quinn kept fuming. The silence was painful, and so she just shuffled off, back through the doorway.

As soon as she turned the corner, she leaned against the wall to listen to what they would be saying about her.

It was quiet for another minute, before Quinn finally said coldly, "what was THAT?"

"Huh?" Gerard said, sounding like he had just snapped out of a daydream.

"You were just, staring at his. Gawking at her. What was THAT?"

"I wasn't staring," he said defensively. Talia scoffed quietly, which was covered up by Quinn's much louder snort. "I was just... admiring her outfit."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really."

The two were quiet for a second, before Talia heard footsteps. She pushed away from the wall, ready to run in case someone came around the corner, but no one came through the door frame. It was one of the two crossing the room to be closer to the other.

"What's going on, anyways? Why's she here?" Gerard asked.

Quinn snapped, "You'd want to know all about your new girlfriend, wouldn't you?"

He groaned. "You know I just want to know why some random chick's moving into my PRESENT girlfriend's house."

"Why don't you go and ask her?" She hissed.

"Quinn---" Gerard started, but Quinn cut him off.

"I'm gonna go and get changed, you go and talk to Talia." There were angry, storming footsteps going up the staircase. Then, quiet.

Gerard sighed after a moment, then started walking towards the doorway. Talia quickly leaped to the kitchen silently, and picked up a banana, the random food already set out on the counter. She peeled it hastily, and took a bite.

"Hey?" She heard from behind me. She turned around, and saw Gerard. His black hair, untidily covering his eyes contrasted darkly against his pale skin. His clothes were non-descript; a jean jacket and black pants.

"Mmmmf," Talia said, mouth filled with food. He chuckled, and put his hands in his pockets, awkwardly.

She swallowed the food, and smiled widely, embarrassed. "Sorry," she said, "I was hungry."

"It's okay, don't worry. I'm pretty hungry, too." He walked into the kitchen, and opened the fridge. She watched him, and took another bite. It was silent for another minute, the only sound of things clanking around in the fridge. He finally grabbed a jar of pickles, and closed the fridge. He opened the jar, and held it out to her. Talia shook my head, and he got himself one.

"So..." He said, putting the jar down, "What're you doing here?"

She smiled. "How did I know you were about to ask that?"

He chuckled, but didn't say anything.

"Well, my mom and dad... We didn't really get along. And I turn 18 in a few days, so I just took off. I couldn't take living there anymore. And I somehow ended back up in Jersey, where I lived when I was like, 6. Quinn was here, and she offered to let me live with her. Her parents don't mind, so here I am." Most of the story was a lie that Quinn and her had come up with. It was true about Talia's parents, and her parents. But she didn't just show up, and happen to run into Quinn. It took some planning.

"Ohh," he said, thinking about that for a moment. "Well, I live right next door. And if you ever---"

Gerard was cut off by the sounds of Quinn running down the stairs. "OH SHIT," she yelled, "I forgot!" She skidded into the kitchen, chest heaving, looking at them both in alarm.

"You forgot what?" Talia asked.

"I gotta go to work today," she pointed at Gerard, "so you have to go. And you," she turned to Talia, "you just stay here."

"What?" Gerard and Talia both said, but Quinn had already turned to the door. 10 seconds later, the front door opened, and shut.

"What was that?" Talia said angrily.

"That's Quinn for ya," Gerard sighed, "forgetful, and really forceful. Anyways," he jumped back to sit on the counter, "what do you wanna do?"

"Uhh, aren't you supposed to go?" Talia leaned against the wall, and crossed her arms.

"Where would you get that crazy idea from?"

"Quinn just said it."

"No she didn't."

"She totally did."









"FINE!" Gerard yelled, and slid off the counter, "If I have to leave, do you wanna come to my house?"

"Not really."

"You're mean!" Gerard pouted, still grinning.

"I am," Talia admitted, and shook her head, "but I don't think we should. I have to unpack, and stuff."

"C'mon!" Gerard pleaded, "you can meet my brother and his little friend."

"Why do I want to meet your brother and his friend?"

"Because they're obsessed with you already. I'm serious!" Gerard added when Talia laughed, "They came running home, screaming, 'THERE'S A PRETTY GIRL NEXT DOOR!' "

"Well, I am beautiful." Talia smirked.

"And humble." He added, "So, will you come? Pretty please?"

She sighed, "fine, I guess. But you have to eat the rest of this banana." She held out her half eaten banana.

"Weren't you hungry?" He said, taking it from her.

"Your face ruined my appetite." Talia nudged him.

"OUCH. THAT'S COLD." Gerard said as he took a bite out of the banana.

"You liked it."

"I didn't. You hurt my feelings."

"Bull! It was just a joke."

"I'm gonna go home and cry now."


"Here I go, home to cry."

"It was just a sign of my love."

"You're saying you love me?" He smiled, and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Eat your banana." Talia commanded, laughing.
♠ ♠ ♠
I enjoy writing dialogue. (:
And for my only reader, Talia's name is pronounced, "Tal-EE-ah."