She's 18 and a Beauty Queen

I Don't Shower


I wish I understood boys.

I mean, technically, I am one. But the kind of boys I'm referring to are heterosexual teenage boys. I may have the teenage boy part down, but I'm definitely more homo than hetero.

But really. I get that the blond girl was amazingly gorgeous. But did her beauty really deserve all this freaking out that Frank was doing?

I wish I was straight. I bet things would be a lot more simple. For one, I wouldn't be in love with my best friend since before I could remember.

"When do you think Gee'll be back?" Frank asked, weirdly twitchy and giddy.

"I don't know," I said, "he went to Quinn's house. They're probably making out by now."

"Oh yeah. True." He said, while bouncing on the heels of his feet. He had kicked off his shoes the moment he stepped inside, and was his socks were nasty.

"Do you ever wash your socks?" I asked, pointing at his feet in disgust.

"Yeah," he smiled his smile, "sometimes."

"Sometimes. You're nasty." I shook my head, and left the room to get away from the horrific odor. I heard him laughing, as he bounded after me in quick lurches, like a rabbit.

"Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikey?" He whined and grabbed the hem of my shirt, "Don't leave me out there, you fuck."

"Well maybe if you washed your socks, I wouldn't have to ditch you."

"But, I don't have the time to do my laundry!"

"That's disgusting, there's always time to do laundry."

"And sometimes, I don't even have time to shower!"

"You're just saying that to bug me, right?"

"Nope. I'm dead serious. I shower once every few weeks."

"T-that's disgusting!" I was appalled, and he knew it. He giggled, and shook his head.

"Of course I'm kidding. Your face is just priceless, though. Besides," he smirked, "It's every few months."

Just as I was about to say something, we both heard the door open. Frank was gone in an instant, screaming down the hallway, "GEEGEEGEEEGEEEGEEEGEEEGEEEGEEE!" before he went suddenly quiet. I shook my head, and followed.

"Uhh, hello." Frank said to Gerard and the girl in the doorway. She was small and impossibly thin, with long, silky blond hair falling casually down her shoulders and back. She was pale, with a perfect complexion. She had full, pink lips, and amazing gray eyes.

I looked to my brother, and saw him looking at the girl with goo-goo eyes. I looked at Frank, and saw him looking at her with the same eyes.

I hated her already.

"Hi," she said, smiling. "I'm Talia."

"Frank Iero," Frank said, holding out a trembling hand. He looked at it for a second before wiping it off on his pants, then held it up again. She chuckled as she extended her perfectly manicured hand, and took his. They shook, Frank looking at her, fascinated. She let go, and turned to me.

"So you're Mikey?" She smiled widely, friendly.

I nodded, standing in the hallway stonily.

"Gerard's told me so much about you," She continued, not bothered by my obvious dislike. She giggled, and turned to Gee. A flash of anger shot through me. What did my brother tell her about me?

Gerard cleared his throat, ignoring her with restrained smile. "So, what are you kids talking about?"

"About how Frank doesn't shower." I said quickly, hoping to distance Frank from Talia.

Gerard and Talia turned to look at him, and he blushed a deep red. "It was a joke..." He mumbled.

"You joke about not showering? Nice." Gerard said, and walked past Frank. Talia followed, smiling.

Frank stood still for a moment, staring at the wall where Talia was standing. I was debating on whether to apologize or not; he seemed really upset about the whole thing. But then, he spun on his heels, smiling.

"She's really nice, huh?" He said, before following the two into the kitchen.

I stood alone in the hallway. I took a deep breath, and shook my head.

Why couldn't Frank be like that to me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, that took a ridiculously long time to update.
I swear to JESUS CHRIST, that I'll update again this week. o:<
If I don't, you can kill me, k?