Don't Cry For Me

There's No Way To Return To What We Once Were...

....::::....ONE MONTH LATER....::::....

Renna sat down on a tree stump in Clarton Avenue, the place Gerard had told her to go. She had found it easily with his directions, and it only took a day or so to get there. She drifted off to sleep, and she felt a dream starting to begin....

She saw a sea of black, with the moonlight shining on it, and she smiled. She then saw a shimmering object in the sand, confirming her that she was at a beach. She went over to the object and picked it up, wondering what it was. It was a medallion, and it had a sapphire center, and a new jewel around it that was just discovered called "Black Ferian Ruby". The stone was so dark that it was darker than blood, but it wasn't totally black. Diamonds were surrounding the jewels, and a glowing green edge as well. She then heard a scream, and she turned around to find two men fighting. One man was more muscular than the other, yet the scrawnier one was more swift. They both soon reached Renna, and when they both saw the medallion she was holding, they both stopped and ran towards her. She threw the object at them, and when it hit the sand, the muscular man grabbed it first. The other man glanced at her, and she saw his eyes.

They were glowing a bright hazel....

She rushed over to him and tried to get him away from the other man, but he saw, and he started chasing the two of them. After a few seconds of running, Frankie turned around quickly and let go of Renna. He rushed towards the man, looking like he was ready to fight him to the death. Renna's eyes widened when the muscular man drew out a gun that had grey smoke orbiting it.

"FRANKIE! STOP!" she yelled, wanting to stop him, but he was too far ahead. She heard a loud roaring noise, and her eyes opened to reveal a few people looking at her in a strange way.

"Are you okay, Miss?" one woman asked. Renna blinked a few times and glanced at her arms, still displaying the black tattoos. She smirked.

"I don't know...." she muttered, getting up and walking away from the small crowd.

She didn't like that dream. It seemed too familiar in some way, as if she had dreamt it before. She knew for a fact that she didn't, but the uncanny feeling stayed. As she kept thinking and walking at the same time, she soon remembered what she said to Gerard when she last saw him.

"Can you tell him.........that I love him? That I don't know what I'd do if he didn't enter my life.....and that he saved me from myself? Can you tell him that?"

She told him that she loved Frankie........did that mean she truly loved him like she did before? She wanted to say yes, but she wasn't so sure yet. She wanted to go back and talk to Frankie about the night she was revamped, which they never got a chance to discuss. She bit her lip and tried to think of a way to go back.

She couldn't see how it could be done.

If she stayed, she would be safe from Bovaneer, yet she could never talk to Frankie or the others ever again.....

On the other hand, if she went, she could finally live with Frankie, have friends for once, and live happily.......until Bovaneer would come and kill them.....that was a problem.......either way, she was basically screwed......


"Gerard....where do you think Frankie is?" Mikey asked, watching Zinelle sleeping. Gerard shook his head.

"I really don't know, Mikey.....usually I would, but ever since Renna left, he's been hiding in the weirdest places....I can never find him half the time....." Gerard said, getting up and closing the window. Mikey sighed and continued to look at Zinelle, smiling from time to time. Gerard noticed this and smiled at Mikey.

"Don't tell me you're starting to like her.....don't end up like Frankie...."

"No, I'm not liking's just.....well, I just wish I could remember what love felt like.......its been so long since I had an emotion close to it....."

"Mikey, you know there's no way to return to what we once were..."

"I know, I know.....I can dream, can't I?"

"Yeah, I guess you can...."

"Gerard, don't tell me you've NEVER missed knowing what it felt like to love a person...."

"I won't deny it, Mikey....I've missed the feeling.......I just don't know how it's possible for Frankie to love Renna like that....he's never been like that before...."

"I wish Bovaneer wasn't so anal about the love stuff....he sure isn't the romantic type..."

"Same here....." Gerard said, starting to look around for something.

"Where's Noetta?" he asked, sitting back down. Mikey got a book from the end table next to his chair and opened it.

"She's sleeping....she beat Zinelle in the race for the bed, so Zinelle had to sleep down here....."

"Oh......wait, you mean she's in Frankie's bedroom?!" he screamed, realizing the "conversion" bedroom was also Frankie's bedroom. Mikey nodded.


"The only one who can actually SLEEP there are Frankie and his recent victims!"

"Well, Frankie lets the girls go up there...."

"Do you think Frankie with them?"

"Frankie? case you didn't notice, he's not in the revamping mood, if you know what I mean...."

".....when a Night Roamer has romantic feelings, I can never tell what they might feel.....I can only hope you are right...."

"I think I am...." Mikey said, starting to read the book. He had missed watching TV back when he was human, but once after he converted, he tried to watch it. This only resulted in his eyes getting a burning sensation and his pupils turning white. "Roamers" were not able to take the waves sent by the TV signals.....they practically burned the eyes down to nothing. He wasn't a TV junkie or anything, but he liked to watch it every now and then. It was just another feeling he wished he could obtain once again. Just then the window cracked, causing Gerard and Mikey to jump. Gerard looked out to see Frankie throwing rocks at it, particularly large rocks. Gerard sighed and opened the window.


"I left the window open, you idiot! It's the only way for me to get back into the building!" Frankie yelled from the ground. He held onto his leather jacket tightly, since the crime at this hour was pretty intense, even for a "Roamer".

"You know, there IS a thing called the stairs....they are useful in your situation..."

"Don't get smart with me, Gee!"

"I'm not being smart....I'm using a thing called COMMON SENSE! You obviously don't have it! Just come up the stairs!"

"I can't!"


"I don't have the key....."

"Where is it?"

"Oh, lookie here!" Mikey said, picking up a shiny metal object by the door. Gerard sighed and stared at Frankie.

"Hold on....I'll go open the door for you..."

"Thanks...." Frankie said, going over to the front door. After Gerard let him in, Frankie went up to go get his key. Mikey handed it over with a smile.

"You know, you've never left your key on the floor before..."

"I know, Mikey.....sorry I let you down..." Frankie said bitterly, shoving him and going over to the window. Gerard came through the door and closed it. He then stared at Frankie for a few seconds before sighing.

"Frankie....what are you thinking about?"

"......Renna......" he said, leaning his head on the window frame. He wished he knew where Renna was. He wondered why she "ran away", or whatever Gerard called it. He just wanted to know why. Gerard looked over to Mikey, who was also looking at Frankie. They wanted to help in the worst way, but they knew it was hopeless. Renna couldn't return.....she was too dangerous. The only thing to do would be to somehow kill Bovaneer. That was virtually impossible to say the least. Frankie knew this as well, but he was willing to fight him to the death, if it meant having Renna for the rest of his extended life. He walked away from the window and took off his jacket, putting it on his "designated" chair. He sat down and rubbed his eyes, obviously tired from all the thinking he was doing. He had just come back from an alleyway down the street. It wasn't crime-infested like most alleyways, which was why Frankie went there. He had grown sick of trying to fight off murderers, rapists and every crook that ever crossed his path. It was his job, and like many people with an occupation, he hated it. It wasn't fun, and it took away most of his energy whenever he caught a wrong-doer and placed them in the "Dealthboro Castigation Center", or the DCC. That place held criminals until they were completely brainwashed of every evil thought in their head, and then they were sent back out into the world, more happy and peaceful than when they first arrived.
Frankie sat for a few more minutes before getting back up and going for the fridge in the other room. He came back with a beer.

"Hey, can you get me one?" Mikey asked, holding out his hand in a polite manner. Frankie knew this was coming, and he tossed the other beer in his hand over to him. Mikey smiled and opened it.

"So, where should we stalk for criminals tonight?" he asked, taking a sip of his beer. Gerard sighed and looked out the window, searching for a place in the city that seemed busy with crime that particular night. He spotted one far away.

"23rd and Pine.....there's a lot of action there tonight..." he said, getting up and putting on his jacket. Frankie noticed this and turned his head in confusion.

"Where are you going?"

"Frank, it's 10 PM....time to go to work."

"It's 10 PM already? never can tell with the constant darkness..."

"Yeah, I know what you mean....c'mon, we can't be late...." Gerard said, going for the door. Mikey left his beer on the end table next to his chair and ran behind him. Frankie was the last to leave, and he remembered to take his key with him. He searched for a place to put his beer, but found no vacant tabletops. He placed the nearly full bottle of beer on the floor, then running after the other two.


Gerard grabbed a man by the collar and threw him to the ground, stopping the man instantly. The man tried to get away, but Gerard held him down with his foot, literally stepping on him. Mikey came over to help him out.

"Mikey, hold him down while I secure him...." Gerard ordered, and Mikey did just what he was told to. After the man was secured with Diamond Steel Handcuffs, the strongest substance in the known world, Frankie came over from the street and grabbed the man by the hair, causing him to yelp.


"SHUT UP!" Frankie yelled, tugging his hair more as he was leading him over to the DCC. There was one almost every mile or so, so the walk wouldn't take more than ten minutes or so, depending how fast they walked. Mikey and Gerard went to go find other lawbreakers, while Frankie took the man to his fate. When they reached the DCC, Frankie threw him on the ground and pushed him over to the group of other criminals awaiting their turn. There were two other "Roamers" dropping off their catch, and they were talking to each other. Frankie knew them, and he walked over.

"Hey! Brian and Neven!" he yelled out, causing the two men to look over and smile. They went over and started talking to Frankie. After a few minutes, Neven started to talk about some rumors.

"Hey, Frankie....have you heard of that chick in Clarton Avenue?" he asked, and Frankie just shook his head.

"Well, I heard that there's a chick there that has these insane tattoos all over her body....I don't know her name, though....I was hoping you would know..." Frankie's eyes widened.

"Renna...." he whispered. Brian heard this and smiled.

"So, you have heard about her....that's her name?"

"Uh....yeah.....did anyone figure out why she had those tattoos?" he asked, pretending he had no clue.

"I think you only get those when you fall in love or something like that..." Neven said.

"Are you serious?! We can't fall in know that! Right, Frank?" Brian said with a smile and looking to Frankie for confirmation. Frankie smiled nervously and quickly nodded his head.

" such thing as love for 'Roamers'...." he said quickly, putting his hands in his pockets. After that he left, knowing Mikey and Gerard would wonder what had happened to him. When he returned to 23rd and Pine, he saw the Way brothers capturing the last crook of the night. The moon was getting lower now, and that was the signal that work was over. He smiled at the thought, and he caught up with the two.

"Hey guys..."

"What took you so long?" Mikey asked.

"I was talking with Brian and Neven..." he said, knowing they too knew whom he was talking about. Gerard nodded, carrying the guy on his shoulder.

"What do you say we drop off this last guy and go home?" he suggested, repositioning the guy so he wouldn't fall off.

"That sounds really good..." Mikey said with a smile. Frankie nodded and continued to walk in silence, thinking about how he now knew where Renna was....and wondering who had told her to go to Clarton Avenue.


++NOTE: When I use "they" in this part, it doesn't necessarily mean more than one person.....I just don't want you to know who it is exactly yet! Hehe++

While the three guys were out at work, a figure walked over to the apartment building, trying to get in. They didn't have a key, so they started looking around for an open window. There was one open about two floors up, and they were able to use the rusty emergency staircase next to it. When the figure got to MCR's room, they opened the door and saw that it was pitch black. They noticed a candle by the window, along with a pack of matches. They lit the candle and looked around for the guys. They were also looking for the girls, since they were important as well, but they couldn't see very far with the candle. Just then they stumbled upon a bottle, and they heard shattering, signaling it had broken. They continued to walk for a second, but a long piece of glass tall enough to reach the person's ankle sliced its way through it, causing the person to yell and drop the candle. The next thing they know, they saw a wall of flame appear before them, causing them to fall over onto more broken glass, which cut into their skin. Fire continued to escalate, and smoke started to build.....


Frankie looked at the ground the whole time, wondering who had told Renna to go to the sanctuary known as Clarton Avenue. She couldn't have known about it herself. "Roamers" only knew about it when they were told by other "Roamers". He looked at the guys and stared at them, figuring it had to have been one of them. Gerard soon noticed the glare, and he stopped, causing the others to do the same.

"Frankie...what's wrong?"

"It was you....wasn't it?" Frankie said, continuing to stare at him with his hazel eyes. Gerard's concerned eyes looked at the moon and then to the ground.

"What did I do?" he asked, making sure Frankie knew the same thing he had known.

"You told Renna to go to Clarton Avenue......and you never told me....."

"........yes, I did........"

"Why didn't you tell me?" Frankie asked, feeling a lump in his throat.

"Look, I know you're upset...but, you got to understand.....she was in danger here...we ALL were....that was the only place she could go...."




"BECAUSE YOU LOVE HER, FRANKIE! YOU.....LOVE.....HER! It's as plain as day, and in Dealthboro, day would be noticeable within a split second of its arrival......"

"You don't remember what love is, would you know?" Frankie asked bitterly.

"Because of your eyes......they....change when you look at her...."

"What do you mean?"

"Others may not be able to see it, but I can......when I see your eyes, looking at her, they change from hazel to freaked me out the first time I saw it, but I know now that I'm the only 'Roamer' who can see this....."

"....are you joking?" Frankie asked, taking his hands out of his pockets. Gerard shook his head.

"I would never joke about something like this...." he said simply, staring at Frankie. Mikey, who was silent the whole time, saw an orange radiance in the distance, and it came from the direction of where their apartment was.

"Guys...I hate to break this revelation up, but we have a problem..."

"What's wrong?" Frankie asked. Mikey pointed to the apartment, which was about two miles away.

"I think our apartment complex is in flames...." he said, starting to run to it. Gerard and Frankie looked at each other, and soon they followed Mikey in his race to the burning building.

When they reached the building, they saw two fire trucks, both being connected to nearby fire hydrants, and shooting water into the windows and roof. The three went to go into the building, but a fireman blocked the entrance.

"Sorry, can't go in there.....the building is extremely weak, and it could collapse at any.....GET BACK HERE! STOP!" he yelled when Frankie pushed past him and into the vast inferno before him. The heat from the flames was almost unbearable, and the brightness from the flames almost blinded Frankie. He was able to adjust, and soon he got to the floor that their room was on. He saw a fiery board falling from above him, and he leaped to avoid it. It crashed behind him, blocking the way he came in, which was his supposedly only way out. He sighed, but then coughed, feeling smoke go into his lungs. He wished at that very moment that "Roamers" could withstand fires and smoke, a useful advantage for this situation. Of course, this wasn't the case, so he tried his best not to get killed. He started yelling for the girls, who were sleeping the last time the guys checked. He checked in their room, but the room was engulfed in flames, and he could only hope that Zinelle, who was sleeping in there, had gotten out in time. He went up the stairs, which were starting to become overwhelmed in flames as well, to go see if Noetta was still up in his room. He soon reached his room and saw flames on the curtains and on the bed. There was smoke everywhere, and Frankie started crawling on all fours to avoid it. He soon saw a limp body on the ground near the bed, and he realized it was a girl. He knew it was Noetta, and he rushed over to her side. Her clothes were completely covered in ash, and her whole body was black due to the smoke. For some reason, the smoke from a fire always made the body of a "Roamer" turn pitch black, which sometimes annoyed Frankie. He took her and rushed out to the main floor, but then remembered that the doorway was completely blocked with flames. He soon walked around the floor and saw a window not surrounded with fire. He rushed over and noticed the emergency staircase right outside the window. He smiled at the convenience, took Noetta, and climbed out the window. He started climbing down the stairs when he heard a small rumble. It stopped for a quick second, but then an even louder rumble started, and Frankie realized what was going on.

The building was collapsing....

He starting running down the stairs, with Noetta still in his arms, and when he was around the second floor, he felt debris falling into his hair. He jumped a few stairs and almost dropped Noetta, but he regained his balance and reached the final floor. He almost made it off the staircase when a brick landed on his head, causing him to fall down about six feet, with Noetta falling next to him. Dust and debris covered the two of them as the building collapsed on top of them.

Frankie's eyes winked once, to get the dust out of his eyes, and soon he got up to feel a huge pain on his head. He felt his head and detected a large gash down the middle, obviously bleeding. He groaned and looked in front him to find only a hand exposed in the rubble. He pushed away the debris and took Noetta in his arms, still covered in black. He looked at his own hands and arms and saw the same color. He was used to it, since he had been exposed to fire a few times before.

"HEY GUYS! HE'S OVER HERE! QUICK!" Frankie heard from far away. He turned around to see Mikey running over. He embraced Frankie in a deep hug, almost sounding like he was crying. "OH MY GOD! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" he screamed, now letting the tears fall. Soon Gerard and Zinelle came over and embraced Frankie in a hug as well, also happy to see him.

"Gee, go get water to wash off the black crap....QUICKLY!" Mikey ordered, and soon Gerard came back with a bucket of water. He handed it over to Frankie, and then noticed Noetta.

"Frankie...who's that?" Gerard asked, obviously not able to recognize the girl. Frankie sighed and looked at the girl.

"This is...." he started to say, but he stopped when he saw a girl come up behind Gerard. She had white eyes and brown hair, and she stared at Frankie.

"Frankie? Is that you?!" she yelled. Frankie's eyes widened so much he could practically feel them doing so.

It was Noetta....

"Noetta...." he muttered, finally finishing his now incorrect statement. It wasn't Noetta he was someone else. He took the bucket of water that Gerard had provided and splashed it onto the girl he was holding. The girl had passed out long ago, so nothing could wake her up as she laid still in Frankie's lap. He wiped away the excess black mess from the girl's face and hair, and he gasped, finally realizing who it was.
