Don't Cry For Me

What's So Funny? You're Scaring Me....

"Zinelle, how do you feel?" Renna asked her friend, who was sitting on the floor where she was laying before. She shook her head.

"I don't feel any face hurts though...."

"Did anyone punch you?"

"'s not I sound crazy?"

"Not at all...." Renna replied, hugging her knees and laying her head on them. The boys of MCR had to leave and do their work, and they trusted that the girls would stay put, seeing as they had no way to leave, since the boys took the keys to the car. They never actually drove the car for work, but it was usefull in many other situations. Noetta was still converting, and it started to worry Renna.

"Why is Noetta taking so long to wake up?" she asked, looking at the limp body in front of her.

"She must've started later than me......she was still awake when I passed out."

"What did they do to you to convert you?"

"Uh....I'd rather not say..."

"Why not?"

"It's kinda bad...."

"Like torture?!" Renna asked, getting fearful of what the MCR boys would do her when it came time to convert her as well. Fortunately, Zinelle shook her head, but oddly, she started to smile.

"Hell fact, I really liked it....a lot..."

"Huh? Wait, who converted you?"

"Mikey....he's a pretty good converter..." she said, starting to giggle. Renna only got more confused.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing......Noetta wanted Gerard, so I let her..." she mentioned randomly, and then she started to laugh.

"You're scaring me with this laughing bit here..." Renna said, amazed at her friend's constant chuckling. Finally Zinelle stopped and started to act serious.

"You honestly don't know what they do to convert you?" she asked, wiping away her leftover tears of laughter. Renna shook her head.

"No....I wanted to, though...that's why I asked you in the first place......but now I prefer not to know, just from your reaction..." Renna said, lying down on the floor. She had regained some of her energy in the past few hours, so she was able to get herself up and lay down on the floor to join her converted friend.

"Believe me, it's not bad, or embarrassing, or least that was my experience..."

"..........ok then.....tell me...."

"You're so got Frankie as your converter.....of course, I love Mikey, and I'm not putting him down, but Frankie's one of those dream guys...everybody loves him.....and here you are getting ready to become revamped by him....the guitar-thrashing god...."

"Ok, the way you're talking makes it seem like he's gonna have sex with me or stop being silly and tell me what they do..."

Zinelle just smiled.

"You can't be serious...." Renna said, getting up from the floor, realizing the look Zinelle sported. She just nodded.

"You bet....."

"You mean..."


"Oh my God..." Renna muttered, realizing what the process was.

They converted you by having sex with you....

"Tell me, since it'll be your first hot do you think Frankie Iero is? Hot? Super hot? Omega hot?" Zinelle joked, causing Renna to hit her playfully on the arm. She still couldn't believe she was, liking a man she just met, and now she had to sleep with him. She found out officially from Frankie himself that he was indeed almost ten years older than her, just like she had suspected. She then thought back to the almost-kiss, and she looked over to Zinelle, who was still staring back at her.

"What's up with the kiss?"

"What do you mean?"

"Frankie and I almost kissed, like our lips hardly touched, and tons of images and lights flashed through my mind......what was that about?"

"Oh...I think that was the mind preparing itself for the conversion..."


"Let me explain....Gerard told me all about this, because I asked him this as well.....when a 'Night Roamer' kisses a human, it's usually solely for the purpose of revamping them, so their kiss sends signals to the human's brain, preparing all the info and all for the conversion, so no memory is lost. When they have sex with you, they literally drain you out, and all your energy is depleted, and you soon pass out afterward. Then the three hour process starts, and you know the rest..."

"Whoa....but Frankie didn't seem like he wanted to revamp me yet, so why would he kiss me then?"

"He probably likes you..."

"You think?"

"Yeah....I actually have no feelings towards anyone now no what he did doesn't make sense....."

"What do you mean? Like you lose the physical attraction to other people when you become a 'Night Roamer'?"

" seems that way.......but with Frankie, he seems to like you, so I don't know.....I'm only an amateur......" Zinelle concluded. She looked at Renna for moment and then smiled.

"You want him to like you, don't you?"

"No I DON'T!"

"'re forgetting my ability....." she said with a smile. Renna cursed herself inside her head for thinking of Frankie like that. She knew better than to lie to Zinelle. Just then the door opened and in came Gerard with a bag of clothes it seemed. He threw the bag on the ground next to the two girls, and then he noticed Noetta's limp body. He smirked and giggled, going over to pick her up and make her more comfortable.

"I guess I really tired her out...." he said, positioning her so she would be more content. Zinelle chuckled at this comment, and so did Renna, now knowing what he actually DID to her. She looked at the bag and sighed.

"Ok, Gerard...what's in the bag?" she asked, pointing to it. He picked it up and took out handfuls of clothes. Renna smiled at the sight......they were all black.

"This is your new apparel....enjoy..." he said, throwing the bag at the two girls. They both rummaged through it and picked out clothes they liked, since they both were the same size. Mikey and Frankie walked in soon after to find them admiring the clothes they had gotten them. Frankie smirked and went over to Renna, sitting down with her.

" like the clothes?"

"You bet....they're so me..."

"So you? That's not normal..."

"Sorry, but for lack of a better phrase, I used that there..." she shot back, sticking her tongue out. Frankie just shook his head and looked at her, seeming to enjoy her presence. She sighed and looked at a certain shirt in particular, with dark purple sleeves and a black middle. It was one of the few clothes in the bag that had some sort of color on them. "You know, I found out about the revampment...." she said, smiling while still looking at the shirt. Frankie's eyes went big and his mouth dropped slightly.

" mean, you know what we..."

" Yup.....every single detail....." she said, almost flirting with him. He sighed and looked at her with alluring eyes.

" wanna revamp now?" he joked, making her smile, the first REAL smile she ever made ever since she met him. She shook her head and sighed.

"No, but when is the deadline?"

"What if I told you it was midnight tonight?" Frankie asked, putting an arm around her. She giggled and pushed his arm off.

"Then I'd call you impatient....."

"Well, I'm not's the rule...."


"When we take captives, they must be revamped within two days time, otherwise they will be returned wherever they came from, with no recollection of what happened during those two days, and a 'Night Roamer' will be forced to die."

"Ok,'re saying this just so you can sleep with me won't work..."

"Really? You honestly think I'm rushing this?"

"Hell yes! Zinelle, is Frankie telling the truth?" she asked her friend, who was listening the whole time. The look on Zinelle's face wasn't reassuring.


"What? You mean there IS such a rule?!"

"Yeah.....there is....."

"So that means I gotta sleep with him by midnight tonight?!?!"

"Yeah....he's telling the truth, do gotta sleep with him...." Renna's face grew pale and she almost fainted, but drew up enough energy to resist. Frankie looked disappointed.

"That's a sign you don't like me very much..."

"What? NO! Frankie, it's not that, it's're practically ten years older than me, and it'll be my first time, and I'M A MINOR!" she pointed out. Mikey and Gerard laughed, finding this funny.

"That didn't stop us!" Mikey commented, pointing to Zinelle and Noetta. The other girls were the same age as Renna, and they were virgins as well, and since MCR was so close in age, they were almost ten years older also. Renna sighed and looked at Frankie, who was looking down to the ground. She lifted up his chin and smiled.

"I think you like me, though.....right?" she asked, making sure to keep eye contact with him. He slowly nodded his head, telling her she was right. She slowly got up and took him out of the room, so they could have some privacy. They stopped in the hallway and just stared at each other, and she could tell through Frankie's eyes that he had feelings for her. It didn't matter what Zinelle has said about "Night Roamers" having no physical attraction towards others. She just knew that Frankie was different. She then suddenly knew what had to happen next. Even though she knew the feeling that came with it, she leaned in to kiss him. He was looking down, so he had no clue of her approach. At the very last second, she took his face in her hands and directed it to her own. She then leaned in the last bit she needed to make their lips connect, and suddenly the images and light returned. They were stronger than before, because this time the kiss was real. She wrapped her hands around his head and pulled his face closer, wanting more of the feeling. She felt Frankie pull her closer, and she smiled in the kiss. After a few minutes, all that remained of the images were the lights, seeing as though the preparation was almost complete. She felt Frankie pulling her down to the ground, and she thought in her head what he was doing. Half of her wanted to pull away, not wanting to continue, but another half wanted to stay and enjoy the sensation. When Frankie was finally on top of her, he felt her lifting up his black shirt, actually going along with the whole thing, instead of his usual victims that tried to pull away. His past experiences imitated and seemed like a rape, but it wasn't exactly....
He suddenly remembered what he was really doing, and he quickly got off of her and pulled his black shirt back on. She looked at him in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't do this to you.....not yet..."

"Why not? I want to become a 'Night Roamer' now...."


"What are you talking about?"

"YOU REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND, DO YOU?! Once you become a 'Night Roamer', you gotta keep creating more of them. You gotta sleep with people, which is the main reason why no 'Night Roamers' can become couples......the jealousy would drive them mad!"

"I wouldn't be jealous! I understand that your kind needs to recreate in order to survive....I can accept that!"

"Yeah, well I CAN'T!" he screamed, causing her to jump. "I....I would go insane thinking of you sleeping around with men who didn't care for you......I'm not strong enough......" he said solemnly, closing his eyes.

"Frankie....I heard 'Night Roamers' couldn't feel any physical attraction or love towards one another........are you telling me you actually care for me like that?"

"I don't know why I'm feeling like this, but yeah, I's never happened before....I mean, I used to have no feelings towards the people I converted, but when I saw you for the first time on the edge of that bridge, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you." He said, looking up at Renna. She was at a loss of words, despite the feeling she had deep down that she already knew of his feelings. To actually hear that he was falling for see the look in his caring, hazel eyes....she felt a rush go through her body....she was falling for him too, and she couldn't stop it.....she loved this feeling, but she loathed the aftermath of attraction....she decided to ask Frankie now, as this would be the deciding factor between leaving and being revamped.

"Frankie.....this may seem random, but will I still feel the way I feel for you once I become one of your kind?" she asked, now curious as to what he'd say. He shook his head.

"I don't think so.....which is why I can't fall for you....." he said, sinking to the ground and putting his hands on his face. He wasn't crying, but he was getting the lump in his throat and the stomach pain that usually accompanied such an act. She saw this and crawled over to him, embracing him in a hug.

"Listen, Frankie........why don't we just revamp, and when I convert, I'll see if I still feel this way for you? You have to sleep with me anyway, so let's get that over with first, and try to figure out my feelings later....I don't want you to die because you think I might not love you back afterwards....and I don't want to forget you,'re one of the best things that's ever happened to me....."

"Really? I mean......are you sure you're ready?" he asked, looking up at her. She nodded her head.

"Yes...I'm sure...."

"It gets pretty intense,'s not like usual sex....there's more involved..."

"I wouldn't know.....I'm still a virgin...."

"Oh, alright then......well, just so you know, you need to close your eyes the whole time..."


"Well, it sounds funny, but there are lights that appear during it, and to the human eye, it can blind you...."

"Well, when you imagine it, it seems ridiculous and weird."

"I know....I never understood it at all...."

"Will it feel good?" she asked, but immediately regretted asking that question as soon as she saw the devilish smirk on Frankie's face.

"I can't feel it when you're a 'Night Roamer', so I actually forgot the feeling of
having sex...."

"That's not good...."

"It isn't.....but from what I've heard, it's pretty nice....I know though that if it's your first time, and if it's with a 'Night Roamer', then it's extra amazing!"

"Ok, we gotta stop's funny just to talk about it...."

"Yeah, I know what you mean......c'mon with me.....there's a bedroom two floors up, and it's well furnished....."

"Ok...." she said, getting up with him. She felt so awkward now, and she could thank that talk for the feeling. She really cared for him, that was obvious, but if this was a normal relationship, she'd want to wait a while....more like a couple years, when she was legal....but this was different. It was either revamp or have the love of your life die, and well, her heart didn't really leave no choice.

He helped her up the stairs up to the room he had mentioned, and he was right about the well-furnished part. It was black, of course, but there was blue and purple along with it, and the moonlight that has just formed with the full moon was shining through the window, giving off a twilight sparkle in the room with a slight breeze. There were no lights, and this didn't surprise Renna in the slightest bit. She went over to the bed and sat on it, looking at Frankie. He walked over to her and sighed, sitting next to her on the bed.

"Frankie....I won't lie...I feel awkward now, only because of the situation...."

"I know, I know.....I do too.....but we got to do it....."

"Yeah....." she muttered, looking into his hazel eyes, which were seen with help from the moonlight. He was staring at her, and she knew that now was the time to start. She leaned in quickly, but not too quickly like she was desperate, and started kissing him on the neck. She noticed that with every kiss that was placed upon his neck, a blue light outlining the kiss would appear, and would stay there for around three seconds. She took Frankie's face and held it in her hands, just staring at him. She then leaned in and kissed him deeply on the lips, not wanting to wait anymore. Frankie soon go into it and held her by the shoulders, then starting to lower her onto the bed. She started taking off his belt, while he started taking off hers. Soon enough all their clothes were off, and they were both about ready to begin the process. She looked at Frankie one last time before kissing him and closing her eyes.

That was the last time she'd see him as a human......