
Part One.

I can't believe I let him inside my heart. He ruined everything. He told me he loved me, if he really had loved me he wouldn't of hurt me. But I guess he didn't truly love me. He was just a liar.

I still remember, even though I wish I could forget, the day he broke my heart. It's never going to be able to be fixed.

"Hey Lindsey." He said as he walked into my apartment and gave me a kiss.

"Hi Jack." We walked into my living room/dining room and sat down in a chair together. After almost 20 minutes of silence Jack finally spoke.

"I really need to tell you something important Lindsey."

"Go ahead." I was hoping he was going to propose, I mean we've been dating for over three years now. And we absolutely loved each other.
Or so I thought.

"Okay, well remember when you went on that trip a few months back with your family?"

"Yeah." Of course I remembered. That was the week I met Jimmy. He was in Europe with his band and we had a room across from each other. I still felt guilty about that whole week. Even though I told Jack about flirting and letting Jimmy kiss me.

"Well, remember how I told you about that party? And that girl I flirted with I was really drunk?"

"Yes." I said getting a little mad. I didn't like hearing about this again.

"Well, I might of lied a little bit about that night. See, um we did more than kiss. We kind of had sex." He mumbled the last part.

"Wh-why are you even telling me this?" I was about to cry. I mean he had sex with some random girl, before he even had sex with me. I got up from the chair and stood in front of him.

"Because, I need to. And I have something else to tell you."

"Well go ahead. Hurry up."

"I, I guess I got her pregant. And I think I should do the right thing, and be with her." He said as he stood up.

"So to do the right thing, you're going to break up with me, and try to be with a girl you had a one night stand with?"

"Yeah, I guess so." He shrugged.

"You bastard. Get out now!" I yelled at him and pointed towards the door. He came closer and tried to hug me. I just pushed him away.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I know you're hurt, but if it was some other guy you'd want them to be with person they got pregnant."

"Yeah, well guys who were apparently in love with their girlfriend wouldn't sleep with other people! Now fucking leave!"

"Lindsey, I was drunk. I didn't realize what I was doing!"

"I don't care. People make mistakes when they're drunk, I get that. That's why I don't drink. But what I don't get is why you would decide to ruin this relationship to be with this girl!" I said as I finally started crying.

"I'm sorry! You're still my true love. I hope you know that."

"If I was your fucking true love, then you wouldn't be doing this. Now get out before I call the police or something."

"Fine, I was hoping we could still be friends, but I guess that won't be happening." He said as he walked towards the door.

"Of course not you fucking idiot!" I said as I smalled the door shut. After I was sure he was far enough away I started bawling and leaned against the door.

Is it weird that it's been almost two months and I still can't get over him? I always try to keep busy, because whenever I have a free time I start to think of him. And I almost start crying.

Like now. I was at work, I worked at the local ice-cream shop. But it was a really slow day and barely anyone came in, and that gave me a lot of free time. The only good thing right now is that I was almost done working and then I got to go to my yoga class, with my best friend. She had really helped me get out of my depression after the first week of the break up. Probably if she hadn't I would of tried to kill myself. Maybe.

Just as I was about to start closing up the bell over the door rang and 5 guys walked in.

"Jimmy, why are we here?" One of them said.

"Did you not see the sign? Ice-cream! Duh!" A voice I recognized said. I looked up from counting the income of the week, since it was Friday, to look at the guys who walked in. I recognized one of the guys from my trip in Europe, and when he looked towards me it seemed like he recognized me too. He got this confused look on his face, and he bunched his eyebrows together then he walked up to the counter. "Do I know you?" He put his hands on the counters and moved his head to the side.

"I-I don't know. Maybe." I said nervously. I didn't remember him being so tall in Europe. It made my 5' 2" height feel even shorter.

"What's your name?"


"I really think I know you. Do you live in California?"

"No. I've lived in Texas my whole life." I really wanted to tall him that he did know me but his confused face was so adorable and I really liked it.

"Have you ever been to California?"

"No." I smiled. "I've only been here and Europe."

"Europe? When'd you go to Europe."

"I don't know, Around six months ago."

"What country?" I think he was finally figuring out who I was.


"Is your last name Belanger?"


"I know you." He said as it dawned on him and he pointed at me. "You were that girl, at that hotel in Paris and I tripped and accidentally made you fall into the pool. And you were were that really sexy purple bra and-"

"Yeah. You can stop talking about that know." I laughed getting embarrassed. I can't believe he remembered that.

"So, how have you been?"


"How's that boyfriend of yours?"

"Actually, we broke up."

"Oh, sorry." He said as he got this look in his eyes.

"It's fine. We broke up a couple of months ago. It's all good."

"Oh, so you're over him?"

"Yeah, I'm over him." I lied.

"Okay, then. Do you think you know you might want to go out with me or something?" He mumbled.

"Uh, I'm sure."

"Okay, so when are you free?"

"Well, after you guys leave here, I'm actually going to close up. So I'm free after that. Then I'm free on Monday."

"I'm leaving on Sunday to go back to California for breaks from tour, So we can go out tonight."

"Okay. So do you guys want to order anything?"

"No." He shook his head. "We'll just go. Do you want me to wait outside? Or do you want me to stay in here."

"Actually, um what if I went home for a little while to get ready, then we meet back here around 8?"

"Okay." He smiled as he started walking towards the door. "See you in awhile."
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