Don't Cry For Me

Right In Front Of Her Face....

Frankie parked in an alley that was pitch black, except for a single street light far away, and dirtier than most of the streets in Dealthboro. Renna scoffed at the scene before her. When Frankie got out, he picked her up as well, not giving her a chance to get up herself. He went inside a building that looked as though it has been abandoned years before. He took her up a fleet of stairs and entered a room with four other people in it. The room was lit only with a single lamp, placed in the far corner of the room, and the lone window in the middle of the room was opened, letting in a small yet comforting breeze. Frankie placed Renna in a chair sitting by the window, and he closed the door. A man sitting by the lamp repositioned himself on the chair, knowing there were more people here. Renna heard him sigh, seeming depressed about something.

"What took you so long, Frankie?"

"Sorry, but the girl needed to be cared for first...she's still weak, so she's not ready yet..." Frankie replied, looking to the floor. Renna's eyes widened, hearing what he had just said.


"Nothing bad, we promise....." the man sitting by the lamp replied. Renna focused her attention to that man, and she wondered what he looked like.

"Well, if you're not going to harm me, then it shouldn't be a problem to reveal your face to me...." Renna said, sounding a little too cocky, considering the situation. The man sighed and got up, stretching as if he had just been sleeping. He turned around and walked over to Renna, now taking a good look at the girl. She stared at him and realized that he seemed just as familiar as Frankie was. The man knelt down next to her, now literally inches away from her face.

"My name is Gerard...."

" you know someone named...."

"Mikey? Yeah, that would be me..." a man sitting far behind her said. Renna jumped at the voice and quickly turned around to find a brown-haired man sitting in a chair, seeming calm and cool. He looked so familiar, and then suddenly something came into her mind, where the man in front of her had glasses on and lighter-brown hair.....wait a minute....glasses? GLASSES!

"Mikey Way?!" Renna asked, just realizing their names. He nodded, causing her to look at Gerard.

"...and you're in Gerard Way, aren't you?" she asked, now looking down at him. His eyes looked down and soon he nodded as well. She glanced at Frankie, who was still looking to the ground, as if he was terribly shy.

"You guys are part of My Chemical I right?" she asked him, causing him to look up at her.

"Yes....we are...."

"Wait....aren't there supposed to be five of you? Ray Toro and Bob Bryar, am I right?" Renna asked, curious as to why only the three men where there. Frankie sighed.

"Ray and Bob aren't like us.....they haven't been changed yet......but we plan on it..." he said, shuffling his feet while still looking at the floor with a somber tone. She shook her head.

"Where are they now?"

"They're in our old home back in Monroeville.....they have no clue about us....I mean, what we are....but they know we are alive, so that's a good thing in a sense......we just can't let them know everything yet...."

"...but.....what in the hell are you doing being 'Night Roamers'?"

"Look......we didn't choose this life..." Gerard defended Frankie, getting up and walking back to his chair.

"What's stopping you from continuing your music?" Renna asked randomly, seeing as they hadn't created music in four years, ever since she was thirteen. Mikey got up and knelt down in front of her, looking out the window.

"You don't understand what's happened to us, Renna.....we can't go out in public, so that means we can't record anymore music...." he said in all seriousness, turning to glare at her.

"Exactly....if we recorded an album, but never went out in public, people would think we were hermits, which we aren' least we don't choose to be...." Frankie agreed, pacing across the room. Renna only became more confused.

"Look, can't you guys just tell me what's going on here? Why did you kidnap me, and what are you going to do to me?" she started to yell, now getting restless. With all her energy, she barely got herself up from the chair and held herself up. She turned around and saw two bodies lying on the ground, seeming dead. She shrieked and fell back down into the chair. Frankie rushed over to her and took her by the shoulders.

"Renna, gotta calm down now.....everything will be explained in time, you'll see.....but for now you need to relax and try to be composed....."

"But....but....what about those BODIES?!" she asked, jerking her head behind her. Frankie sighed.

"Those aren't dead bodies....they're revamping bodies....."


"They're forming into one of us....they use to be regular you.....but they're in the middle of the process...."

"Are they......anyone in particular?" she asked, just for the heck of it. Frankie smirked a little and patted her shoulders, getting up.

"Actually, I think they're your friends...." he said, walking away. Renna's eyes bulged out of their sockets, and she quickly turned around in her chair to look for herself. Frankie was indeed right. To the left was Zinelle, the energetic girl with an unbelievable ability to tell if someone was lying or telling the truth. She had curly red hair that went down to her elbows, and her skin was golden. Her eyes were naturally purple, well......not naturally.......while her mom was pregnant with her, she and her father experimented with a drug called "Dyskatine", and if enough was taken, it could alter the eye color of an infant if one was conceived within a year's time. It also gave the baby an unnatural ability, and it varied from baby to baby. The truth ability was her unnatural ability, and she used it well.

To the right was Noetta, the total opposite from Zinelle. The only thing those two had in common was the fact that their parents used the same drug while pregnant with the two of them. Noetta was laid back, carefree and friendlier to strangers than Zinelle, but that didn't mean that she couldn't act bitchy at times, especially to those who annoyed her. Her eyes were white, or albino as many would say, and her hair was brown, crimped and down to her chin. Her pale skin seemed as white as her eyes, despite countless attempts to tan it. Her unnatural talent was the ability to move things without even needing to touch them. Zinelle would occasionally get jealous of her because of this, but never showed it much.

Renna looked back at Frankie and sighed.

"How long does this process take?" she asked, hoping it would be fast.

"About three hours......they started two hours ago, so they're almost done."

"Are they any....different?"

"What, you mean from before they were 'Night Roamers'? Nah....they just live by new rules...."

"Do they...die?"

"Yeah, everyone's inevitable.....but we live longer than the average human being....up to twice as long....."

"Oh my..."

"Yeah, that's one cool thing about it....we can be killed though.....we aren't invulnerable to guns or anything of that nature...."

"'re going to convert me as well, aren't you?" Renna asked, seeming a little depressed. Gerard, Mikey and Frankie looked at each other, as if they had no clue as to what she was talking about. After countless moments, Frankie finally nodded his head.

"That was the plan....yeah...." he said, looking at her while saying this. She nodded her head as well and sighed.

"I see......when were you going to do it?" she asked, knowing tears were starting to form in her eyes. Frankie saw this and went over, brushing away her tears with his thumb.

"As soon as you were re...." Mikey started, but Gerard kicked him hard on the leg, and it was enough for Mikey to stop talking. Renna fortunately didn't hear Mikey's rant, because she was still transfixed upon the warm, hazel eyes staring at her.

"You know, if you want, we'll let you visit your parents once more before you....go.....if you know what I mean......" Frankie suggested, seeing the pain in her eyes. She suddenly gasped and shoved Frankie, due to his remark.


"Why not?"

"You just can't, ok?" she said, curling up in her chair as if she was shivering. Frankie embraced her in a hug, being able to relate to the feeling she was having right anxiety attack. He would occasionally get these attacks sometimes after his job at night. He never knew why he got them, but it was annoying, and he dreaded it every night. After a few moments, he pulled away and continued to stare at her. They gazed upon each other, and suddenly Frankie started leaning in to kiss her. She noticed this, but didn't feel like pulling away. She started leaning in as well, and just as their lips were on the brink of touching, Mikey and Gerard pulled Frankie away.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT, FRANKIE!" they both yelled.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry, Renna..." he said, looking at her. Their lips had touched the teeniest bit, and in that nanosecond, Renna saw images of countless lights, colors, and people she knew from long ago. She thought it was the rumored "fireworks" that happened when someone kissed you, but she quickly realized that they didn't technically kiss.

She didn't know how close she was to her fate.....right in front of her face.....