Don't Cry For Me

Great, Now I've Screwed Her Up...Nice Going, Iero.

One flash of light appeared....

Then two more, in the color of red....

Finally, Renna felt her eyes open, and soon she was looking at the ceiling of the bedroom she and Frankie had sex in. She turned to her left and looked out the window. Darkness like always....the depressing part about Dealthboro was the fact that there was never any daylight. The moon was always out, and whenever daytime would come around, thick clouds that were almost black in color would continuously cover the whole sky. Despite her hatred for the dark clouds and the constant darkness, she loved night for one reason, and one reason alone.....the stars. The moon was too bright for her, and the actual deep sky surrounding it was too dark, yet the stars were just perfect. They glowed a dim light that just barely let others know of their existence. She could lie in a field for hours non-stop, just staring at them and admiring their beauty.
She looked to her right and saw a raise in the bed. Frankie had actually slept there after they were done. Usually she thought they would just have sex and leave. Maybe Frankie cared for her more than other "Night Roamers". She saw a piece of old parchment paper, seeming to be at least a couple hundred years old. There was red ink on it, and she went to the window to get some light, since there were no lamps in the bedroom.

After you read this, come downstairs.....I wanna talk to you about last night.....

Renna smiled at the signature, seeing swirls around the "F" and lines underneath his whole name, showing his urgency in the message. She got up from the ground, brushed off her knees, and walked downstairs, making tiny creaking noises with each passing step. When she entered the room, she saw Zinelle and Noetta trying on the new clothes, while the boys were turned around, being forced not to peek. Renna smiled at the sight.
"Hi, people...." she said calmly, smiling as they turned around. They guys hesitated, not sure if it was okay to turn around yet. When they finally did, they saw her being hugged by the other girls. Frankie gazed at her, seeing the newly formed black tattoo on her neck.

Wait....there's not supposed to be a tattoo on her neck.... He thought to himself. Great, now I've screwed her up.....nice going, Iero...

"Frankie? What are you staring at?" Mikey asked, grinning from ear to ear. Frankie shook his head.
"Eh,'s nothing.....well, actually....."
"What is it? Are you secretly in love with her or something?" Mikey joked, kissing him humorously on the cheek. Frankie didn't budge, not liking the moment.
"No.....what is it with that tattoo on her neck?" he asked, pointing to the newly revamped Renna, who was chatting with her friends. Gerard shook his head.
"I have no clue......was it there before?"
"No.......wait, what's happening NOW?!" he started to yell, seeing another tattoo-ish print appear on her one arm. There were swirls and detailed patterns magically being created, and Renna soon noticed. She didn't scream, since it wasn't causing her pain, but she gazed upon it, like she was a little boy meeting his favorite action hero. It soon slowed down and ended with a diagonal design, taking on an impression of a hand grabbing her arm. She soon felt weird, and she lifted up her sleeves to find diagonal swirls going across the middle of both her upper arms. She looked back and forth from each arm, amazed by the very thing happening to her. When they ended, another one started on her back, and she looked in the mirror on the far side of the room to find out where exactly it was forming. She lifted up her shirt and saw the same pattern forming in a straight line down her back. When that one ended, she sighed, thinking it was over. She soon felt another one start to form on both her shoulders, and she then started to panic, not seeing what this was supposed to mean. She motioned for all of them to come over, and soon they were right by her side, still amazed by what was happening. The shoulders were completely covered when the pattern finally stopped, and she awaited yet another pattern to start forming. She sighed when after a few minutes, no new patterns had appeared, but her lips had turned a greyish color, seeming to be a good color for her, considering her eyes and her skin. She looked over at Frankie and gave him a sad look.
"Frankie....was this supposed to happen?" she asked, on the brink of tears. Frankie shook his head, and she started to cry, causing Frankie to hold her in am embrace. His hands were touching the only exposed skin at the time, her hands, holding them for her comfort. She pulled away and continued to let Frankie hold her hands, liking the feeling. Suddenly she felt the forming of another pattern, and she soon noticed her hands starting to turn black with tattoos. She backed away from Frankie, causing him to let go of her hands. Suddenly, as soon as he let go, the pattern also stopped, right where her skin and his skin last touched. She figured out was going on.

Everywhere that Frankie touched her, her skin would be tattooed.....

All the other marks made up for the times he touched her before she was a "Night Roamer". She shook her head, realizing something more. All "Night Roamers" were incapable of love, which was why no other "Roamer" had these marks. Everyone was unable to love.

Everyone except Frankie.......his love caused these marks.....and now that she was a "Roamer", the markings would appear instantly, as soon as he touched her. It was as if it was blackmail for someone, as punishment for having the ability to love in their kind. It was proof for everyone that everytime they'd see that mark, they'd be reminded of how she wasn't a normal "Roamer".......this scared her, because she didn't know what would happen if the wrong person found out about these markings.

Frankie and the others soon realized what he was doing as well. He looked at his hands to see the last tiny bit of black disappearing from his fingertips. He shook his head and clenched his fists in anger. He then punched the wall, causing a small crack in it.
"IS THIS MY PUNISHMENT?! IS THIS WHAT I GET FOR LOVING SOMEONE?!" he asked to the sky, appearing to be talking to God. Everyone looked at him, unsure of what he'd do next. Gerard took Renna and led her out into the street, where it had started to rain, with thunder and lightning. It wasn't violent, but more rather calm and relaxing...the exact opposite of Renna's situation.
" should go...."
"Why? No, I mean.....can't we try to figure something out?"
"Listen....Frankie is not going to get better knowing you're here..."
"Well, since he loves me Gerard, wouldn't he be MORE worried if he didn't know where I was?" she shot back, looking him in the eyes. He shook his head, telling her that Frankie was not the real reason why she had to go.
" need to leave before he finds you..."
"Who is he?"
"He is the ruler of all 'Roamers'....he's dealt with this sorta thing before, and....."
"What? What did he do?" Renna begged. Gerard lifted his head in the pouring rain to reveal his tears, which were clearly visible through the dark, black, semi-transparent rain that was falling.
"He's been known to kill them....and those associated with their markings......" Gerard said, hardly able to finish. Renna's eyes widened.
"Omg....Frankie...." she muttered, genuinely concerned about him. Gerard nodded.
"Yes....and us too, since we know need to run away to a place where he'll never find you...."
"Where's that?"
"There's two places, yet only one is ever used.....the other one is abandoned....I don't remember how it happened, but I know it did happen....."
"Ok, then tell me the name of the one I go to......"
"Its name is Clarton Avenue..."
"A street?"
"I know the name is weird, but it's the only place you can go....Bovaneer can never find this place, no matter how hard he tries, because he can't figure out the special ciphers needed to obtain the directions...."
"What are the ciphers?"
"Here....I'll tell you...." he said, getting a small paper from his pocket and, seeing as he had no pen, used a knife he carried to cut his flesh and reveal glowing blue blood. Renna gazed upon it, not sure whether or not it was real. Gerard saw this and sighed, seeing as she couldn't believe it. He quickly struck a small cut on her hand, causing the same glowing liquid to appear in the outline of her cut. She looked at Gerard, and he smiled slightly, amused at her reaction.
"You'll get used to it soon enough...." he said, writing down the ciphers with the tip of his knife and his blood. When the blood dried, it stopped glowing and turned black, like regular ink. She put the paper in her pocket and sighed, not wanting to go. She and Gerard embraced each other in a hug and pulled away to leave. Before Gerard disappeared in the building, though, Renna stopped him in his tracks and caused him to turn around.
"What is it?"
"How long have you guys been 'Roamers'?" Renna asked, knowing she at least needed to know that. Gerard sighed and looked to the ground, remembering the exact moment it happened to himself.
"Four years ago...."
"Ok.....also, can you tell Frankie something?"
"Can you tell him.........that I love him? That I don't know what I'd do if he didn't enter my life.....and that he saved me from myself? Can you tell him that?" She asked, showing love in her eyes like never before. Gerard gazed at her, as if she was foolish, but soon sighed and nodded his head, looking back to the ground and putting his hands in his pockets in the soaking rain.
"Yeah....I'll tell him that......"
"Promise me you will...."
"I promise to tell go, before it's too late....."
"Ok.....bye Gerard......I'll miss you...."
"I'll miss you too, Renna...."
"Take good care of Noetta for me....and watch out for her special know, the moving objects with her mind thing...."
"Will do.....bye...." he muttered, starting to walk inside, but slowly. Renna replied with another bye and watched as Gerard Way, the lead singer in the supposedly former band My Chemical Romance, walked into the building, up the stairs, into the room that Frankie was in, and out of her life.........